New Moon | September 2, 2024

New Moon

Virgo New Moon
September 2, 2024

9:55:35 PM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our approaching New Moon at the start of September dwells in the Earth sign of Virgo. This One governs bookcases, draftsmen and endive, healing, health and wellness, meadows, poultry and woodbine. The Sun and Moon fuse at just over 11 degrees of Virgo, so look to the placement of the Lunation in your personal, Astrological Charts as to better understand how to employ these potentialities for you!

On September 1, 2024 at 7:57:25 PM, EDT, The Great Transformer, Pluto, returns to Capricorn and remains at the late, critical degree of 29 until it begins is full force passage of Aquarius on November 19, 2024, at 3:39:39 PM, EST. The late degree mark signifies the moment of a critical “turning point.” The final stages of what is intended during a specific transit is intensified and the final outcome of the passage is BEing Created moment by moment. Pluto’s course of Capricorn indicates, among many elements, the transformation of government, government leaders and the likes as well as religious leaders and any leader in any high, power position, such as a monarch. The old, outworn structures of government and the aforementioned realms are being dissolved so that new establishments which truly contain the “highest good of all,” at the heart of their intentions and not personal gain, shall come to form. We Trust that those who reside in these High Places in the times to come shall truly be “in selfless service,” to All and not themselves, as are most in the current regimes.

The leaders, heads of state, etc., emerging once this transit is completed, shall have a much more Humanitarian Nature as part of their BEing, especially once Pluto fully begins its transit of Aquarius. Many have acknowledged how most, not all and most of those in high places, mainly the politicians here in The United States, have robbed We, The People, of the Blessings of our Birthright and have enJOYed bulging bank accounts which our personal earnings have fortified. Those like myself continually Trust that the “wicked in high places” have come to the end of their “Reign of Terror,” and that the abundant Blessings and Riches of our Birthright—not one person left out—shall be lovingly returned to, and enJOYed by All.

Pluto is the most elevated element in the New Moon chart cast for The United States, aka, The New JerUSAlem. This may indeed indicate that The Underworld, represented by Pluto, will endeavor upon yet another bombastic attempt at maintaining its power, which has been diminishing. There has been a buzz surrounded an alleged “Monkey Pox” situation and the collective of We, The People, must not succumb to any chaos and fear tactics that The Shadow Forces may embark upon with such. Most emphatically stated because these sinister entities may once again strive to disrupt the coming elections.

In the New Moon composition, Uranus and Pluto form a harmonic, trine-120-degree-aspect with one another. This alignment, for one, brings forth the Inspiration of the Knowing how We, The People, have the power and potential to bring to form Great Change so to benefit the Highest Good of All. This energy also offers the Inspiration as to how We must BE the Blessed change and what to demonstrate in bringing the change to fruition. This alignment Inspires us to Create Humanitarian Groups that shall come together and usher profound, benevolent changes. If you have been Inspired to move forward with an endeavor of Creating such, this New Moon is the opportunity to Be so! This dance with Uranus and Pluto shall be in effect, albeit not completely exact, through the fall time. The Virgo element also represents our “Service to Humanity.” This aforesaid alignment with Uranus and Pluto brings great Inspiration as to how anyone can be “in Loving Service” to another as well as the entirety of Civilization BEing, Altruistic.

Humanity has been quite removed from the understanding of the profundity of BEing in a “tribe” and the Blessings for All to be in such a supportive community. This arrangement between Uranus and Pluto offers the prospect to remember the importance of this unification. Among many challenges currently present in our World, the “Family Unit” is not as united as it once was. I do believe the dismantling of the family dynamic is another most malevolent tactic of The Shadow Forces. I would suggest at this time to allow yourself to review the structure of your families. Is there time dedicated towards BEing detached from the distractions of the outside world and Creating the opportunities to Lovingly interact with one another, without the presence and interFEARances of any device. Dedicating at least one day a week to these most Blessed moments with your Families shall bring forth many more Blessings as well as strengthening your families’ bonds.

The Balsamic Moon Phase BEgins on August 29, 2024, at 10:17 PM, EDT and is the favorable opportunity to appropriately and energetically prepare for the coming Lunar Cycle which shall commence at the New Moon. If you are unclear as to how you may be “in service” to others, employ this time to clear away any energetic interFEARance which may not permit you to Know that component of your Human Potential. Perhaps also ask to Be shown and bring forth opportunities towards Creating a Humanitarian tribes with others so to generate a High Vibration and Love in your communities!

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian, for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, August 22 & 23, 2024


Leo New Moon
August 4, 2024

7:13:01 AM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our New Moon of August resides in the fire sign Leo and is the sign which embodies amusements, castles, deserts, fennel and fireplaces. Leo governs heat, lemons, northwest and parks, prime ministers, stadiums and wrists! The Sun and Moon come together at just over 12-and-a-half-degrees of Leo. Examine where this occurs in your personal, Astrological configuration to better review as to how to implement these New Moon possibilities!

In addition to the Leo amalgamation of the Sun and Moon, in the chart cast for The United States, there is also Leo rising, further accentuating the Leo potentialities. One of the many outcomes of the unprecedented shifts of energies which have been unfurling in The United States as well as throughout the World, is that Humanity is Becoming a “Self-sovereign,” self-governing Society. And, this great potential requires an immense responsibility which most may not choose to accept. The final outcome of this occurrence is what I understand to be “The Rapture.” And, how it shall all unfold, is BEing Created in every moment of each day by the collective and individual of We, The People.

This New Moon, which occurs a few days prior to the annual opening of “The Lions Gate Portal,” and is exact on August 8, is energizing the Leo element of Sovereignty and in this instance, Self-sovereignty, with the Leo Sun and Moon and Leo rising in the New Moon configuration.

The New Moon occupies the 12th house sector in the chart configured for The United States, aka, The New JerUSAlem, which offers several suggestions. During these most extraordinary of Times, I have stated how “The False Idols are Falling from Grace.” These “False Idols,” include, among many, The Royals—

which also are represented by Leo. This placement suggests a continual revelation, “reveal,” of what is dwelling beneath the surface and is coming to light. The release of the recent portrait of The One who embodies in this incarnation as “King Charles,” as I observe, glaringly indicates the presence of what truly exists, and hides in plain sight, that is Evil beyond what most may comprehend, in the realms of “The Royals.” The disclosure of the most sinister, which are these “False Idols” as in The Royals, as well as Celebrities, all Leo ruled elements, shall continue. Be not afraid.

I would emphatically suggest directing our attention towards the becoming of self-governing and to not be distracted by the elevated madness of the external world as we progress through this summer time. And, it cannot be emphasized as much as necessary that this constituent of Self-sovereignty must Be demonstrated from a place of Humility, Perfect Love and not E.G.O. (Edge God Out), greed and entitlement. This grand potential must Be born from Love and a humble desire for the coming forth of the “Highest Good of All,” and not “self.”

Each year, the aforesaid opening of The Lions Gate portal begins on July 23 and remains open until approximately August 13, and is exact on the mornings of August 7 - 9. During this most Blessed time, at the moment of sunrise, locally, there is the rising of two Suns, our Sun, Helios, and the Star / Sun, Sirius. Here we have the opportunity to “rise” to the presence of Divinity which resides in all, and not just a select few, as The Shadow Forces have led most to egregiously BElieve. Here are the opportunities to remember that We, All, are Creative Beings and We have come into this Human form to demonstrate ourselves a such and to fortify that fundamental of our Human BEing. I have always Inspired everyone to embrace the Knowing that Creativity is not specific to “Art and Music.” Creativity is multifaceted and is demonstrated in a plethora of forms.

A rudimentary explanation of the “Creative Process,” is that the experience begins with the stimulation of the Imagination and then the implementation of those ideas. For those who would like to further explore these magnificent possibilities of our Human Potential, it is suggested to read the material in, “Drawing on The Artist Within” as well as my own Creation, “The Planets Align So Rare: Twelve Dimensions to the Human Potential.”

