New Moon | January 29, 2025

New Moon

Aquarius New Moon
January 29, 2025
7:35:55 AM, EST
Washington, D.C.

Our first New Moon of this most wonderful year resides in the Tropical Zodiac sign of Aquarius and is The One which governs Astrology and Astrologers, the Ethers, the Modern, psychotherapy and shellac! The Sun and Moon come together at almost 10-degrees of The Sign of The Water Bearer, so review this placement in your personal, Astrological composition and the aspects it forms to the points in your chart so to gain greater understanding as to how to implement these New Moon energies!

In the past, I have shared my Insights that the actual “Age of Aquarius” may not fully be present, based upon my calculations, until the year 2165. And, there is much uncertainty as to when this Glorious Time may actually be at hand. And, I also share the Knowing that We, The People–no one left out–contains the power within The Self to bring forth this most Blessed opportunity in the “Here and Now.”

I have been shown, and it is BEing shared as I write these words, that this “Golden Age” is available to anyone, in this instant and We need not “wait” any longer. It is my suggestion at this New Moon, to fully “Know” that this Great Blessing is yours for the Creating! You have the power, regardless of the outside circumstances–which have NO POWER over our Joy if We do not permit it to Be so–to bring to form this Golden Age for you! We truly need not wait any longer. And, when the majority, if not the whole of Humanity, Knows this Higher Truth, from that place of perfect Love and perfect Trust, then We, all together, bring to form The New Age / Age of Aquarius. At this Lunation, Know that you already have this power inside you to Create this reality for you and your Loved Ones.

At the moment of The New Moon and in the Lunation Chart cast for The United States–The New JerUSAlem–We have The Sun and Moon, Mercury as well as Pluto in Aquarius and We have Aquarius rising in the chart. This stellium of Aquarian energy most emphatically is presenting the opportunity to All, not just a select few, to fully BE aware and to wholly acknowledge how We are all ushering in and bringing to form what is referred to as The New Age / Age of Aquarius.

Mercury and Pluto in Aquarius are within 19-seconds-of-a-degree to one another. This auspicious alignment fortifies, with great intensity, the Power of “The Mind.” This arrangement also brings forth the opportunity to tap into extraordinary dimensions of abstract and unconventional thinking. The dynamic of The Mind–which exists in all cells of the physical form and does not just reside in the organ of the brain–becomes unlimited. The aforesaid stellium of Aquarian energy energizes the 12th house sector the New Moon chart. With this placement, We are collectively tapping into what is known as the Akashic Records, which is an Aquarian Element, or The “Encyclopedia” of The Universal Mind. Many may discover themselves having a “channeling” type experience and bringing forth unprecedented information. If this experience should occur, it is emphatically suggested to understand the importance of employing energetic grounding techniques as well as Spiritual Protection so to shield against any low-level infiltrations.

The acceleration of Great Truth shall come forth with Pluto’s passage of Aquarius. Collectively, the Knowing of these Truths, which may require great discomfort, is greater than this discomposure presented by the understandings obtainable with Mercury and Pluto in Aquarius, which permits Spirit the “all clear” to continue sharing its Higher Insights. Spirit only has the authority to share with us what We are ready and choosing to receive. When we choose, removed of fear, Spirit has the authority to share many, many unprecedented Insights as well as exceptional Blessings.

When Mercury and Pluto amalgamate, as stated, the dynamic of The Mind and its thoughts are penetrating and resourceful. We are presented with the opportunity to tap into our personal, “Genius” level of thinking. When I began to accelerate in my studies of Metaphysics–I am Ray Sette, B.Msc.–the Knowing was shared with me that We are all “Genius,” and contain the potential to connect with this virtuoso level thinking, when the process is properly fortified. This is done so by first and foremost, quieting the cacophony of The Mind, specifically with the employment of proper Meditation. It is when we slow down the brainwaves to 10-cycles per second, which is the Alpha brainwave frequency, that  we are at the same vibrational level of Spirit.  Here is where those like Nikolai Tesla interacted with The Spirit Realms and those Higher Beings shared with him the exceptional Insights.

I would encourage All who are reading these words to, on this New Moon, which is in the sign that most represents “The Genius,” to arrive at the Knowing of your own personal ability and level of exceptional thinking. Arrive there, then fortify the process which shall permit you to welcome the mastermind level of thinking and then demonstrate the Knowing.

When combined with the Astrological Chart of The United States, the Lunation energizes the 2nd house, which is the sector that represents, among many constituents, all things monetary. In our Country, the majority of We, The People, have been kept in a condition of financial struggle, mainly through exorbitant taxation. This New Moon is an indication that We, The People, may finally be free of these fiscal burdens. Many like myself have seen and been shown–for me since 2015–that there is to come an experience where “all debts are forgiven.” This would occur because most, if not all, of the financial “laws” have been created unconstitutionally and the majority of We, The People, have been robbed of our financial Blessings and Freedom. Those like myself Trust that these highly criminal fiscal “laws” shall be soon liquidated.

The Balsamic Moon Phase BEgins on January, 2025, at 4:12 PM, EST and is the beneficial prospect to appropriately and energetically prepare for the coming Lunar Cycle which shall commence at the New Moon. At this time, if it resonates with you, perhaps employ any modalities or techniques to clear away any discordant thoughts and thought / behavior patterns which may dwell deep within your own Mind.

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, January 22, 2025


Capricorn New Moon / Black Moon
December 30, 2024
5:26:45 PM, EST
Washington, D.C.

Our second, New Moon, “Black Moon,” of December and the final Lunation of 2024 resides in the sign Capricorn and is The One which oversees architects, cemeteries, fields and government, Jack Frost, moonstones, sculptures and urns. The Sun and Moon amalgamate at almost 10 degrees of Capricorn, so review this placement in your personal, Astrological charts so to assess the potential of this Lunation on an individual level.

This New Moon is a “trigger” point for the March 29, 2025, Solar Eclipse. Dedicate the time to, first, reflect on what was occurring for you at the October 2, 2024, Solar Eclipse as this Lunation is the opportunity to move ahead with all which you Began in the Fall. And, the period between now and the March 2025 Eclipse is the opportunity to energetically prepare for what may be launched this coming Spring.

One of the many, many opportunities of these most Divine, unprecedented of Time, is that ALL, no one left out, is the awakening to the Higher Awareness of BEing “The Master of Ones Destiny.” And, another constituent of that Beatitude, is the element of BEing, “Self-governing,” individually first, and then the collective BEcoming a “Self-governing Society.” This Capricorn, which most represents the facet of Self-governing,” New Moon, is the prospect to infuse a complete understanding of this most Blessed cog of our Human Potential. When We, The People, first arrive at this place of Knowing of BEing the Master of our Destiny, then nothing, NO-THING, in the outside world has power or control over us. The same principle applies to the masses.

The majority of the collective has given away its power for far too long, permitting the “powers that be,” such as politicians and religious leaders, to have supremacy and control over. And, this miscreation, has caused the preponderance of Humanity to be impotent of the personal power and control over Ones existence. When the masses shall arrive at this place of Knowing, free of E.G.O. and only Love, We Create a much more balanced and harmonious world. And, this complete Freedome to BE our BEing and fully demonstrate our Human Potential comes with BEing accountable and responsible of all that We Create through our Human Potential of BEing a Creative, Evolutionary facet of Supreme Creator. This also does not infer that anyone is to be abandoned of assistance if the support is truly needed.

The Shadow Realm has created it, so that we no longer have the tight-nit communities that once was. The Family Unit has, for the most part, been dismantled. Once We return to the Blessings of having our “Tribes,” everyone in these communities supports each other, freely shares the bounty of each ones Blessings, and assists and supports the individuals of these most Sanctified Communities in Times of need. Once We arrive at this most Glorious place, We enJOY a Freedome, which some may still not be completely comfortable experiencing. When we demonstrate this potential, We Create a society which is no longer under the suppression of an element that is much more sinister than many may acknowledge.

In a past forecast, and at this writing it escapes me as to when it was written, I foresaw that the January 2025 time period would BEing a significant new chapter for We, The People, of The New JerUSAlem as well as for this Nation as a Country.

