Special Gift Suggestions

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Special Gifts,

For a very special someone!

Gift Certificates!

A very unique, personal gift for a Loved One, Special Someone is a Gift Certificate for an individual, private one-on-one consultation with Ray! These gifts are wonderful for any time of year, and particularly so at the time of your Loved Ones Birthday! Ray always suggest that at least one month before a birthday, enJOY a consultation to look into what is potentially on the horizon for the year ahead!

Personalized Birthday Video!

In addition to Gift Certificates, a very special gift for your Loved One is a personalized video by Ray, Created for your Special Someone’s Birthday! This 10-minute video will offer a brief insight as to what may be on the Astrological Horizon as well as a few other insights which Spirit may choose to share! Astrologically, our “new year” begins when the Sun returns to the exact position it was located along the Tropical Zodiac at the exact moment of our birth. During some years, the “start” of our Birthyear may occur on the day before or even after the date of our birth. It’s always nice to know the exact moment when our “new year” begins and at that moment, Ray suggests to “set your intentions in motion for all that you would Desire to enJOY in your coming year! Whenever possible, please arrange with Ray to have the Video created at least 30-days before the coming birthday. Fee for this Gift is $45.

Please email Ray at Ray@AstrologerRay.com for all arrangements!