In the New Moon chart, we have Uranus square the ascendant at the Earth (Uranus in Taurus) / Fire (Leo rising) axis as well Uranus squaring Venus in Leo. This somewhat volatile aspect—at the lower vibration—may infer a rise in alleged fires throughout the country. I would emphatically suggest that, if this situation does arise, to not permit yourself to BE distracted from the Blessings at hand, such as further awakening to your personal, individual Sovereignty! Quite often, if not always, these situations, as the “irruption of fires” which occurred last summer, are nothing more than convenient, contrived situations which distract the masses from the Blessings at hand. There is also a most diabolical, ulterior motive to these meticulously contrived situations.

In July there has been a surge of these diversions taking place. And, in the month of August, the distractions, which are intentionally crafted, may be astonishing. Permit yourself to be acutely mindful to not allow yourself to be consumed by the overwhelming chaos of the outside world.

The square aspect from Uranus to Venus, at an elevated frequency / understanding, offers an “awakening” to personal, Creative potentials. So, to properly fashion the possibilities of a square aspect, mainly because of the surge of energy presented with the alignment, We must be diligently dedicated to BEing energetically grounded with the vibrational frequency of the Earth. If not, the dynamic of this configuration can feel unstable, unsettling, restless and chaotic.

At the moment of the New Moon, Venus forms a transformative, 150-degree alignment, inconjunct aspect to its “Higher Octave,” Neptune. This is another indication of a “transformation” to the element of the Creative potential which is already present in All our BEings.

As We factor in the New Moon to the Astrological Chart of The United States, the Lunation is within 5 degrees to the “North Node” in the U.S. chart. The nodal points of the Moon are not physical objects in the Heavens and indicates the point where the Moon crosses the Ecliptic, which is the apparent path of the Sun, Moon and Planets, from North to South. In simple terms, the North Node represents our “Destiny” and where we are heading and the South Node, our past and often, distant past such as a prior embodiment. This connection, specifically as it occurs in Leo, is a collective opportunity for The New JerUSAlem, as well as its People, to awaken and advance towards their Sovereignty.

The Balsamic Moon Phase BEgins on July 31, 2024, at 12:17 PM, EDT and is the beneficial prospect to appropriately and energetically prepare for the coming Lunar Cycle which shall commence at the New Moon. If for any reason you feel as though you are not “Creative” or possess any creative ability, employ this time to release that misconception of your BEing. Also, if you are uncomfortable or even fearful of becoming “Self-sovereign,” now is the time to fully release that fear.

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, July 26, 2024


Cancer New Moon
July 5, 2024

6:57 PM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our approaching New Moon resides in the Tropical Zodiac sign of Cancer and administers, among many, many constituents, animals which are crustaceous, boats and emeralds and the “seat” of our emotions. This water sign governs frogs, our Home, marshes and milk, onyx and pumpkins, springs of water and wells.

This Lunation resides at just under 16-and-a-half-degrees of Cancer. As with any Lunation, look to the exact placement of the phenomena in your personal, Astrological Charts so to better assimilate as to how to incorporate these New Moon potentials on an individual manner!

A Cancer New Moon will always present the opportunity to infuse emotional wellness into your Home, as well as for yourself. It was the Prophet Kahlil Gibran who stated that the Home is the “Larger Body.” Whatever occurs, energetically and otherwise, in the home, is a reflection and manifestation of the vibrational frequency of all the occupants who reside in the home as well as what is brought into and comes into the home from a Spiritual place.

What is extraordinary about this New Moon is that it is a “trigger point” for the April 8, 2024, Total Solar Eclipse and it coincides with the “Birthday” of The United States, aka, “The New JerUSAlem,” on July 4. Secondly, this New Moon is also preparing us for the next Solar Eclipse, which is to occur on October 2, 2024.

The overall lack of “emotional wellness” in our country is, quite frankly, staggering. And so, for the complete “emotional” well-being of our country to unfurl, each one must be accountable and responsible for their own emotional wellness or lack thereof. This New Moon is the most auspicious opportunity to BE in a place of elevated emotional fitness.

Saturn, who is at 19 degrees of Pisces at the time of The New Moon, forms a harmonious trine, 120-degree, aspect to the Lunation. Saturn brings forth, among many components, stability, as well as discipline and determination. This most auspicious alignment to the Sun and Moon offers the Blessing to become emotionally balanced. Much of the discord We experience at the emotional level originates in our early years and remains active, unless consciously corrected, throughout our lives. We have had a plethora of opportunities to bring emotional equilibrium to where there has been disharmony, and this New Moon is the favorable prospect to BEgin enJOYing that Blessing.

The “Stability” of The United States is emphatically based on the steadiness of each individual, We, The People.

In the New Moon chart, We have Mercury, who is at almost 6 degrees of Leo, forming an opposition, “Full Moon” alignment to Pluto, who is at 1 degree of Leo. This alignment from The One who most represents our thoughts to The One which most represents great power, offers yet another opportunity to embrace the innate power and dynamic of our thinking and thoughts and Greatest Power Potential of The Mind. The element of The Mind is not specific to the organ of the Brain. The Mind dwells and exists in every cell of our physical forms. The vibrational frequency of the cells of the body is in part what brings to form all which comes to us while on this Human Journey. It is when we change the vibratory frequency of our cells so they are in alignment with our intentions and Desire (DE-SIRE = Of The Father) that We bring to form, by the power of our BEing, all that which We would Desire to enJOY.

And, because of this profound opportunity to recognize this great potential of The Mind and what we are energetically casting in motion during these times and because this great power is now heightened, We must be acutely mindful to not yield to what situations in the outside world The Shadow forces may intentionally bring forth so to instill fear!

The Underworld Knows the power of these planetary alignments and shall malevolently orchestrate situations so to interFEAR with our employing the power potential from an elevated position! And so, because this constituent of our Human Potential is acutely energized at this time, The Shadow Forces shall attempt to manipulate how We craft our thoughts so that We are in fear and not in Love. And by BEing so, We intensely generate the fear element and not Love. For They Know there is no greater power than Love and it is that part of our Human BEing, which is Divine, that shall liquidate Them and their “Reign of Terror.”

For many years I have shared my Knowing of the Greatest Potential of The United States is that it is BEcoming, “The New JerUSAlem.” It is because of this great potential that what is happening in our country has nothing to do with “politics.” With this New Moon that coincides with the Birthday of The USA, in the days specifically from July 3 – July 6, as much as you are able, CHOOSE to BE in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. In every moment of every diurnal We, The People, individually, are CREATING or MIS CREATING what shall next unfurl. I Trust the Blessings of a Utopian Society will come to pass. And, We must not discredit the possibility of The Dystopian Agenda of The Shadow Forces.

What is to come next, not even God / Spirit / The Universe / Source / Prime Creator…Knows. We, The People, are bringing it all to form.

Lastly, on July 2, Neptune began its Retrograde phase in the last degree of Pisces and will remain Retrograde until December 7, 2024. An opportunity of the Neptune Retrograde cycle is to reflect upon your own personal Spirituality as well as your unique connection with the Spirit Realm. Neptune and Pisces represent the Psychic Faculties and this part of our Human BEing is for all to embrace. Not necessarily to conduct “Intuitive Consultations,” more so that We may recognize our interactions with The Spirit Realm and how We all are BEing Guided by Spirit and how The Higher Realms are Inspiring (IN-SPIRIT) accompanying and directing us all as We navigate this very brief Human encounter.

The “Spiritual Integrity” of The United States is another Beatitude of The New JerUSAlem which has been unfolding. At the time of the inception of this Nation, We, in the Metaphysical Realms, understand there was the presence of Higher Beings who were interacting with The Founding Fathers as They were Creating the Foundations of this most Blessed Nation. There is a Spiritual Elevation of this Nation which has been unfolding and this Time now is an opportunity for All to Know and embrace their individual part in this process. As always, from the Spiritual perspective. This Neptune Retrograde is the occasion to Honour that component.