At the Lunation, Pluto in Aquarius, forms a harmonic, effortless ease, 120-degree alignment to the South Node of the Moon and an opportunity, 60-degree alignment to the North Node. The implication of the Moons Nodes, which are not physical objects and are “points” in the Heavens, is, simply stated, the South Node represents the past, sometimes distant past such as a prior Lifetime and the North Node represents the direction One may be moving towards as well as a “Destiny.” With Pluto, the planet which most represents “great power,” forming such BEnevolent alignments to these points, further suggests the “Awakening” of the authority of personal, as well as collective “Power.” Mars, who is traversing Leo, is a critical element in this configuration as He, who is the “lesser octave” of Pluto, opposes Pluto and forms a trine to the North Node and sextile to the South. Mars brings energy and vigor when factored into a planetary equation. And, with its opposition to Pluto, We must be acutely aware of the potential for escalated violence and intentionally Created disruptions by The Underworld. And, when the majority of the masses are in a place of Peace and Perfect Love, this is the vibration We emanate through Humanity and counteract any potential, lower, less favorable outcome to the Mars / Pluto alignment.

The Balsamic Moon Phase BEgins on December 26, 2024, at 8:43 PM, EST and is the beneficial prospect to appropriately and energetically prepare for the coming Lunar Cycle which shall commence at the New Moon. If at all you are not of a complete understanding or awareness of the full power of your Human Potential as BEing The Master of your Destiny,” here is the prospect to clear yourself of any fear and uncertainty of that Blessing. The release of this limitation shall bring forth for you the many Blessings of the Birthrights of All, and not just a select few.

The very first Sunrise in The United States occurs on January 1, 2025 at 7:05 AM, EST, in Lubec, Maine. Metaphysically, We understand that a new “day” begins at the exact moment of Sunrise and not at “midnight.” That stated, I Desire and send to All who have welcomed me, more importantly Spirit, on your Spiritual Journey, a most Joyous start for a New Year filled with Abundance in many Blessed forms and Perfect Health!!!

We are approaching a Golden Age. It is suggested for All to envision the unfurling of this most magnificent Blessing, with Grace and Ease and to be free of any preconceived notion as to how this may occur, or in what form it may present itself.

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, December 26, 2024


Sagittarius New Moon
December 1, 2024

1:21:22 AM, EST
Washington, D.C.

The “first” New Moon of December resides in Sagittarius and is the Tropical Zodiac sign which represents, among many constituents, aliens, altars, dreams, The Higher Mind and Higher Self, as well as Higher Knowing. The last fire sign governs journeys which are long and lands which are far from Home, priests, professors and prophecies, teachers, theologians and Universities! The Sun and Moon come together at 9-and-a-half-degrees of Sagittarius so examine where this occurs in your personal, Astrological configuration to better review as to how to implement these New Moon possibilities! Our next New Moon will be a “Blue Moon,” and occurs on December 30, 2024.

For those who have been receiving the Inspiration that I have shared for many years—which I forever Honour comes “through” me from my Higher Self and Spirit—recall the Knowing I have conveyed that The All of Humanity is in the times of Revelations and The Apocalypse. And, I have also communicated that the implications of those terms does not infer to “destroy,” and those terms mean to REVEAL. These “revelations” which I have conveyed, are an unprecedented “disclosure” of the atrocities which have been inflicted upon Humanity as well as the actual author of those horrors, and not the one whom most have been mesmerized into believing is the villain of The People.  As We, The People, approach our next “Eclipse Season,” which shall be in March of 2025, the “Revelations,” may be unprecedented. And, this New Moon may very well catapult the already in motion process of unfathomable disclosures to epic levels.

At the time of the New Moon and in the chart cast for The United State, aka, “The New JerUSAlem,” we have Virgo, in the late, critical degree of 29 rising on the horizon. Mercury-ruled Virgo, as well as Mercury-ruled Gemini, when “adversely aligned” from other elements in the chart of a native, suggests that there exists the potential of an “imbalanced mental disorder.” And, there must be multiple factors for the extreme of the condition to demonstrate itself.

In a “Mundane Chart,” such as a New Moon, the First House, and the rising sign, represents the collective of We, The People. In prior writing, I have shared Insights of the “Wetiko Virus,” which is a “psychosis” that runs rampant in the collective consciousness of the masses. And for those who would like to explore more of this subject, it is suggested to read the progressive information in the book, “Dispelling Wetiko,” by Paul Levy.

As it applies to this New Moon chart, at such a late degree in a sign which represents “psychosis,” the presence of Wetiko, and the neuroses which has been elevating through society may be at an epic level.  To further aggravate that possibility, Neptune, which also represents very deep-seated, emotional imbalance—at the lower vibrational realm—forms an opposition, Full Moon alignment to the late-degree, Virgo rising! And, what is further agitating this discord is that Mercury, who is retrograde at the time of the New Moon, in Sagittarius, the sign of the Higher Mind, is opposed by Jupiter, in Mercurial Gemini, who contains the potential to bring any matter to an extreme!

A beneficial result of this experience is that there is a monumental purge and release of this unprecedented discordant, “mental energy.” That stated, to those who are acutely sensitive to the vibrational, energetic shifts and frequency of the outside world, specifically when there may be such an unnerving imbalance, be intensely mindful to be diligently dedicated with your Spiritual care. Continually ask the Higher Realms for protection against such imbalance and periodically clear yourself of the energetic discord you may accumulate. When we are acutely aware of the presence of such conflict as well as the Spiritual “tools” available to counteract the challenge, we are empowered against any opposing situations of the outside world!

As it applies to the chart of The United States, the New Moon locates itself in the 12th house, the sector of the chart where all is hidden and is within 3 degrees to the ascendant. The New Moon also forms an inconjunct, 150-degree alignment to the Sun of The U.S. chart. This placement further reinforces the coming opportunity of a great disclosure of what has been “hiding in the shadows.” This configuration also suggests, specifically as it aligns to the U.S. Sun, there is a shift of power from the “powers that be,” indicated by The Sun, to We, The People.

As we progress thought this month of December, be mindful that the coming Full Moon on December 15 and our second New Moon on December 30, 2024, are what I refer to as “trigger points” for the coming Eclipse Season in March of 2025. That stated, it is emphatically suggested that We continue to be acutely aware of all that We, individually and collectively, are casting into motion through the Creative process of Thought, Word and Deed. There is an overwhelming amount of energetic discord being released now, more than before, and We must be highly aware to not permit ourselves to get pulled into a low-level energy dynamic!!!

In past writing, I have touched upon the possibility of a contrived “Independence Day,” scenario, contrived by The Shadow Forces, to elevate fear and further Create as much chaos as possible in order to derail the accelerated Awakening experience of Humanity. And, We are at another moment when this development may present itself in the outside world as We, here in The New JerUSAlem, are at a most crucial turning point towards “The Light,” and Higher Levels of Universal Consciousness.

Mercury Begins its retrograde phase on November 25, 2024 at 9:42 PM, EST and remains so until December 15, 2024 at 3:56 PM, EST. This Mercury Retrograde phase occurs in the sign Sagittarius and reinforces the profundity of the revelations being shown to the All of Humanity.

As unnerving as it may seem, all which is and has been occurring continues to establish the foundation of what some have called, “The New Earth.”  In actuality, this is how this World was initially Created and intended by The Higher Realms, for All to enJOY. As always, I Inspire all who receive these words to explore these realms of possibilities and Higher Knowing. Those like myself have been foretelling of these glorious of Times, a “Golden Age,” when All, not just a select few, shall enJOY the many, many Blessings of our birthright which have been robbed from most by the “powers that be.” Their “Reign of Terror” is over.

The Balsamic Moon Phase BEgins on November 26, 2024, at 11:58 PM, EST and is the beneficial prospect to appropriately and energetically prepare for the coming Lunar Cycle which shall commence at the New Moon. So that you may be visibly guided by Spirit and clearly recognize the Higher Insights which come from your Higher Self which shall serve the Highest Good for you personally, dedicate this time to remove the etheric, energetic debris from the ethereal connection to and with your Higher Self so that when you are being shown your Higher Truth, you are certain as to what that guidance might be and have an acute understanding of the profundity of the information.

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, November 19 - 21, 2024


Scorpio New Moon
November 1, 2024
8:47:05 AM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our November New Moon resides in the Tropical Zodiac sign of Scorpio. This “Fixed Water” sign manages animals which are crustaceous and reptilian, charlock, death and life after death. Scorpio governs geysers, the kidneys and magic, pallbearers, Queensland (Australia) and tariffs. The Sun and Moon come together at 9-and-a-half degrees of Scorpio.  Always remember to examine the exact placement of the Lunation in your natal chart and the aspects it forms to the points in your personal, Astrological configuration so that you may enJOY a greater Knowing as to how to assimilate these energies on a more personal manner.

In The New Moon Chart cast for The United States, aka, The New JerUSAlem, the New Moon resides in the 12th house sector of the chart. I have illustrated on many occasion, that this is the arena of the Astrological Configuration which represents, among many constituents, “Secret Enemies.”