The Balsamic Moon Phase BEgins on July 2, 2024, at 8:32 AM, EDT and is the beneficial prospect to appropriately and energetically prepare for the coming Lunar Cycle which shall commence at the New Moon. Dedicate time towards clearing away any emotional disharmony, specifically any imbalanced emotional matters or conditions you may have absorbed and accumulated from another, especially any situations or conditions connected with family and ancestral elements. Also, reflect on what is occurring in your Home, energetically and otherwise, and at this time, begin to bring balance to where there may be discord.

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, June 27, 2024


Gemini New Moon
June 6, 2024
8:38 AM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our forthcoming New Moon finds itself in the Tropical Zodiac sign of Gemini and is The One which manages aquamarine and automobiles, butterflies, desks and gossip, kindred relatives, neighbors and Rumours! This Lunation resides at just over 16-and-a-half-degrees of Gemini. As always, review the placement of the New Moon and alignments formed to the elements in your chart as to better assimilate how to implement these potentialities.

At the time of the New Moon, along with Helios and La Luna in airy Gemini, We have Jupiter, Mercury and Venus, who are also in the first Air Sign of the Tropical Zodiac. The Power and Creative Dynamic in and of all forms of communication, more so the power of our Thoughts and The Spoken Word, is emphasized at this Lunation.

The aforesaid stellium of elements resides in the 11th house sector of the chart cast for the New Moon. This is the “Natural” house of Aquarius. This placement brings forth the potential for communications to contain an Avant-garde flair to them. More so, here is the opportunity to tap into highly progressive, abstract and out-of-the-box thinking. In order to understand anything from an alternative perspective, we must look at all things very differently. This energy provides the potentiality to Be so. Here is also the opportunity for those who welcome this most extraordinary, advanced and evolutionary thinking prospect to share these highly progressive Insights with those who choose to receive.

On June 2, 2024, at 8:12 PM, EDT, there is an exact trine, 120-degree, aspect with Jupiter and Pluto. Jupiter brings expansion and tremendous growth to wherever it passages. And, in outgoing Gemini, we are given the opportunity to explore the many facets, dimensions and potential of our thoughts and words. And, when powerful Pluto is factored into this scenario, the dynamic of this supremacy is galvanized into the vigor of our thoughts and words and fortifies the superior Creative Power and Potential of those elements. Creative command and potential are on the tips of our tongues and invigorated into The Mind–which exists in all the cells of our physical form–and the potency of our thinking and thoughts.

The energetic potential of the Jupiter / Pluto aspect brings forth the opportunity to advance, with effortless ease, in all which we desire to accomplish. BEing Mindful of the direction which our thoughts and words follow is imperative during this time. Permit yourself to be acutely aware of all thoughts and words, always, and more precisely, in the days near the New Moon and the days thereafter. Be aware to bring forth many opportunities which shall offer the prospect to advance with many of your goals and objectives!

Saturn, who is at 18 degrees of Pisces at the time of the New Moon, forms a Creative and Dynamic, square—90-degree—alignment to the Sun and Moon. At the lower end of the spectrum, this aspect may cause a sense of heaviness and a feeling of “swimming upstream,” as well as an overall feeling of emotional density. When employed from a higher vibration, this arrangement offers the discipline and determination necessary to achieve our goals and rise above any difficulty or adversity which may very well come from outside negative forces that may not desire for us to rise above and prosper.

Uranus and Neptune have been near to being within 60-degrees of proximity to one another. Even though this aspect may not be exact, its energy is BEing experienced. This is more of an esoteric encounter than anything–specifically, interactions with The Higher Realms, more so, Higher Beings. That said, not all shall engage in these communications. Many may not be comfortable BEing so. And, on a personal level, in the weeks after this New Moon, if you are already experiencing these exchanges with the Higher Realms, you may find that the communications become more frequent and further intensified. If that is the case, be acutely aware of all Spiritual measures and selfcare so to keep yourself energetically protected against any potential negative low-level infiltrations and to fortify a high vibrational experience and existence.

This Dance with Uranus and Neptune is assisting with the advancement of Spiritual Knowing and Consciousness for the All of Humanity. Much of this innovative transcendent awareness was imbued to those born during the mid-1960s when this arrangement was last at hand. This is more of a “Generational” aspect and many, based on their potential and purpose of “why” they have embodied during this sojourn, are feeling the surge of this energy into their consciousness at this time. This aspect, in part, offers the potential to bring forth a Utopian Society. That BEing said, there are shadow forces which endeavour to counteract the abundance of Great Blessings for All, and not just a select few, and strive to unfurl in our world a much darker and Dystopian Civilization.

Powerful and profound Guidance is BEing shared from the Higher Realms to All who choose to receive these Insights. As always, allow yourself to welcome the Insights from that place of Love and non-judgment. When We permit ourselves to be open and receptive, and free of decree, as well as holding no “preconceived notion” as to what may be “right or wrong,” We permit Spirit to share with All who choose to receive, many profound Insights, Knowing and Understandings.

The Balsamic Moon Phase BEgins on June 2, 2024, at 10:36 PM, EDT and is the beneficial prospect to appropriately and energetically prepare for the coming Lunar Cycle which shall commence at the New Moon. Employ this opportunity to reflect upon your thinking process, all thoughts and Beliefs which are present. If those thoughts are not in alignment with all which[LA1]  you would choose to enJOY, the time and opportunity is NOW to CHANGE your THOUGHTS and Welcome the Higher Knowing and Higher Insights which will permit you to enJOY the abundant Blessings of your Birthright!

“You must learn to be sensitive to the Voice within that can tell You what is Truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the Voice of Truth which is within You and You will lead yourselves onto the path of [Creative] Evolution… May you be Blessed by the Supreme Love and Truth of the Cosmos.” ~anonymous, 1977

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, May 30 & 31, 2024


Taurus New Moon
May 7, 2024
11:22:PM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our ensuing New Moon locates in the Tropical Zodiac sign of Taurus and is The One which governs Artists of all kinds, coins, emeralds, forget-me-nots, and hogs. Taurus presides over jewelry, loans and money, pastels, rings and stables. The position along the Tropical Zodiac of the New Moon is at 18 degrees of Taurus. It is always suggested to review the exact position of the Astrological Event to your Astrological chart and evaluate the exact alignments to the points in your chart so to better understand, on a personal level, how to implement these New Moon possibilities!

In the New Moon chart cast for The United States, aka, The New JerUSAlem, the 5th house sector of the composition is energized. This arena, among many constituents, represents Creativity. And, with Taurus representing, among many components, all things monetary and money related, We are BEing Inspired (IN-SPIRIT) to BEcome very Imaginative as to the manner in which We are Creating monetary Abundance and Financial Blessings! And, with Uranus, who is in Taurus, within 4 degrees of proximity to the New Moon, the ideas as to how to bring forth many monetary blessings are abstract and unconventional! Jupiter in Taurus forms a beneficial sextile (60-degree aspect) with Neptune and this alignment fortifies a Spiritual understanding of and with anything monetary. There is no accident or coincidence that money is referred to as “currency.” The physical form of “money” has an energetic frequency and when We are “radiating” in alignment of and with the reverberation of financial abundance, we magnetically attract the vibration contained in those elements and bring to form our personal fiscal Blessings.

The 5th house of the Astrological form is the “Natural” house of Leo. The Lion represents, among many characteristics, Divinity and Sovereignty, Love and Children, which are qualities of the 5th house. It is stated, and I paraphrase, that in order to “enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, One must become ‘Childlike.’” There is another adage which states, “Believe as a Child Believes and The Magic shall find you.”

As “adults,” We have become so entangled in the responsibilities of everyday life that We have forgotten the childlike innocence, which is a profound characteristic of The Spirit Realm. When We permit ourselves to return to that quality of purity–and this emphatically does not infer that We abandon responsibility–We allow ourselves to remember those childlike qualities, like believing in Magic, that return us to that place of pure and perfect Love–another 5th house element. At this New Moon, permit yourself to return to the innocence of Childhood.