Prior to September 11, 2001, I was never comfortable with Astrologically looking at World Situations and the Celestial Cycles as they pertained to Humanity. And, it was on September 12, 2001, when I chose to pursue this most extraordinary Path on a “Full-time” level and review the “bigger picture” of this Human Experience. The very first observation I perceived when looking at the Astrological Chart of The United States and delineating the planetary cycles of that time, is that the actual enemy of We, The People, exists here in our own Homeland and resides in the ravines of this Nation. To me, the reality is quite obvious, especially when I reviewed what was occurring, Astrologically, to the chart of The New JerUSAlem, during that time.

The alleged September 11, 2001 “attack,” originated, in actuality, from within and the actual author of those experiences is not who and what we were told. The same with the PLAN-Demic of the khor ona virus experience.  With what was occurring, Astrologically, in early 2020, to me as a Seasoned Astrologer, abundantly indicated that a contrived BIOLOGICAL Attack occurred.

In the chart of The U.S., there resides Scorpio, The One which represents the “darkest of the dark,” and “evil of the most evil,” on the 12th house cusp of the composition. In simple terms, this placement eludes that there exists in the crevasses of this Great Nation, a force much more malevolent than most may possibly embrace the courage to Know. And, this Evil “hides in plain sight,” and conducts its most sinister of schemes, right in front of our very eyes. This Entity crafts these machinations to seem as though They have the intention of the Highest Good of all, but their actual objectives are their own personal gain at the individual expense–Financially and Health–of We, The People.

The majority of this Evil resides in the Entertainment Industry, and is much darker and more sinister than most will acknowledge. And, as I have also stated for epochs, The False Idols are falling from Grace. We have been already observing how this demise is occurring.

These Knowings are much more complex than can be properly illustrated and described in this platform. And, as always, I am suggesting to all who embrace the courage, do your Homework and go digging very deep for these Higher Truths, which those like myself have shared for epochs. And, not to mention We have been relentlessly attacked by many for BEing so.

I deviate a bit, and what I suggest considering, is that this placement of The New Moon, in the Sign which represents Evil, does indicate that what has been hiding in plain sight, is being, disclosed. And, We must also not take for granted what They may endeavor upon to copiously disrupt what may be the final, most unprecedented event of Revelation! Hence, as We are in the Times of “Revelations.”

In my prior Full Moon forecast, I touched upon the Mars / Pluto opposition. This formation will be exact on November 3, 2024, at 6:36:44 AM, EST. Every 2 years, Mars will form an opposition with Pluto, and what is extraordinary regarding this specific opposition, is that it is occurring at the late, most critical degree of 29. Specifically, 29 degrees and 45 seconds of a degree.

This most volatile alignment may suggest that the next “American Revolution,” which I have foreseen to occur, may very well be on the approach. I have not offered formal insights to the coming, alleged “elections” in The United States and if you have followed my Insights for many years, you will know why. And, I will say this, there is a great potential of sinister interFEARance, ONCE AGAIN, of this supposed “election,” and because of such, a Revolution may ensue. The interFEARances may be so extreme that the election event may not occur. The Mars / Pluto alignment has also the possibility of Martial Law being enacted.

And, as I have exhaustingly stated for millennia; when We observe the possibility of a low-level occurrence, with awareness, the intention of Love and a result of the “Highest Good of All” to unfurl, We are empowered to redirect the energy towards the higher vibrational potentiality and bring forth a much more favorable outcome. As always, the choice is ours.

In the New Moon Chart, as well as the Scorpio element on the 12th house cusp, there is also Scorpio Rising. In a mundane chart, such as a New or Full Moon chart, the “rising sign,” and the first house of the configuration represents a nation itself and its people, or, We, The People. In simple terms, this placement is reinforcing the actual “power” of the people and for the people to embrace the opportunities from a place of self-empowerment. And, if this power is misused or misdirected, it shall not serve “The Highest Good of All.”

At the Higher end of the etheric spectrum, The Scorpio element has a very strong connection with the benevolence of the Spirit Realm. It is only on the lower side of that spectrum, the lower vibration, where exists the evil, malevolent forces which reside in the ethers. Also at the elevated frequency, there exists the potential of great healing to occur, which quite often arises from a most unprecedented transition. Many who have Scorpio rising in their charts are and have become very powerful “Healers,” mainly because of their ability to connect with these higher frequencies of energy which fortify actual “healing” which originates at the Metaphysical level. Not all who have Scorpio rising have come into this Human Form to be a “healer,” as other planetary placement must support this possibility. And, at this writing, it is suggested for the majority of We, The People, to fortify our personal connection with Spirit and The Higher Realms, and to send forth, to the All of Humanity, the intention of Benevolent Healing, with Grace and Ease, to the All of Humanity and that the “Highest Good of All,” shall unfurl. Also, with Grace and Ease.

The collective of We, The People, must be prepared for the escalation of chaos in the coming weeks. In the New Moon chart, Uranus, which most represents chaos, as well as great, benevolent change, forms an opposition, Full Moon alignment to the ascendant–rising sign–in the New Moon chart. Great disruption and change shall always precede a great “awakening,” as is brought forth by the vibrations of our “Great Awakener,” Uranus. And, this seeming disruption needs not have a negative impact on our wellness and peace of Mind. When the unparalleled winds of change blow, as when a great, massive oak tree is anchored to and with the Earth by its deep root system, the tree “bends and does not break.” We can benefit from just that, bending and not breaking, when we are etherically connected and grounded with the energies of Gaia and the great winds of change are upon us. Be this now more than ever.

The Balsamic Moon Phase BEgins on October 28, 2024, at 5:00:36 AM, EDT and is the favorable opportunity to appropriately and energetically prepare for the coming Lunar Cycle which shall commence at the New Moon. If there exists in your BEing any Fear, which does not allow you to fully Know the “Power of Your BEing,” here is the opportunity to fully and completely release this fear.

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian, for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, October 25, 2024


Libra New Moon
Solar Eclipse
October 2, 2024
2:49:14 PM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

As we continue through this “Eclipse Season, the ensuing New Moon on October 2, 2024, is a Solar Eclipse and resides in the Cardinal Air sign of Libra. Here is the one which characterizes, among many constituents, Nature and The Natural World as well as The Elementals. Libra governs actors and actress, confectioners, esthetics and jewelry, nightingales, roses of white and rubies. The Sun and Moon come together at 10 degrees of Libra, so appraise the specific location and the aspects the New Moon Creates in your personal, Astrological charts for a guide as to how to best apply and cast into motion and make the most of these planetary potentials on an individual level.

Also, be acutely mindful of all which you energetically cast in motion on the day before, of and after this New Moon / Solar Eclipse. All which is energetically implemented at a Solar Eclipse–which is an intensified New Moon–remains in motion for a longer duration of time as compared to a “regular” New Moon. I have Inspired All who read these words and hear my voice, to understand that what shall ultimately unfurl in “the future,” for one, is not ABSOLUTE. In each moment of every day, We, in conjunction with the Higher Realms, are CREATING, and sometimes MIS CREATING what is to come. When we look ahead, We see the possibilities of how the energy of any astrological configuration may present itself and that outcome is depending on all which We, individually and collectively, cast in motion by the Creative process of “Thought, Word and Deed.” I emphatically suggest, in each moment, BE in a place of perfect Love and Perfect Trust. We are most undeniably at an extraordinary shifting of energy and turning point on our path of Creative Evolution. And, We, Collectively and Individually are Creating it All. The more that We can, individually and then collectively, be in a place of High Vibration–such as BEing in that place of Love–this is the energy frequency We are sending out to our World and infusing in the fabric of our Earth.

At the moment of The New Moon, transiting Saturn forms a “transformative inconjunct” aspect to The Solar Eclipse. With this energy, the collective of We, The People,” must emphatically not concede to what the “powers that be” may endeavour upon inflicting onto Humanity in the coming months. If we are not careful, The Orwellian “1984” will be an irrefutable reality. When I offer these Insights, as always, it is not so to instill fear. The Shadow Realm has cornered the market on that atrocity of imparting debilitating fear into the masses, primarily with the misinformation presented on TEL-LIE-VISION in the “news” and various other platforms! When We understand how to properly work with any planetary configuration and direct our attentions towards the higher vibrational polarity of the alignment, we are empowered to bring forth a benevolent outcome. The time between now and the end of this year, with the New Moon on December 30, 2024, is most critical as to what shall unfurl on our Planet and how it shall come to form. It is suggested that We, The People, collectively choose, without judgement and a preconceived notion as to how and that, for the “Highest Good of All,” is to unfold. Hold in your Hearts for The Greater Good of All to unfurl and that it come forth with Grace and Ease.