The April 8, 2024, “Great American Eclipse,” occurred almost 3 months before the “Birthday” of The United States and formed a 90-degree, square aspect to The Natal Sun of our soon-to-be once again Great Nation. This most dynamic alignment stimulates and fortifies the “growth” of The Country.   The 3 months, April to July, leading to the July 5, 2024 New Moon, which is an “Eclipse trigger point,” shall energize the coming to form of “The New JerUSAlem.” And, because of this potentiality, The Underworld, such as “The World Economic Forum” and “The World Health Organization,” which are more Evil and Demonic–and I do not speak metaphorically–than most will acknowledge, shall again attempt to disrupt and derail the process.

In the composition of the New Moon, all the elements–Sun, Moon and Planets–are below the apparent Horizon. This is a clear understanding of the profundity of the necessity to “go within,” silence the cacophony of the outside world, quiet The Mind, and listen and hear what Spirit is sharing with and for you, and Trust in the Guidance.

On May 2, 2024, at 1:46:58 PM, EDT, Pluto, “The Great Transformer,” shall turn retrograde and remain so until October 11, 2024, at 8:31:48 PM, EDT. It will return to Capricorn on September 1, 2024, and fully BEgin its passage of Aquarius on November 19, 2024, at 3:39:39 PM, EST.

It was a very, very long time ago, that one of my Great Teachers taught me that when “Pluto is Retrograde,” The Underworld is crafting their plans. And, once it moves direct, We become aware of what was BEing plotted during that time. Such occurred on September 11, 2001, after Pluto moved direct a few weeks prior.

That said, They–as in The Underworld–only have the power We offer to them. Know your POWER, and during this Pluto Retrograde, REMEMBER that Blessedness of your Human BEing, always from that place of Love, and nothing–NO THING–has power over you. The “Power” has been RETURNING to We, The People–as it is a great Blessing of a Constitutional Republic, which is how The United States was Designed–and We must not permit those nefarious forces to carry out their malevolent intentions, especially in the coming months.

The Balsamic Moon Phase BEgins on May 4, 2024, at 4:25 PM, EDT and is the beneficial prospect to appropriately and energetically prepare for the coming Lunar Cycle which shall commence at the New Moon. Release any of the density and heaviness of the lower realms which may not permit you to Be “Childlike” at this last phase of the Lunar Cycle.

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, April 30 / May 1, 2024


Aries New Moon
Total Solar Eclipse
April 8, 2024

2:20:37 PM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our ensuing New Moon, which is also a Total Solar Eclipse, locates in the Tropical Zodiac sign of Aries and is The One which represents adventures, amethyst and brimstone, ferns, hairdressers, and iron. Aries governs mustard, pepper and radishes, rhubarb, sandy ground, and wolves! The Sun and Moon amalgamate at 19 degrees of Aries, so review the exact placement of the New Moon in your personal, Astrological Charts and the aspects produced to the components in that design as to better understand how to personally set in motion these energies! Be mindful of all you are energetically casting in motion on the day before, of and after the Eclipse as these intentions will remain with you for a much longer duration of time.

In the chart cast for The United States, aka, “The New Jer USA lem,” the New Moon resides in the 9th house sector of the composition. This arena represents, among many constituents, our Beliefs, Belief System, Higher Beings, such as Extraterrestrials, The Higher Mind and Higher Self and Philosophy. Our personal and unique connection to The Higher Realms and to those Beings who dwell in those regions such as the Archangels and the E.T.s–which I understand to BE One and the same–is represented by this sector of the Astrological Design.

During these Times of unprecedented chaos and confusion, each One of us is BEing Inspired–IN-SPIRIT–to arrive at a place of Knowing our “Personal, Higher Truth.”  This most extraordinary New Moon / Solar Eclipse is a most auspicious opportunity to BE so.  That BEing stated, We are not to discredit, diminish or judge the “Higher Truth” of another, even when it diametrically opposes our own Higher Knowing and Higher Truth.

At this time and in the ensuing months after the Eclipse Event, many will feel moments of overwhelming shifts of energy. This, in simple terms, is a catapult that is propelling many, higher in and on the “Ascension Process.” It is of no “accident” that Easter occurred right in the middle of two of the most powerful Eclipses ever. Everyone, no one “left out,” has been offered the opportunity to ascend to a Higher Level of Consciousness, which is what is Known as “Christ Consciousness.” And this process, which has nothing to do with conventional religion, is no different than when the One who embodied as Jesus, The Christ, “ascended” after what is referred to as the “crucifixion” event.

The planetoid, Chiron, exists between Saturn and Uranus and is known as “The Wounded Healer.” At this Eclipse, Chiron is at the exact degree of the Sun and Moon. When Chiron is activated and energized, a necessary, deep healing takes place. Discordant emotions and conditions, and traumatic circumstances from the past arise to the surface so that they can be healed, cleared and finally released. These low-frequency elements interFEAR with our well-BEing and overall joy. Chiron bridges the area between the visible–Mercury to Saturn–and the non-visible–Uranus to Pluto and beyond–planets. The lower planets represent more of the “physical” experiences and the outer ones, the Higher Vibrational, Spiritual experiences. So, when Chiron is activated, as it is at this Lunation, We are offered an intensified healing experience, that when unfurled, allows We to “ascend” to a much Higher Level of consciousness. This powerful experience with Chiron at this unprecedented Solar Eclipse, emphatically illustrates how the Collective is now BEing catapulted on its “Ascension Process.”

To further emphasize the profundity of the aforesaid Chiron encounter and as it applies to the Ascension of The New jer USA lem. As we calculate the Solar Eclipse into the Astrological Chart of The United States, the Eclipse is conjunct–within 15-seconds-of-a-degree–to Chiron. The United States is and has been undergoing its own Ascension process.  Those who have been reading my forecasts are aware that Spirit has long shared with me that The United States is and has been “ascending” to its Destiny of BEcoming, “The New jerUSAlem.”  This further reinforces the profundity of The Easter Season this year BEing located directly between 2 of the most prominent Eclipses ever.

Many may feel the intensity of this release.  Trust that this much necessary experience, however challenging and uncomfortable it may seem, is serving a purpose for you much greater and more profound than you may imagine. Be gentle with yourself, Honour any challenge or difficulty and choose to rise above the situation. Also embrace how this experience is offering you the opportunity, on a personal level, to Be of greater “service” to Humanity.

In the Solar Eclipse chart cast for The U.S., Leo is rising on the ascendant and with that placement, The Sun, because it is the ruler of Leo, is the “Planetary Ruler” of the chart. And, as the Sun–which is “God and the ‘Giver of Live’”–is a part of the Eclipse Event, its presence and influence is that much more commanding. What I would like to elaborate upon regarding this energy is the constituent of our Human Potential as “Creative BEings.” This is something I have, in countless forecasts, elaborated upon. Each year I speak of the “Lions Gate Portal,” which is exact on August 8. This Eclipse is exactly 4 months before the next opening of the Lions Gate Portal. The position of the Lions Gate is at 16 degrees of Leo, which is the exact position of the Leo rising in the Eclipse Chart.

At the Time of the opening of The Lions Gate portal each year, all Human BEings–not Human DOings–are offered the opportunity to REmember their BEing of, what I refer to as, “Creative, Evolutionary Divinity.” In other words, BEing “The Master of our Destiny,” and that each one of us contains that Creative potentiality to bring to form all which We Desire. We are Divine, Creative BEings with the exact same power, potential and ability of that which Evolutionarily Created ALL elements on Earth and throughout the Multiverse. At this most poignant Eclipse Event, permit yourself, from that place of Love, to Know this grand facet of your Human BEing. Everyone is BEing offered the opportunity to remember their Evolutionary, Creative Divinity which is very much a facet of The Christ Consciousness.

Lastly, in the months after these Eclipse Events, many “Higher Truths” shall continue to BE…REVEALED. The disclosure of that which has been kept hidden from the majority of Humanity is the essence of these most glorious Times of Revelations and The Apocalypse.

The Balsamic Moon Phase BEgins on April 5, 2024, at 9:14 AM, EST and is the beneficial prospect to appropriately and energetically prepare for the coming Lunar Cycle which shall commence at the New Moon. Permit yourself to reflect on all that which you Believe and Know to be True for you. If what you Believe is serving a greater purpose for you, and permits you to enJOY all which you Desire to experience, certainly continue with those Knowings and employ this energy to further “fine tune” those BEliefs. And, if those understandings are not permitting you to enjoy the many Blessings of your birthright, allow yourself to release those outmoded patterns and welcome anew.

It would not surprise me if there was some sort of significant “E.T.” demonstration / activity in the near future. I would also add that if so, the situation may very well be yet another performance, contrived by The Shadow Forces. Or, it may not.

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, March 27 & 28, 2024


Pisces New Moon
March 10, 2024

5:00 AM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our approaching New Moon transpires in the Tropical Zodiac sign of Pisces and is the sign which exemplifies boats, charities and coral, dissolution, dissolving and divers. Pisces embodies fog, footwear and fountains, monks, moonstones, and ponds. The Sun and Moon join at just over 20 degrees of Pisces, so be aware of the exact placement of the Lunation in your personal, Astrological Charts and the alignments formed to the elements in the composition so to better understand how to personally set in motion these potentialities!

One of the most influential aspects to the New Moon comes from Uranus, who is at almost 20 degrees of Taurus and forms an “opportunity,” sextile, 60-degree alignment to the Sun and Moon. With the New Moon in the sign which most represents all facets of Spirituality, this Lunation is a prime opportunity to explore an abundance of progressive Spiritual and Metaphysical information and discover what understandings resonate with you.

There is an acceleration, if you will, regarding our Higher Knowing and understanding, from a Spiritual perspective, as to what is unfolding throughout Humanity and specifically here in the U.S. Most observe, especially here in The United States, which is BEcoming, The New jer USA lem, the happenings as BEing “political,” which, in Higher Truth, all these happenings are Spiritually based.

The New Moon forms an opposition or “Full Moon” alignment to Neptune in the chart of The United States. Our country has been undergoing a powerful, revolutionary transformation on a Spiritual–not POLITICAL–level. This cycle of experience is presenting the opportunity for We, The People, to understand, for one, the Spiritual Foundations, which were enacted and instilled by the Founding Fathers of The United States and in conjunction with the Higher Realms, when The U.S.A was established. There is an abundance of information regarding what took place on a Spiritual Level at the time of the inception of The United States and it is suggested to explore these Higher Insights as to the actual origins of this country and NOT what conventional History has taught. A reading suggestion for those who would choose to explore the Spiritual potential of the United States, or as it is referred to in the Spiritual Realms, The New jer USA lem, is the progressive[LA1]  material, “The Secret Destiny of America.”

The Lunations alignment to Neptune in the U.S. Astrological Chart suggests that a Spiritual acceleration is at hand. And, as We are now in our “Eclipse Season” and more precisely, the April 8, 2024, Great American Solar Eclipse, it is emphatically suggested to permit yourself to be “Spiritually Strengthened” as much as possible through whatever form resonates with you. The Solar Eclipse is a grand opportunity to cast in motion energy that will remain with you for an extended period of Time. At the time of the April Solar Eclipse, BE as clear as much as possible, of all which you would choose and desire to enJOY, and to steadfastly cast your intentions in motion.

The energizing of Neptune in the U.S. Chart may also bring about experiences of “mass confusion.” And, that condition of confusion may very well be intentionally brought about by The Shadow Forces. Whenever there is what may appear to be a negative planetary influence, and in this instance from Neptune,

We can counteract and offset any potential, unfavorable outcome by understanding how to properly craft the vibrations and direct our attention to the higher vibration of the alignment[LA2] .   Neptune may Create unnerving confusion and Neptune also brings about acute clarity. And, to properly work with Neptune, We must be dedicated towards quieting The Mind and going within, and then great clarity of any situation is shared! Of course, by Spirit!

Another dynamic of the aforementioned Uranus alignment to the Lunation, is that the All of Humanity, collectively and individually, is at an opportunity to understand themselves, and the All, from an elevated emotional level. When We are at an acute perception of our emotional wellness, or lack thereof, We have a much deeper understanding of all which We are Creating as well as “mis-creating.” For example, all disease–DIS-EASE–originates from deep-seated[LA3] , discordant emotions. This information is deeply and eloquently illustrated in the “light-years” ahead of its Time book, “You Can Heal Your Life,” by Louise Hay.

When We have a deeper and acute understanding of our emotions and the heightened awareness of what We are energetically casting in motion each day, We have the opportunity to observe exactly how We are Creating our Realities. Uranus to the Pisces Lunation opens doors for all to go deep within the self, and[LA4]  observe what is occurring “behind the scenes” in the deep subconscious Mind which often, unknowingly, dictates[LA5]  our actions! Allowing ourselves to go to the back of our Mind, explore what resides there and correct any imbalance, strengthens the constituent of All BEing the “Master of our Destiny!” The prospect to endeavour upon what is Known as a “Shamanic Journey,” is energized at this New Moon. Explore this modality, which when properly employed, shall serve a profound, greater purpose in assisting us to understand why we “do what we do,” as well as another facet of the understanding of “who we are.” If it resonates with you, perhaps research working with a Shaman to assist with deep healing as well as other Spiritual tools available for you to embrace on your Divine Journey and assist you with your Spiritual progression.

In the New Moon chart cast for The United States, the planetary energy is concentrated in the Second House sector of the chart. Among many constituents, this area of the composition represents money and all monetary matters. This New Moon is an extremely fortunate opportunity to delve deeper into the understanding of how, especially at the Spiritual Level, We Create financial abundance or the lack thereof!

Mars and Uranus form, what I refer to as a, “Creative and Dynamic,” 90-degree, square alignment with one another. This arrangement does tend to elevate overall energy, especially at the “psychic level,” and often it can be imbalanced, impulsive and mercurial. That stated, permit yourself to BE acutely aware of BEing grounded with the energy of The Earth. The actions and behaviors of others in the outside world may be even more mercurial than it has been. Overall vibrational frequencies are shifting to accelerated, Higher Levels. If one is not comfortable with this “ascending,” the individual often behaves erratically and impulsively, mainly because the one is not of the understanding of what is occurring as well as how to counteract any of the potential negative effects of this elevation process.

The Balsamic Moon Phase BEgins on March 8, 2024, at 1:12 AM, EST and is the beneficial prospect to appropriately and energetically prepare for the coming Lunar Cycle which shall commence at the New Moon. This “Dark Moon” phase is the opportunity to release old and outmoded Beliefs which no longer serve a Higher and Greater Purpose for you. As we progress on this Journey, that which We once Believed may no longer serve a purpose. This does not infer that those Knowings[LA6]  were not significant, and just as when in the 12th grade, what was taught in 1st, has been “outgrown.” Not that it has no relevance, it no longer has application in the higher grades. And, as We ascend on this Journey, what may have once been philosophically useful in the past, is no longer as effective now because we have advanced to a new, higher level of experience.

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, March 1, 2024


Aquarius New Moon
February 9, 2024

5:59 PM, EST
Washington, D.C.

Our upcoming New Moon occurs in the Tropical Zodiac sign of Aquarius and is the sign which embodies altruism, astrology, electricians and The Holy Land, mechanics, paradoxes, salt and telephones! At this New Moon, the Sun and Moon reside at almost 21-degrees of “The Water Bearer.” As always, appraise the exact location of The New Moon as well as the aspects that are formed to the points in your personal, Astrological configuration to better comprehend as to how to implement the potentialities of this Lunation.

In the 1960s, it was caroled, “This is the Dawning of The Age of Aquarius.” And, that Time Truly was the advent of The New Age. In the mid 60s, there was an exact conjunction–New Moon alignment–with the planetary ruler of Aquarius, Uranus, and the most revolutionary element, Pluto. Later this year, on November 14, 2024, Pluto shall fully BEgin its passage of the Sign of the New Age and shall begin to catapult Humanity into the New Age.