Personally, embrace this alignment with Saturn, to “fine tune” your “long-term goals.” At the moment of The New Moon, there is Capricorn rising on the horizon and that element indicates Saturn to be the “planetary ruler” of this chart. That stated, Capricorn and Saturn represent, among many elements, the Government and its alleged leaders. It is not necessary for me to reiterate what I have exhaustively shared in these forecasts regarding The Shadow Forces which exists in the realms of Government as well as what We Believe to Be its Leaders. Again, I would strongly suggest for all to embrace unwavering courage and NOT yield to what those most sinister forces may inflict upon We, The People, so to maintain their diminishing control over the masses.

So many, during these most exceptional of Times, have embarked upon extraordinary Journeys and have embraced a “Greater Purpose.” This New Moon / Solar Eclipse, is a most benevolent opportunity to catapult forward with that Higher Purpose. In the New Moon / Eclipse Chart cast for The New JerUSAlem, the 9th house sector of the configuration is energized. This is the sector of the chart which represents, among many elements, The Higher Realms and Higher Beings which include Extraterrestrials. With the Eclipse being in the sign that most represents Nature, it is suggested to “look up,” and observe what is being shown in the sky as well as Knowing the profundity of the Blessings of Being in Nature and connecting with the Earth.

It is when We are at an “elevated” vibrational frequency that we encounter and observe such situations as “seeing” a UFO. When the majority of the collective of We, The People, are at this elevated vibration, there may be an experience which unfurls as was rendered in the most progressive film, “The Day The Earth Stood Still.” These situations have been presented as “Science Fiction,” so to derail the masses from considering the very real probability of such happenstances. As I Channel and Create this New Moon / Eclipse Forecast, I observe yet another possibility of a “Day The Earth Stood Still” scenario to unfurl between the onset of the Eclipse and the end of this year. And, how it shall come to pass, the Collective of We, The People, are Creating and sometimes MIS CREATING all that is to come.

The ongoing alignment with Uranus, Neptune and Pluto is within the orb of influence from now until November. This exceptional alignment, albeit not “exact.” is close enough within the realm of effect to have exceptional power and extraordinary Potential for Humanitarian situations that shall bring forth many Blessings for Humanity to develop. This arrangement in and of itself, presents the platform for many to bring forth the Utopian experience of The New Earth as well as The New JerUSAlem.

It was in the 1960s, when Uranus and Pluto were conjunct with one another and Neptune formed a most benevolent alignment to those planets. Those who embodied in Human form during the 60s, specifically the mid 1960s when this particular alignment was exact, began the personification of the first wave of those who were encoded with a most elevated vibrational BEing of having the potential to bring forth great and benevolent changes to The Earth. It is those, now in their 50s, who are at this time being catapulted forward on their Spiritual Journey so to Be in greater service to the All of Humanity.

The “outer planets,” which are Uranus, Neptune and Pluto–yes, PLUTO is STILL a most significant component–represent the Higher Realms as well as Higher Levels of Consciousness. They cannot be “seen with the naked eye,” not because of their alleged “distance” and more so they are not physically observed because of their elevated vibrations. A most perfect example is how there are the “visible” and “non-visible” colours of the spectrum. Before the colour red there exists infra-red and after violet there is ultraviolet. They are in existence, and because they vibrate at a different frequency, they are not “physically” visible to the Human Eye, yet clearly observable with the “Third Eye.” This is so with these elements which are also known as the “Generational Planets.”

This most benevolent alignment with these Higher Vibrational residents presents a plethora of opportunity for profound Spiritual progression for the collective of Humanity, our Earth as well as certain individuals. Not one persons “path” is greater or less than that of another, just different. Those who have embarked upon a most extraordinary Spiritual Journey so to assist with the ascension of the collective of Humanity and our Earth, are now BEing propelled forward on their Spiritual Path.

The Balsamic Moon Phase BEgins on September 28, 2024, at 11:47 AM, EDT and is the favorable opportunity to appropriately and energetically prepare for the coming Lunar Cycle which shall commence at the New Moon. If you have embarked upon such an exceptional Journey of embracing and demonstrating your Higher Purpose, employ this time to, first, reflect on your most courageous choice to BE so. And, then ask Spirit to show you what you must discard so that you may be catapulted further and higher on your chosen path.

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian, for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, September 21, 2024


Virgo New Moon
September 2, 2024

9:55:35 PM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our approaching New Moon at the start of September dwells in the Earth sign of Virgo. This One governs bookcases, draftsmen and endive, healing, health and wellness, meadows, poultry and woodbine. The Sun and Moon fuse at just over 11 degrees of Virgo, so look to the placement of the Lunation in your personal, Astrological Charts as to better understand how to employ these potentialities for you!

On September 1, 2024 at 7:57:25 PM, EDT, The Great Transformer, Pluto, returns to Capricorn and remains at the late, critical degree of 29 until it begins is full force passage of Aquarius on November 19, 2024, at 3:39:39 PM, EST. The late degree mark signifies the moment of a critical “turning point.” The final stages of what is intended during a specific transit is intensified and the final outcome of the passage is BEing Created moment by moment. Pluto’s course of Capricorn indicates, among many elements, the transformation of government, government leaders and the likes as well as religious leaders and any leader in any high, power position, such as a monarch. The old, outworn structures of government and the aforementioned realms are being dissolved so that new establishments which truly contain the “highest good of all,” at the heart of their intentions and not personal gain, shall come to form. We Trust that those who reside in these High Places in the times to come shall truly be “in selfless service,” to All and not themselves, as are most in the current regimes.

The leaders, heads of state, etc., emerging once this transit is completed, shall have a much more Humanitarian Nature as part of their BEing, especially once Pluto fully begins its transit of Aquarius. Many have acknowledged how most, not all and most of those in high places, mainly the politicians here in The United States, have robbed We, The People, of the Blessings of our Birthright and have enJOYed bulging bank accounts which our personal earnings have fortified. Those like myself continually Trust that the “wicked in high places” have come to the end of their “Reign of Terror,” and that the abundant Blessings and Riches of our Birthright—not one person left out—shall be lovingly returned to, and enJOYed by All.

Pluto is the most elevated element in the New Moon chart cast for The United States, aka, The New JerUSAlem. This may indeed indicate that The Underworld, represented by Pluto, will endeavor upon yet another bombastic attempt at maintaining its power, which has been diminishing. There has been a buzz surrounded an alleged “Monkey Pox” situation and the collective of We, The People, must not succumb to any chaos and fear tactics that The Shadow Forces may embark upon with such. Most emphatically stated because these sinister entities may once again strive to disrupt the coming elections.

In the New Moon composition, Uranus and Pluto form a harmonic, trine-120-degree-aspect with one another. This alignment, for one, brings forth the Inspiration of the Knowing how We, The People, have the power and potential to bring to form Great Change so to benefit the Highest Good of All. This energy also offers the Inspiration as to how We must BE the Blessed change and what to demonstrate in bringing the change to fruition. This alignment Inspires us to Create Humanitarian Groups that shall come together and usher profound, benevolent changes. If you have been Inspired to move forward with an endeavor of Creating such, this New Moon is the opportunity to Be so! This dance with Uranus and Pluto shall be in effect, albeit not completely exact, through the fall time. The Virgo element also represents our “Service to Humanity.” This aforesaid alignment with Uranus and Pluto brings great Inspiration as to how anyone can be “in Loving Service” to another as well as the entirety of Civilization BEing, Altruistic.

Humanity has been quite removed from the understanding of the profundity of BEing in a “tribe” and the Blessings for All to be in such a supportive community. This arrangement between Uranus and Pluto offers the prospect to remember the importance of this unification. Among many challenges currently present in our World, the “Family Unit” is not as united as it once was. I do believe the dismantling of the family dynamic is another most malevolent tactic of The Shadow Forces. I would suggest at this time to allow yourself to review the structure of your families. Is there time dedicated towards BEing detached from the distractions of the outside world and Creating the opportunities to Lovingly interact with one another, without the presence and interFEARances of any device. Dedicating at least one day a week to these most Blessed moments with your Families shall bring forth many more Blessings as well as strengthening your families’ bonds.

The Balsamic Moon Phase BEgins on August 29, 2024, at 10:17 PM, EDT and is the favorable opportunity to appropriately and energetically prepare for the coming Lunar Cycle which shall commence at the New Moon. If you are unclear as to how you may be “in service” to others, employ this time to clear away any energetic interFEARance which may not permit you to Know that component of your Human Potential. Perhaps also ask to Be shown and bring forth opportunities towards Creating a Humanitarian tribes with others so to generate a High Vibration and Love in your communities!