When that actual time of Oneness and Brotherhood will be upon us is not completely clear. According to my calculations, I observe this time to BE fully[LA1]  underway in and around 2165[LA2] . Now, that emphatically DOES NOT suggest that The All of Humanity will not enJOY many, many blessings beforehand.

Those of We who have permitted ourselves o accelerate to a higher level will BE the Ones to assist those who have not welcomed a “5th Dimensional” experience. This statement also does not suggest those who have not “ascended” have done anything “wrong” or We who have are “better than.” We are not here to judge the Spiritual Path and freewill choices of another. We are here to serve, from that place of nonjudgement and Love, The All of Humanity.

In the New Moon chart cast for The United States, “The New jer USA lem,” We have the Sun and Moon, Mercury and Pluto, all in Aquarius and this “stellium” occupies the 6th house sector of the composition. This arena is the one which governs, among many constituents, “Health and Wellness” as well as our service to Humanity. And, with Aquarius in these realms, the collective of We is BEing Inspired, IN-SPIRIT, to embrace many, what may be considered, “unconventional” (very Aquarius) modalities which “naturally” support the innate functions of the physical form, specifically its inborn, “wellness” system. And, when this most perfect immune system is PROPERLY supported, the Human Form will serve its occupant very, very well. At this New Moon, if it resonates with you, permit yourself to explore the many complementary options available which may very effectively support the body’s[LA3]  imbued immune system. Especially if you have a wellness related challenge and the conventional modalities are not serving a greater purpose for you!

The 6th house sector also represents our personal “Service to Humanity.” In these years, many have been Inspired and called to embrace a “greater purpose.” Some have embarked upon a leap of faith and have begun a most extraordinary Journey of BEing in service to All. If you have this “calling,” this New Moon is a time to catapult forward on that path or embrace the courage to BEgin a new journey of BEing in service to All. Spirit shall forever Inspire, and never interFEAR with the Free Will of each and every Human BEing, not Human “DOing.”

At the Time of the New Moon, Mars forms a 60-degree, sextile aspect to Neptune in Pisces. This beneficial alignment heightens the “psychic sensitivity,” especially as Neptune traverses the most[LA4]  “psychic” of all signs, Pisces. We are progressively becoming acutely aware of our energetic connection with each other, which reinforces the BEing of unity and that we are not separate from one another. In the New Moon chart, these 2 elements form transformative, inconjunct aspects to the Leo rising in the chart and Create a “Yod / Finger of God” alignment. This formation indicates, as Spirit is sharing with me, the “rise of Spiritual—not political—sovereignty of the United States.”

As I have shared for a multitude of years, the “Greatest Potential” of The United States is that it is to BEcome, “The New jer USA lem.” And, because of this magnificent potential, the shadow forces, much darker, diabolical and sinister than most may be aware and acknowledge, have set out to obliterate this nation. If it is not yet obvious as to how these shadow forces have embarked upon the destruction of this country, a “rude awakening” may very well be on the approach for many.

A projecting potential of Pluto’s passage in Aquarius is that it will liquidate and eliminate the “false prophets and charlatans” and offer opportunities for the “True Lightworkers” to be in greater service to Humanity.

The New Moon is within 6 degrees of the natal Moon, which represents We, The People, in the chart of The United States. In the past few weeks, there have been revolts unfurling in many nations, most if not all of which have[LA5]  not been “reported” in the mainstream media. I have foreseen the potential of another “American Revolution,” as occurred during Pluto’s last passage of Aquarius, and We may very well be close to observing this revolution unfold in the near future.

Uranus, the one most associated with rebellion, resides at the highest point of the New Moon composition and forms an oftentimes “combustive” and potentially volatile, 90-degree, square alignment to the Aquarius New Moon. This arrangement may potentially bring forth unrest and unsettled activity, and during any Time of seeming turmoil, when We are firmly anchored in Faith, and in whatever form that faith my resonate with you, We are peaceful within ourselves and We BEcome the unwavering calm in the center of any storm. This aspect and placement of Uranus may very well energize the aforesaid “American Revolution.”

Since this alignment energized the New Moon which is located in the “Health” subdivision of the composition, We must be aware that The Shadow Forces may embark upon another “Biological attack” as it was done so in the early months of 2020. And, so this rebellion may be the result of such a sinister attempt by The Underworld.

Collectively, We must be mindful to bring all to form from that place of Love. An unruly “rebellion” would not serve a greater purpose and may only fortify the already existing chaos. We must keep in mind that a profound, Spiritual Transformation is occurring in America. And, this New Moon forms a transformative, inconjunct aspect to Neptune in The U.S. chart further stimulating this potential. When the majority of We, The People, have declared that “enough is enough,” and from that place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust, then the “New Age” shall Begin to commence[LA6] .

Lastly, in the days after this New Moon, the Northeast of The United States may enJOY the experience of a significant “Snow Event.”

The Balsamic Moon Phase BEgins on February 6, 2024, at 11:11 AM, EST and is the beneficial prospect to appropriately and energetically prepare for the coming Lunar Cycle which shall commence at the New Moon. If it is unclear as to what may[LA7]  be your “service to Humanity,” employ this time to clearing away whatever may interFEAR with your clarity on the matter. Also, if it resonates with you to BEgin a much more “Natural & Holistic” Healthcare regimen, dedicate this time to receive the guidance as to what may serve a greater purpose for you regarding the matter and move forward on and after the New Moon.

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, February 1, 2024


Capricorn New Moon
January 11, 2024

6:57 AM, EST
Washington, D.C.

Our upcoming New Moon exists in the Tropical Zodiac sign of Capricorn and is the One which represents barren ground and basements, corporations, dryness, fields and goats. The final Earth Sign of the Tropical Zodiac oversees governments, lumber and nightshade, pine trees, sculptors and watches. At this Lunation, the Sun and Moon reside at almost 21-degrees of “The Sea Goat.” So, once again, review the precise placement of The New Moon as well as the aspects that are formed to the points in your personal, Astrological configuration to better comprehend as to how to implement these New Moon potentials!

This New Moon is a “trigger point” which begins to stimulate the energy and potentialities of the April 8, 2024, “Great American Eclipse.” Be mindful and observe what you feel is energetically shifting in your life and permit yourself to BE guided as to how to embrace the Highest Vibrational, most Blessed potentiality of these alignments and those of the coming Times. When We understand how[LA1]  to properly “work with,” and not against any planetary alignment, We empower ourselves to counteract any negative possibility and bring forth the Blessings at hand!

One of the many, most prominent planetary progressions for 2024 is Pluto’s final passage of Capricorn. Pluto BEgan its course of “The Sea Goat” in 2008 and shall completely exit this One in November and fully BEgin its transit of Aquarius on November 19, 2024 at 3:29:51 PM, EST. Pluto requires approximately 248 years to complete its passage of the entire Tropical Zodiac and it may remain in one sign, depending on its retrograde cycles, for up to 30 years. Because of the extensive amount of Time it transits in a sign and its great power, Pluto brings forth unprecedented transformation and[LA2]  once it has completed its “work,” things are never the same. The most accurate example of a Pluto experience is the metamorphosis of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. The process is very slow and often quite painful, and the beauty of the end result is unprecedented. The most effective way to embrace a Pluto transit is to simply “surrender” and permit yourself to evolve. Surrendering does not infer we relinquish control, it simply suggests “working with” Divine Power and BEing CO-CREATIVE with The Universe / God / Prime Creator / Source!!!

At this New Moon, Pluto, “The Great Transformer,” is at the “Critical,” 29th, last degree of Capricorn and within 9 degrees of the Sun and Moon. On January 20, 2021, Pluto will “dip its toe” in Aquarius, as it has since early 2023 and return to Capricorn on September 1, 2024 in the last degree and fully enter Aquarius in November.