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian, for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, August 22 & 23, 2024


Leo New Moon
August 4, 2024
7:13:01 AM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our New Moon of August resides in the fire sign Leo and is the sign which embodies amusements, castles, deserts, fennel and fireplaces. Leo governs heat, lemons, northwest and parks, prime ministers, stadiums and wrists! The Sun and Moon come together at just over 12-and-a-half-degrees of Leo. Examine where this occurs in your personal, Astrological configuration to better review as to how to implement these New Moon possibilities!

In addition to the Leo amalgamation of the Sun and Moon, in the chart cast for The United States, there is also Leo rising, further accentuating the Leo potentialities. One of the many outcomes of the unprecedented shifts of energies which have been unfurling in The United States as well as throughout the World, is that Humanity is Becoming a “Self-sovereign,” self-governing Society. And, this great potential requires an immense responsibility which most may not choose to accept. The final outcome of this occurrence is what I understand to be “The Rapture.” And, how it shall all unfold, is BEing Created in every moment of each day by the collective and individual of We, The People.

This New Moon, which occurs a few days prior to the annual opening of “The Lions Gate Portal,” and is exact on August 8, is energizing the Leo element of Sovereignty and in this instance, Self-sovereignty, with the Leo Sun and Moon and Leo rising in the New Moon configuration.

The New Moon occupies the 12th house sector in the chart configured for The United States, aka, The New JerUSAlem, which offers several suggestions. During these most extraordinary of Times, I have stated how “The False Idols are Falling from Grace.” These “False Idols,” include, among many, The Royals—

which also are represented by Leo. This placement suggests a continual revelation, “reveal,” of what is dwelling beneath the surface and is coming to light. The release of the recent portrait of The One who embodies in this incarnation as “King Charles,” as I observe, glaringly indicates the presence of what truly exists, and hides in plain sight, that is Evil beyond what most may comprehend, in the realms of “The Royals.” The disclosure of the most sinister, which are these “False Idols” as in The Royals, as well as Celebrities, all Leo ruled elements, shall continue. Be not afraid.

I would emphatically suggest directing our attention towards the becoming of self-governing and to not be distracted by the elevated madness of the external world as we progress through this summer time. And, it cannot be emphasized as much as necessary that this constituent of Self-sovereignty must Be demonstrated from a place of Humility, Perfect Love and not E.G.O. (Edge God Out), greed and entitlement. This grand potential must Be born from Love and a humble desire for the coming forth of the “Highest Good of All,” and not “self.”

Each year, the aforesaid opening of The Lions Gate portal begins on July 23 and remains open until approximately August 13, and is exact on the mornings of August 7 - 9. During this most Blessed time, at the moment of sunrise, locally, there is the rising of two Suns, our Sun, Helios, and the Star / Sun, Sirius. Here we have the opportunity to “rise” to the presence of Divinity which resides in all, and not just a select few, as The Shadow Forces have led most to egregiously BElieve. Here are the opportunities to remember that We, All, are Creative Beings and We have come into this Human form to demonstrate ourselves a such and to fortify that fundamental of our Human BEing. I have always Inspired everyone to embrace the Knowing that Creativity is not specific to “Art and Music.” Creativity is multifaceted and is demonstrated in a plethora of forms.

A rudimentary explanation of the “Creative Process,” is that the experience begins with the stimulation of the Imagination and then the implementation of those ideas. For those who would like to further explore these magnificent possibilities of our Human Potential, it is suggested to read the material in, “Drawing on The Artist Within” as well as my own Creation, “The Planets Align So Rare: Twelve Dimensions to the Human Potential.”

In the New Moon chart, we have Uranus square the ascendant at the Earth (Uranus in Taurus) / Fire (Leo rising) axis as well Uranus squaring Venus in Leo. This somewhat volatile aspect—at the lower vibration—may infer a rise in alleged fires throughout the country. I would emphatically suggest that, if this situation does arise, to not permit yourself to BE distracted from the Blessings at hand, such as further awakening to your personal, individual Sovereignty! Quite often, if not always, these situations, as the “irruption of fires” which occurred last summer, are nothing more than convenient, contrived situations which distract the masses from the Blessings at hand. There is also a most diabolical, ulterior motive to these meticulously contrived situations.

In July there has been a surge of these diversions taking place. And, in the month of August, the distractions, which are intentionally crafted, may be astonishing. Permit yourself to be acutely mindful to not allow yourself to be consumed by the overwhelming chaos of the outside world.

The square aspect from Uranus to Venus, at an elevated frequency / understanding, offers an “awakening” to personal, Creative potentials. So, to properly fashion the possibilities of a square aspect, mainly because of the surge of energy presented with the alignment, We must be diligently dedicated to BEing energetically grounded with the vibrational frequency of the Earth. If not, the dynamic of this configuration can feel unstable, unsettling, restless and chaotic.

At the moment of the New Moon, Venus forms a transformative, 150-degree alignment, inconjunct aspect to its “Higher Octave,” Neptune. This is another indication of a “transformation” to the element of the Creative potential which is already present in All our BEings.

As We factor in the New Moon to the Astrological Chart of The United States, the Lunation is within 5 degrees to the “North Node” in the U.S. chart. The nodal points of the Moon are not physical objects in the Heavens and indicates the point where the Moon crosses the Ecliptic, which is the apparent path of the Sun, Moon and Planets, from North to South. In simple terms, the North Node represents our “Destiny” and where we are heading and the South Node, our past and often, distant past such as a prior embodiment. This connection, specifically as it occurs in Leo, is a collective opportunity for The New JerUSAlem, as well as its People, to awaken and advance towards their Sovereignty.

The Balsamic Moon Phase BEgins on July 31, 2024, at 12:17 PM, EDT and is the beneficial prospect to appropriately and energetically prepare for the coming Lunar Cycle which shall commence at the New Moon. If for any reason you feel as though you are not “Creative” or possess any creative ability, employ this time to release that misconception of your BEing. Also, if you are uncomfortable or even fearful of becoming “Self-sovereign,” now is the time to fully release that fear.

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, July 26, 2024


Cancer New Moon
July 5, 2024
6:57 PM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our approaching New Moon resides in the Tropical Zodiac sign of Cancer and administers, among many, many constituents, animals which are crustaceous, boats and emeralds and the “seat” of our emotions. This water sign governs frogs, our Home, marshes and milk, onyx and pumpkins, springs of water and wells.

This Lunation resides at just under 16-and-a-half-degrees of Cancer. As with any Lunation, look to the exact placement of the phenomena in your personal, Astrological Charts so to better assimilate as to how to incorporate these New Moon potentials on an individual manner!

A Cancer New Moon will always present the opportunity to infuse emotional wellness into your Home, as well as for yourself. It was the Prophet Kahlil Gibran who stated that the Home is the “Larger Body.” Whatever occurs, energetically and otherwise, in the home, is a reflection and manifestation of the vibrational frequency of all the occupants who reside in the home as well as what is brought into and comes into the home from a Spiritual place.

What is extraordinary about this New Moon is that it is a “trigger point” for the April 8, 2024, Total Solar Eclipse and it coincides with the “Birthday” of The United States, aka, “The New JerUSAlem,” on July 4. Secondly, this New Moon is also preparing us for the next Solar Eclipse, which is to occur on October 2, 2024.

The overall lack of “emotional wellness” in our country is, quite frankly, staggering. And so, for the complete “emotional” well-being of our country to unfurl, each one must be accountable and responsible for their own emotional wellness or lack thereof. This New Moon is the most auspicious opportunity to BE in a place of elevated emotional fitness.

Saturn, who is at 19 degrees of Pisces at the time of The New Moon, forms a harmonious trine, 120-degree, aspect to the Lunation. Saturn brings forth, among many components, stability, as well as discipline and determination. This most auspicious alignment to the Sun and Moon offers the Blessing to become emotionally balanced. Much of the discord We experience at the emotional level originates in our early years and remains active, unless consciously corrected, throughout our lives. We have had a plethora of opportunities to bring emotional equilibrium to where there has been disharmony, and this New Moon is the favorable prospect to BEgin enJOYing that Blessing.

The “Stability” of The United States is emphatically based on the steadiness of each individual, We, The People.

In the New Moon chart, We have Mercury, who is at almost 6 degrees of Leo, forming an opposition, “Full Moon” alignment to Pluto, who is at 1 degree of Leo. This alignment from The One who most represents our thoughts to The One which most represents great power, offers yet another opportunity to embrace the innate power and dynamic of our thinking and thoughts and Greatest Power Potential of The Mind. The element of The Mind is not specific to the organ of the Brain. The Mind dwells and exists in every cell of our physical forms. The vibrational frequency of the cells of the body is in part what brings to form all which comes to us while on this Human Journey. It is when we change the vibratory frequency of our cells so they are in alignment with our intentions and Desire (DE-SIRE = Of The Father) that We bring to form, by the power of our BEing, all that which We would Desire to enJOY.