One of the many, many BLESSINGS of Pluto’s passage through Capricorn is that is has been liquidating the corporate conglomerates, which include banks, the Federal Reserve and the IRS, and the Evilest of all corporations, “U.S.A., Inc,” (which is NOT what The Founding Fathers[LA3]  of The United States Created) that have almost completely rendered the majority of We, The People, disempowered and financially destitute.

Pluto shall always, completely abolish what no longer serves a Greater Purpose so to bring forth Blessings of The Highest Good for ourselves and All. The aforesaid empires have only been Designed, by forces more diabolical than most would acknowledge, so to serve the financial prosperity of a very, very select few, and NOT the majority of We, The People. And, because those establishments are not serving The Highest Good for the majority of We, The People, they are being dissolved. As we advance through this year, We must not be in fear of what is to unfurl regarding these possibilities. We are to Trust that the HIGHEST GOOD is unfolding for All and that everyone shall enjoy financial prosperity, as well as the opulence of many, many copious Blessings.

With Pluto alongside the Sun and Moon, in the sign which most represents our “Long-term” goals, as well as our Higher Purpose, here is a most auspicious opportunity to tap into the great power and vigor of The Universe–which is omnipotent in the All of We, The People–so to fortify your personal goals and the success in bringing forth those objectives!

The “power” of Pluto is extraordinary. The most accurate example of what is contained in its potential is to the level of atomic energy–which is ruled by Pluto. Imagine the energy release when an atomic bomb is detonated. The massive, unprecedented destruction which unfurls is the low-level, negative polarity of Pluto’s power. The more Beneficial, Higher Frequency, most glorious, BEnevolent[LA4]  opposition is what has been fashioned in the formation of The All of Creation! The Creation of The Universe and all “things” under “Heaven and Earth” is Pluto’s most glorious demonstration. Choose to tap into that energy which is already present in you at this New Moon and choose to demonstrate that part of your Human Potential.

Whatever you have come to Know as your “Greater Purpose,” which truly is your personal Destiny and why you have chosen to embody in Human Form at this time, is the opportunity to assist in bringing forth the most glorious potential of The United States in its BEcoming The New jer USA lem. Now, more than ever, employ the power potentials of your BEing which I have elaborated upon in this writing and straightaway CHOOSE to demonstrate those potentialities!!!

The April 8, Great American Eclipse, is the second component of the cycle of Creation and unfolding of The New jer USA lem, which BEgan on August 21, 2017, with the “first Great American Eclipse.” The “path” of these 2 Eclipse crosses[LA5]  The United States and creates an “X-marks the spot[LA6] ” formation. This, as I have come to Know, is what is bringing to form the Greatest Potential for The United States and its BEcoming “The New jer USA lem.”

Now is the Time for the MAJORITY of We, The People, to tap into this Great Power, which is omnipresent in The ALL of We, The People, represented by Pluto, so that We might assist in bringing forth the Great Destiny of The United States.

The corporation–and a host of other malevolent entities–of The U.S.A. has rendered the majority of We, The People, powerless. Since 2013, All have been offered the opportunity to fully BEgin Awakening to this component of our Human BEing. In this calendar year of 2024, We, The People, must demonstrate that power, as always, from that place of Love and Humility and NOT E.G.O. and greed. If not, the most Sinister of All entities shall continue Their “Reign of Terror,” which is another low-frequency potential of Pluto. I Trust that the more Blessed outcome shall unfurl.

In the New Moon chart cast for “The New jer USA lem,” the Lunation and Pluto reside in the first house sector, which is the “physical BEing” of our country. This placement reinforces the “power,” which is already present and a grand component of this country and is invigorating the expanding of the supremacy of this nation.

When factored into The Astrological Chart of The New jer USA lem, the Lunation occupies the 2nd house, which is the sector that represents all things financial. In the U.S. chart, Pluto resides in this arena, which epitomizes the great “power” of Money. This placement of Pluto in this section also suggests how the most Evil of all Entities, which is also a Pluto polarity, has monetarily disempowered the majority of We, The People, via the constituent of “money!” This Lunation may also suggest that the current monetary system shall catapult in its destruction so to bring forth the implementation of a “currency” system which shall benefit the ALL of We, The People, and not the “upper echelon,” which has depleted the majority of The People from its inalienable, financial wealth. A monetary system which is “Gold-based,” as it was intended to BE.

One final suggestion; at the moment of The New Moon, cast forth the intention that the “Highest and Greatest Good of All” (not what We might think that to be) shall come to pass with Grace and Ease for our Nation and the All of We, The People.

The Balsamic Moon Phase BEgins on January 7, 2024, at 7:09 PM, EST and is the beneficial prospect to appropriately and energetically prepare for the coming Lunar Cycle which shall commence at the New Moon. If you are unclear or uncertain of your own personal, long-term goals and greatest potential, which is your Destiny, employ this time to fully dissolve any confusion or uncertainty connected with your continuing ambitions and unfoldment of your purpose. Also, if you are “fearful” of the power which already exists[LA7]  in your BEing, specifically now dissolve any fear connected with this Blessing.

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, January 3, 2024


Sagittarius New Moon
December 12, 2023

6:32 PM, EST
Washington, D.C.

Winter Solstice
December 21, 2023

10:27 PM, EST
Washington, D.C.

Our forthcoming New Moon embodies the Tropical Zodiac sign of Sagittarius and is the One which represents far away travel, Higher Education, the Higher Mind, our Higher Self and Higher Truth. The final fire sign governs faith, institutions of Higher Learning, ministers, prayers and preachers, Spirituality, turquoise and wisdom. The Sun and Moon amalgamate at almost 21 degrees of Sagittarius, so review this placement in your personal, Astrological charts so to assess the potential of this Lunation on an individual level.

Those like myself in The Metaphysical realms have shared our understanding of these most unprecedented times as “The Great Awakening.” I have also elaborated on the Higher Knowing that We, The People, are in the Times of Revelations and The Apocalypse which shall lead to The Rapture. I have also shared the Higher Knowing that the design and purpose of Revelations and The Apocalypse is to reveal–not destroy or destruction as most conventional indoctrinations suggest–all Knowledge and Information which has been kept hidden by the “Powers That Be,” from the collective. This most sinister strategy has been intentionally cast, by malicious design, so to keep the majority of We, The People, hidden from the true power and potential of our BEing so that those–the most Evil in The Highest of Realms–may control and suppress–not to mention deplete in many forms–the masses. And, as I have also stated, their “Reign of Terror” is ending. And the Time required for this to unfurl is BEing defined and Created moment by moment. The more that We permit ourselves to move past any fear of seeing what is BEing disclosed, the quicker We may enJOY… Joy.

That stated, at this New Moon, the element which most represents Awakenings as well as Revelations and The Apocalypse, Uranus, forms a transformative, 150-degree, inconjunct alignment to the Sun and Moon. This position from “The Great Awakener,” to the New Moon in the sign which most represents The Higher Mind and Higher Truth, suggests, for one, that the collective of We, allow a greater, Spiritual understanding–or Higher Truth–of what is and has been occurring on our Planet, from The Higher Realms. It is also recommended at this New Moon, to embrace our personal, Higher Truth. That said, We must also permit another to honor their own Higher Truth even if the Truth of another is not congruent with our Reality.

This highly progressive understanding[LA1]  of “Personal Truth” is also another grand component of these most extraordinary of Times. We are not to “wrong” another if We are not in agreement with Their Truth. We are to embrace “our Truth” and live Knowing this certainty and respecting the reality of another. When We are steeped in E.G.O. (Edge God Out) is when We endeavor to make another “wrong.” When We are engulfed in that place of Love, We enJOY the Blessings of Knowing our Truth and respecting the path of another.