And, because of this profound opportunity to recognize this great potential of The Mind and what we are energetically casting in motion during these times and because this great power is now heightened, We must be acutely mindful to not yield to what situations in the outside world The Shadow forces may intentionally bring forth so to instill fear!

The Underworld Knows the power of these planetary alignments and shall malevolently orchestrate situations so to interFEAR with our employing the power potential from an elevated position! And so, because this constituent of our Human Potential is acutely energized at this time, The Shadow Forces shall attempt to manipulate how We craft our thoughts so that We are in fear and not in Love. And by BEing so, We intensely generate the fear element and not Love. For They Know there is no greater power than Love and it is that part of our Human BEing, which is Divine, that shall liquidate Them and their “Reign of Terror.”

For many years I have shared my Knowing of the Greatest Potential of The United States is that it is BEcoming, “The New JerUSAlem.” It is because of this great potential that what is happening in our country has nothing to do with “politics.” With this New Moon that coincides with the Birthday of The USA, in the days specifically from July 3 – July 6, as much as you are able, CHOOSE to BE in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. In every moment of every diurnal We, The People, individually, are CREATING or MIS CREATING what shall next unfurl. I Trust the Blessings of a Utopian Society will come to pass. And, We must not discredit the possibility of The Dystopian Agenda of The Shadow Forces.

What is to come next, not even God / Spirit / The Universe / Source / Prime Creator…Knows. We, The People, are bringing it all to form.

Lastly, on July 2, Neptune began its Retrograde phase in the last degree of Pisces and will remain Retrograde until December 7, 2024. An opportunity of the Neptune Retrograde cycle is to reflect upon your own personal Spirituality as well as your unique connection with the Spirit Realm. Neptune and Pisces represent the Psychic Faculties and this part of our Human BEing is for all to embrace. Not necessarily to conduct “Intuitive Consultations,” more so that We may recognize our interactions with The Spirit Realm and how We all are BEing Guided by Spirit and how The Higher Realms are Inspiring (IN-SPIRIT) accompanying and directing us all as We navigate this very brief Human encounter.

The “Spiritual Integrity” of The United States is another Beatitude of The New JerUSAlem which has been unfolding. At the time of the inception of this Nation, We, in the Metaphysical Realms, understand there was the presence of Higher Beings who were interacting with The Founding Fathers as They were Creating the Foundations of this most Blessed Nation. There is a Spiritual Elevation of this Nation which has been unfolding and this Time now is an opportunity for All to Know and embrace their individual part in this process. As always, from the Spiritual perspective. This Neptune Retrograde is the occasion to Honour that component.

The Balsamic Moon Phase BEgins on July 2, 2024, at 8:32 AM, EDT and is the beneficial prospect to appropriately and energetically prepare for the coming Lunar Cycle which shall commence at the New Moon. Dedicate time towards clearing away any emotional disharmony, specifically any imbalanced emotional matters or conditions you may have absorbed and accumulated from another, especially any situations or conditions connected with family and ancestral elements. Also, reflect on what is occurring in your Home, energetically and otherwise, and at this time, begin to bring balance to where there may be discord.

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, June 27, 2024


Gemini New Moon
June 6, 2024
8:38 AM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our forthcoming New Moon finds itself in the Tropical Zodiac sign of Gemini and is The One which manages aquamarine and automobiles, butterflies, desks and gossip, kindred relatives, neighbors and Rumours! This Lunation resides at just over 16-and-a-half-degrees of Gemini. As always, review the placement of the New Moon and alignments formed to the elements in your chart as to better assimilate how to implement these potentialities.

At the time of the New Moon, along with Helios and La Luna in airy Gemini, We have Jupiter, Mercury and Venus, who are also in the first Air Sign of the Tropical Zodiac. The Power and Creative Dynamic in and of all forms of communication, more so the power of our Thoughts and The Spoken Word, is emphasized at this Lunation.

The aforesaid stellium of elements resides in the 11th house sector of the chart cast for the New Moon. This is the “Natural” house of Aquarius. This placement brings forth the potential for communications to contain an Avant-garde flair to them. More so, here is the opportunity to tap into highly progressive, abstract and out-of-the-box thinking. In order to understand anything from an alternative perspective, we must look at all things very differently. This energy provides the potentiality to Be so. Here is also the opportunity for those who welcome this most extraordinary, advanced and evolutionary thinking prospect to share these highly progressive Insights with those who choose to receive.

On June 2, 2024, at 8:12 PM, EDT, there is an exact trine, 120-degree, aspect with Jupiter and Pluto. Jupiter brings expansion and tremendous growth to wherever it passages. And, in outgoing Gemini, we are given the opportunity to explore the many facets, dimensions and potential of our thoughts and words. And, when powerful Pluto is factored into this scenario, the dynamic of this supremacy is galvanized into the vigor of our thoughts and words and fortifies the superior Creative Power and Potential of those elements. Creative command and potential are on the tips of our tongues and invigorated into The Mind–which exists in all the cells of our physical form–and the potency of our thinking and thoughts.

The energetic potential of the Jupiter / Pluto aspect brings forth the opportunity to advance, with effortless ease, in all which we desire to accomplish. BEing Mindful of the direction which our thoughts and words follow is imperative during this time. Permit yourself to be acutely aware of all thoughts and words, always, and more precisely, in the days near the New Moon and the days thereafter. Be aware to bring forth many opportunities which shall offer the prospect to advance with many of your goals and objectives!

Saturn, who is at 18 degrees of Pisces at the time of the New Moon, forms a Creative and Dynamic, square—90-degree—alignment to the Sun and Moon. At the lower end of the spectrum, this aspect may cause a sense of heaviness and a feeling of “swimming upstream,” as well as an overall feeling of emotional density. When employed from a higher vibration, this arrangement offers the discipline and determination necessary to achieve our goals and rise above any difficulty or adversity which may very well come from outside negative forces that may not desire for us to rise above and prosper.

Uranus and Neptune have been near to being within 60-degrees of proximity to one another. Even though this aspect may not be exact, its energy is BEing experienced. This is more of an esoteric encounter than anything–specifically, interactions with The Higher Realms, more so, Higher Beings. That said, not all shall engage in these communications. Many may not be comfortable BEing so. And, on a personal level, in the weeks after this New Moon, if you are already experiencing these exchanges with the Higher Realms, you may find that the communications become more frequent and further intensified. If that is the case, be acutely aware of all Spiritual measures and selfcare so to keep yourself energetically protected against any potential negative low-level infiltrations and to fortify a high vibrational experience and existence.

This Dance with Uranus and Neptune is assisting with the advancement of Spiritual Knowing and Consciousness for the All of Humanity. Much of this innovative transcendent awareness was imbued to those born during the mid-1960s when this arrangement was last at hand. This is more of a “Generational” aspect and many, based on their potential and purpose of “why” they have embodied during this sojourn, are feeling the surge of this energy into their consciousness at this time. This aspect, in part, offers the potential to bring forth a Utopian Society. That BEing said, there are shadow forces which endeavour to counteract the abundance of Great Blessings for All, and not just a select few, and strive to unfurl in our world a much darker and Dystopian Civilization.

Powerful and profound Guidance is BEing shared from the Higher Realms to All who choose to receive these Insights. As always, allow yourself to welcome the Insights from that place of Love and non-judgment. When We permit ourselves to be open and receptive, and free of decree, as well as holding no “preconceived notion” as to what may be “right or wrong,” We permit Spirit to share with All who choose to receive, many profound Insights, Knowing and Understandings.

The Balsamic Moon Phase BEgins on June 2, 2024, at 10:36 PM, EDT and is the beneficial prospect to appropriately and energetically prepare for the coming Lunar Cycle which shall commence at the New Moon. Employ this opportunity to reflect upon your thinking process, all thoughts and Beliefs which are present. If those thoughts are not in alignment with all which[LA1]  you would choose to enJOY, the time and opportunity is NOW to CHANGE your THOUGHTS and Welcome the Higher Knowing and Higher Insights which will permit you to enJOY the abundant Blessings of your Birthright!

“You must learn to be sensitive to the Voice within that can tell You what is Truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the Voice of Truth which is within You and You will lead yourselves onto the path of [Creative] Evolution… May you be Blessed by the Supreme Love and Truth of the Cosmos.” ~anonymous, 1977

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, May 30 & 31, 2024


Taurus New Moon
May 7, 2024
11:22:PM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our ensuing New Moon locates in the Tropical Zodiac sign of Taurus and is The One which governs Artists of all kinds, coins, emeralds, forget-me-nots, and hogs. Taurus presides over jewelry, loans and money, pastels, rings and stables. The position along the Tropical Zodiac of the New Moon is at 18 degrees of Taurus. It is always suggested to review the exact position of the Astrological Event to your Astrological chart and evaluate the exact alignments to the points in your chart so to better understand, on a personal level, how to implement these New Moon possibilities!

In the New Moon chart cast for The United States, aka, The New JerUSAlem, the 5th house sector of the composition is energized. This arena, among many constituents, represents Creativity. And, with Taurus representing, among many components, all things monetary and money related, We are BEing Inspired (IN-SPIRIT) to BEcome very Imaginative as to the manner in which We are Creating monetary Abundance and Financial Blessings! And, with Uranus, who is in Taurus, within 4 degrees of proximity to the New Moon, the ideas as to how to bring forth many monetary blessings are abstract and unconventional! Jupiter in Taurus forms a beneficial sextile (60-degree aspect) with Neptune and this alignment fortifies a Spiritual understanding of and with anything monetary. There is no accident or coincidence that money is referred to as “currency.” The physical form of “money” has an energetic frequency and when We are “radiating” in alignment of and with the reverberation of financial abundance, we magnetically attract the vibration contained in those elements and bring to form our personal fiscal Blessings.

The 5th house of the Astrological form is the “Natural” house of Leo. The Lion represents, among many characteristics, Divinity and Sovereignty, Love and Children, which are qualities of the 5th house. It is stated, and I paraphrase, that in order to “enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, One must become ‘Childlike.’” There is another adage which states, “Believe as a Child Believes and The Magic shall find you.”

As “adults,” We have become so entangled in the responsibilities of everyday life that We have forgotten the childlike innocence, which is a profound characteristic of The Spirit Realm. When We permit ourselves to return to that quality of purity–and this emphatically does not infer that We abandon responsibility–We allow ourselves to remember those childlike qualities, like believing in Magic, that return us to that place of pure and perfect Love–another 5th house element. At this New Moon, permit yourself to return to the innocence of Childhood.

The April 8, 2024, “Great American Eclipse,” occurred almost 3 months before the “Birthday” of The United States and formed a 90-degree, square aspect to The Natal Sun of our soon-to-be once again Great Nation. This most dynamic alignment stimulates and fortifies the “growth” of The Country.   The 3 months, April to July, leading to the July 5, 2024 New Moon, which is an “Eclipse trigger point,” shall energize the coming to form of “The New JerUSAlem.” And, because of this potentiality, The Underworld, such as “The World Economic Forum” and “The World Health Organization,” which are more Evil and Demonic–and I do not speak metaphorically–than most will acknowledge, shall again attempt to disrupt and derail the process.

In the composition of the New Moon, all the elements–Sun, Moon and Planets–are below the apparent Horizon. This is a clear understanding of the profundity of the necessity to “go within,” silence the cacophony of the outside world, quiet The Mind, and listen and hear what Spirit is sharing with and for you, and Trust in the Guidance.

On May 2, 2024, at 1:46:58 PM, EDT, Pluto, “The Great Transformer,” shall turn retrograde and remain so until October 11, 2024, at 8:31:48 PM, EDT. It will return to Capricorn on September 1, 2024, and fully BEgin its passage of Aquarius on November 19, 2024, at 3:39:39 PM, EST.

It was a very, very long time ago, that one of my Great Teachers taught me that when “Pluto is Retrograde,” The Underworld is crafting their plans. And, once it moves direct, We become aware of what was BEing plotted during that time. Such occurred on September 11, 2001, after Pluto moved direct a few weeks prior.

That said, They–as in The Underworld–only have the power We offer to them. Know your POWER, and during this Pluto Retrograde, REMEMBER that Blessedness of your Human BEing, always from that place of Love, and nothing–NO THING–has power over you. The “Power” has been RETURNING to We, The People–as it is a great Blessing of a Constitutional Republic, which is how The United States was Designed–and We must not permit those nefarious forces to carry out their malevolent intentions, especially in the coming months.

The Balsamic Moon Phase BEgins on May 4, 2024, at 4:25 PM, EDT and is the beneficial prospect to appropriately and energetically prepare for the coming Lunar Cycle which shall commence at the New Moon. Release any of the density and heaviness of the lower realms which may not permit you to Be “Childlike” at this last phase of the Lunar Cycle.

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, April 30 / May 1, 2024


Aries New Moon
Total Solar Eclipse
April 8, 2024

2:20:37 PM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our ensuing New Moon, which is also a Total Solar Eclipse, locates in the Tropical Zodiac sign of Aries and is The One which represents adventures, amethyst and brimstone, ferns, hairdressers, and iron. Aries governs mustard, pepper and radishes, rhubarb, sandy ground, and wolves! The Sun and Moon amalgamate at 19 degrees of Aries, so review the exact placement of the New Moon in your personal, Astrological Charts and the aspects produced to the components in that design as to better understand how to personally set in motion these energies! Be mindful of all you are energetically casting in motion on the day before, of and after the Eclipse as these intentions will remain with you for a much longer duration of time.

In the chart cast for The United States, aka, “The New Jer USA lem,” the New Moon resides in the 9th house sector of the composition. This arena represents, among many constituents, our Beliefs, Belief System, Higher Beings, such as Extraterrestrials, The Higher Mind and Higher Self and Philosophy. Our personal and unique connection to The Higher Realms and to those Beings who dwell in those regions such as the Archangels and the E.T.s–which I understand to BE One and the same–is represented by this sector of the Astrological Design.

During these Times of unprecedented chaos and confusion, each One of us is BEing Inspired–IN-SPIRIT–to arrive at a place of Knowing our “Personal, Higher Truth.”  This most extraordinary New Moon / Solar Eclipse is a most auspicious opportunity to BE so.  That BEing stated, We are not to discredit, diminish or judge the “Higher Truth” of another, even when it diametrically opposes our own Higher Knowing and Higher Truth.

At this time and in the ensuing months after the Eclipse Event, many will feel moments of overwhelming shifts of energy. This, in simple terms, is a catapult that is propelling many, higher in and on the “Ascension Process.” It is of no “accident” that Easter occurred right in the middle of two of the most powerful Eclipses ever. Everyone, no one “left out,” has been offered the opportunity to ascend to a Higher Level of Consciousness, which is what is Known as “Christ Consciousness.” And this process, which has nothing to do with conventional religion, is no different than when the One who embodied as Jesus, The Christ, “ascended” after what is referred to as the “crucifixion” event.

The planetoid, Chiron, exists between Saturn and Uranus and is known as “The Wounded Healer.” At this Eclipse, Chiron is at the exact degree of the Sun and Moon. When Chiron is activated and energized, a necessary, deep healing takes place. Discordant emotions and conditions, and traumatic circumstances from the past arise to the surface so that they can be healed, cleared and finally released. These low-frequency elements interFEAR with our well-BEing and overall joy. Chiron bridges the area between the visible–Mercury to Saturn–and the non-visible–Uranus to Pluto and beyond–planets. The lower planets represent more of the “physical” experiences and the outer ones, the Higher Vibrational, Spiritual experiences. So, when Chiron is activated, as it is at this Lunation, We are offered an intensified healing experience, that when unfurled, allows We to “ascend” to a much Higher Level of consciousness. This powerful experience with Chiron at this unprecedented Solar Eclipse, emphatically illustrates how the Collective is now BEing catapulted on its “Ascension Process.”

To further emphasize the profundity of the aforesaid Chiron encounter and as it applies to the Ascension of The New jer USA lem. As we calculate the Solar Eclipse into the Astrological Chart of The United States, the Eclipse is conjunct–within 15-seconds-of-a-degree–to Chiron. The United States is and has been undergoing its own Ascension process.  Those who have been reading my forecasts are aware that Spirit has long shared with me that The United States is and has been “ascending” to its Destiny of BEcoming, “The New jerUSAlem.”  This further reinforces the profundity of The Easter Season this year BEing located directly between 2 of the most prominent Eclipses ever.

Many may feel the intensity of this release.  Trust that this much necessary experience, however challenging and uncomfortable it may seem, is serving a purpose for you much greater and more profound than you may imagine. Be gentle with yourself, Honour any challenge or difficulty and choose to rise above the situation. Also embrace how this experience is offering you the opportunity, on a personal level, to Be of greater “service” to Humanity.

In the Solar Eclipse chart cast for The U.S., Leo is rising on the ascendant and with that placement, The Sun, because it is the ruler of Leo, is the “Planetary Ruler” of the chart. And, as the Sun–which is “God and the ‘Giver of Live’”–is a part of the Eclipse Event, its presence and influence is that much more commanding. What I would like to elaborate upon regarding this energy is the constituent of our Human Potential as “Creative BEings.” This is something I have, in countless forecasts, elaborated upon. Each year I speak of the “Lions Gate Portal,” which is exact on August 8. This Eclipse is exactly 4 months before the next opening of the Lions Gate Portal. The position of the Lions Gate is at 16 degrees of Leo, which is the exact position of the Leo rising in the Eclipse Chart.

At the Time of the opening of The Lions Gate portal each year, all Human BEings–not Human DOings–are offered the opportunity to REmember their BEing of, what I refer to as, “Creative, Evolutionary Divinity.” In other words, BEing “The Master of our Destiny,” and that each one of us contains that Creative potentiality to bring to form all which We Desire. We are Divine, Creative BEings with the exact same power, potential and ability of that which Evolutionarily Created ALL elements on Earth and throughout the Multiverse. At this most poignant Eclipse Event, permit yourself, from that place of Love, to Know this grand facet of your Human BEing. Everyone is BEing offered the opportunity to remember their Evolutionary, Creative Divinity which is very much a facet of The Christ Consciousness.

Lastly, in the months after these Eclipse Events, many “Higher Truths” shall continue to BE…REVEALED. The disclosure of that which has been kept hidden from the majority of Humanity is the essence of these most glorious Times of Revelations and The Apocalypse.

The Balsamic Moon Phase BEgins on April 5, 2024, at 9:14 AM, EST and is the beneficial prospect to appropriately and energetically prepare for the coming Lunar Cycle which shall commence at the New Moon. Permit yourself to reflect on all that which you Believe and Know to be True for you. If what you Believe is serving a greater purpose for you, and permits you to enJOY all which you Desire to experience, certainly continue with those Knowings and employ this energy to further “fine tune” those BEliefs. And, if those understandings are not permitting you to enjoy the many Blessings of your birthright, allow yourself to release those outmoded patterns and welcome anew.

It would not surprise me if there was some sort of significant “E.T.” demonstration / activity in the near future. I would also add that if so, the situation may very well be yet another performance, contrived by The Shadow Forces. Or, it may not.

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, March 27 & 28, 2024


Pisces New Moon
March 10, 2024

5:00 AM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our approaching New Moon transpires in the Tropical Zodiac sign of Pisces and is the sign which exemplifies boats, charities and coral, dissolution, dissolving and divers. Pisces embodies fog, footwear and fountains, monks, moonstones, and ponds. The Sun and Moon join at just over 20 degrees of Pisces, so be aware of the exact placement of the Lunation in your personal, Astrological Charts and the alignments formed to the elements in the composition so to better understand how to personally set in motion these potentialities!

One of the most influential aspects to the New Moon comes from Uranus, who is at almost 20 degrees of Taurus and forms an “opportunity,” sextile, 60-degree alignment to the Sun and Moon. With the New Moon in the sign which most represents all facets of Spirituality, this Lunation is a prime opportunity to explore an abundance of progressive Spiritual and Metaphysical information and discover what understandings resonate with you.

There is an acceleration, if you will, regarding our Higher Knowing and understanding, from a Spiritual perspective, as to what is unfolding throughout Humanity and specifically here in the U.S. Most observe, especially here in The United States, which is BEcoming, The New jer USA lem, the happenings as BEing “political,” which, in Higher Truth, all these happenings are Spiritually based.

The New Moon forms an opposition or “Full Moon” alignment to Neptune in the chart of The United States. Our country has been undergoing a powerful, revolutionary transformation on a Spiritual–not POLITICAL–level. This cycle of experience is presenting the opportunity for We, The People, to understand, for one, the Spiritual Foundations, which were enacted and instilled by the Founding Fathers of The United States and in conjunction with the Higher Realms, when The U.S.A was established. There is an abundance of information regarding what took place on a Spiritual Level at the time of the inception of The United States and it is suggested to explore these Higher Insights as to the actual origins of this country and NOT what conventional History has taught. A reading suggestion for those who would choose to explore the Spiritual potential of the United States, or as it is referred to in the Spiritual Realms, The New jer USA lem, is the progressive[LA1]  material, “The Secret Destiny of America.”

The Lunations alignment to Neptune in the U.S. Astrological Chart suggests that a Spiritual acceleration is at hand. And, as We are now in our “Eclipse Season” and more precisely, the April 8, 2024, Great American Solar Eclipse, it is emphatically suggested to permit yourself to be “Spiritually Strengthened” as much as possible through whatever form resonates with you. The Solar Eclipse is a grand opportunity to cast in motion energy that will remain with you for an extended period of Time. At the time of the April Solar Eclipse, BE as clear as much as possible, of all which you would choose and desire to enJOY, and to steadfastly cast your intentions in motion.

The energizing of Neptune in the U.S. Chart may also bring about experiences of “mass confusion.” And, that condition of confusion may very well be intentionally brought about by The Shadow Forces. Whenever there is what may appear to be a negative planetary influence, and in this instance from Neptune,

We can counteract and offset any potential, unfavorable outcome by understanding how to properly craft the vibrations and direct our attention to the higher vibration of the alignment[LA2] .   Neptune may Create unnerving confusion and Neptune also brings about acute clarity. And, to properly work with Neptune, We must be dedicated towards quieting The Mind and going within, and then great clarity of any situation is shared! Of course, by Spirit!

Another dynamic of the aforementioned Uranus alignment to the Lunation, is that the All of Humanity, collectively and individually, is at an opportunity to understand themselves, and the All, from an elevated emotional level. When We are at an acute perception of our emotional wellness, or lack thereof, We have a much deeper understanding of all which We are Creating as well as “mis-creating.” For example, all disease–DIS-EASE–originates from deep-seated[LA3] , discordant emotions. This information is deeply and eloquently illustrated in the “light-years” ahead of its Time book, “You Can Heal Your Life,” by Louise Hay.

When We have a deeper and acute understanding of our emotions and the heightened awareness of what We are energetically casting in motion each day, We have the opportunity to observe exactly how We are Creating our Realities. Uranus to the Pisces Lunation opens doors for all to go deep within the self, and[LA4]  observe what is occurring “behind the scenes” in the deep subconscious Mind which often, unknowingly, dictates[LA5]  our actions! Allowing ourselves to go to the back of our Mind, explore what resides there and correct any imbalance, strengthens the constituent of All BEing the “Master of our Destiny!” The prospect to endeavour upon what is Known as a “Shamanic Journey,” is energized at this New Moon. Explore this modality, which when properly employed, shall serve a profound, greater purpose in assisting us to understand why we “do what we do,” as well as another facet of the understanding of “who we are.” If it resonates with you, perhaps research working with a Shaman to assist with deep healing as well as other Spiritual tools available for you to embrace on your Divine Journey and assist you with your Spiritual progression.

In the New Moon chart cast for The United States, the planetary energy is concentrated in the Second House sector of the chart. Among many constituents, this area of the composition represents money and all monetary matters. This New Moon is an extremely fortunate opportunity to delve deeper into the understanding of how, especially at the Spiritual Level, We Create financial abundance or the lack thereof!

Mars and Uranus form, what I refer to as a, “Creative and Dynamic,” 90-degree, square alignment with one another. This arrangement does tend to elevate overall energy, especially at the “psychic level,” and often it can be imbalanced, impulsive and mercurial. That stated, permit yourself to BE acutely aware of BEing grounded with the energy of The Earth. The actions and behaviors of others in the outside world may be even more mercurial than it has been. Overall vibrational frequencies are shifting to accelerated, Higher Levels. If one is not comfortable with this “ascending,” the individual often behaves erratically and impulsively, mainly because the one is not of the understanding of what is occurring as well as how to counteract any of the potential negative effects of this elevation process.

The Balsamic Moon Phase BEgins on March 8, 2024, at 1:12 AM, EST and is the beneficial prospect to appropriately and energetically prepare for the coming Lunar Cycle which shall commence at the New Moon. This “Dark Moon” phase is the opportunity to release old and outmoded Beliefs which no longer serve a Higher and Greater Purpose for you. As we progress on this Journey, that which We once Believed may no longer serve a purpose. This does not infer that those Knowings[LA6]  were not significant, and just as when in the 12th grade, what was taught in 1st, has been “outgrown.” Not that it has no relevance, it no longer has application in the higher grades. And, as We ascend on this Journey, what may have once been philosophically useful in the past, is no longer as effective now because we have advanced to a new, higher level of experience.

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, March 1, 2024