In this New Moon configuration, our sometimes-nebulous Friend Neptune, forms what I refer to as a “Creative and Dynamic,” 90-degree, square alignment to The Lunation. I have stated that when We understand how to properly craft the “Higher Vibrational” polarity of any alignment–even that which may be considered adverse–We are empowered and can counteract any negative potentiality of the said arrangement. When working with any Neptunian energy, We must be conscious to work in conjunction with the potentials by going “within” and not (with)OUT. With Neptune, the outer world, especially the workings of the most Nefarious Ones, shall bring about confusion and bewilderment. When We quiet The Mind, become Peaceful and “go within,” is when We are guided by Spirit and receive greater clarity of all things.

With the aforesaid square from Neptune to the New Moon, in the sign which also represents “The Media,” We must be acutely aware of the surge of misinformation, intentionally manufactured by The Shadow Forces, to create mass confusion. The Underworld may once again endeavour to instill[LA2]  debilitating fear throughout Humanity with the “scare tactic” of yet another “Virus” situation. And, those who embrace Higher Knowing have a greater understanding of the occurrence.

This alignment may also, when improperly crafted, Create an elevation of fear and discordant energy, especially imbalanced[LA3]  “psychic energy,” throughout Humanity. Employing Spiritual tools for energetic protection at all levels against such discord is strongly suggested. When We are properly informed, We are vastly empowered. Everyone has the ability to counteract any negativity when properly educated as to how to BE so. There is a plethora of information regarding the abundance of Divine Tools available for energetic protection as well as clearing our BEing of any accumulated acrimonious energy. Please dedicate the time to explore the multitude of tools available to all and embrace what resonates with you. Now, and moving forward.

Mercury will move retrograde on December 13, 2023 and shall remain so until January 2, 2024. Keep in mind that not until Mercury moves past the point at which it appeared to change direction are We out of the retrograde energies. And, that time is January 21, 2024.

The Winter Solstice / Yule is exact on December 21, 2023 at 10:27 PM, EST and in the Northern Hemisphere shall commence the Winter Time and Summer in the Southern Hemisphere.

Most walks of life celebrate Light and the Return to Light during this most Glorious Time of Year. Perhaps, if it resonates with you, at the moment of The Winter Solstice, conduct a proclivity or some demonstration which shall bring forth a “Return to Light,” for yourself personally. Once the MAJORITY of We, The People, return to that place of Love and Light within ourselves FIRST, We then radiate that Beatitude to the All of Humanity and We bring forth a “Return To Light,” to the All of Creation. I have always suggested the lighting of “Bayberry Candles” at the moment of the Solstice so to fortify and bring forth prosperity in the coming year.

The Balsamic Moon Phase BEgins on December 9, 2023, at 2:17 AM, EST and is the beneficial prospect to appropriately and energetically prepare for the coming Lunar Cycle which shall commence at the New Moon. Dedicate time during this last phase of the Lunar Cycle to specifically clear energetic debris from your etheric, umbilical cord connection to your Higher Self and Higher Mind as well as your personal connection with the Higher Realms.

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, December 7, 2023 


Scorpio New Moon
November 13, 2023
4:27 AM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our November New Moon resides in the Tropical Zodiac sign of Scorpio. This “Fixed Water” sign manages animals which are crustaceous and reptilian, charlock, death and life after death. Scorpio governs geysers, the kidneys and magic, pallbearers, Queensland (Australia) and tariffs. The Sun and Moon come together at almost 21 degrees of Scorpio, always remember to examine the exact placement of the Lunation in your natal chart and the aspects it forms to the points in your personal, Astrological composition so that you may enJOY a greater Knowing of how to assimilate these energies on a more personal manner.

For innumerable years, throughout the All of Humanity, a prolific and profound Awakening for everyone has been unfurling. Those who have read my forecast shall understand what I reference. And, at this New Moon, the totality of the All of Humanity is at yet another moment where a grand reveal of all which has been kept hidden by The Shadow Forces may very well be further disclosed. And, the one which brings forth grand Awakenings as well as “Revelations,” Uranus, is most prominent in the New Moon Chart cast for The United States, or as it is BEcoming, “The New jer USA lem.” In the New Moon chart, Uranus who is at 21 degrees of Taurus, forms an almost exact opposition, which is a Full Moon alignment, to the New Moon within 22-seconds-of-a-degree.

As Uranus opposes Scorpio, the One which also represents Great Power as well as the One who suppresses the masses–such as a totalitarian, oppressive regime–the identity of those who have suppressed the All of Humanity for millennia, is continually BEing REVEALED. And, We must not be in fear, which shall always interFEAR, of what is being disclosed.

The Lunation accentuates the 2nd house in the New Moon composition and this arena represents, among many constituents, all money and financial matters. We, The People, of The United States have been kept in a condition of financial enslavement from the institutions of Banks, Large Corporations and not to mention, the most sinister Entity of the “IRS.” Most of what these corporate creatures have engaged in has been unconstitutional, at best. I would suggest conducting extensive research on this matter, as well as many other insights which those like myself have shared for many years, specifically regarding the unlawful undertakings which these entities have enacted. Here is yet another potentiality for the “masks” of those individuals to be removed and a grand disclosure to be publicized.

We must also be aware as to how these Shadow Realms may manipulate the currency system–through other unlawful means–so to continue its waning control over the masses. A prime example is the most criminal undertaking of the implementation of a “Digital Currency.” If this were to occur, and I am hopeful it shall not, We, The People could very well be in full and complete control of The Underworld and its tyrannical regimen.

That BEing stated, the Scorpio element of this Lunation, which represents boundless and outstanding personal “power,” as well as the ability to manifest and to bring to form our most ambitious desires, offers yet another opportunity to fully “awaken” to that “power” which is already present in EVERYONE and NO ONE left out! And, keep at the forefront, when One is offered the opportunity to Know their “power,” quite often a person or situation is at hand which has the desire to disempower the one being empowered. Here is when the one BEing empowered must not yield to the suppression and remain in that place of Love. As is the case with the All of Humanity fully Awakening to its “power” and this is another grand facet of these most exceptional of times.

More insight and elaboration regarding how these Evil Forces operate in this manner is most elaborately shared in the highly progressive book, “Outwitting The Devil,” by Napoleon Hill. As stated by the Universal Law of Free Will; nothing, NO THING, has power and authority over another, including something so sinister as a “Demon” unless We permit it to do so and surrender our power to its suppression. The acutely progressive information in this book offers an unprecedented Knowing of the power which already exists in the All of We, The People. We must continue to embrace this power, as always from that place of Love and Humility, much sooner now, than later.

In prior forecasts, I have also mentioned the somewhat debated film, “The Sound of Freedom,” which brings to light the brutalities of child sex trafficking. This awareness of these atrocities is not for the “faint of heart,” and We must CHOOSE to see all, through the eyes of Love and embrace the courage to liquidate those who have undertaken upon these most monstrous of actions.

Mars, who is transiting Scorpio, is less than 2 degrees from the Sun and Moon. As Mars transits the sign most associated with sexual activity, as well as enigmas and secrets of every kind, it is directing the energy (Mars) to those realms, and the aforesaid Uranus opposition is illuminating these outrages.

There is an extraordinary alignment from Saturn and Jupiter which “points” to Venus in the New Moon Chart and forms what is known as a “Yod / Finger of God” alignment. In simple terms, this arrangement further offers All the full awakening–as it has been for quite some time–to the Knowing of “Abundance.” Most associate abundance with financial and monetary gain. However, the constituent of Abundance applies to all things in Creation. As We observe in all realms, everywhere, there is present Abundance. In the waters, in the plants, in the stars, all throughout Creation, there exists plenty in all dimensions. This Abundance is very much a component of our Birthright, and it is the beliefs of lack and limitation which prevent many from enjoying the unprecedented Blessings which Prime Creator wills for All to enJOY.

At this New Moon, observe this as yet another opportunity to “Awaken,” to the Knowing of Abundance as your inalienable birthright and welcome and employ any Spiritual “tools” which may assist you towards abundantly emerging to this Beatitude.

The Balsamic Moon Phase BEgins on November 9, 2023, at 6:43 AM, EDT and is the beneficial prospect to appropriately and energetically prepare for the coming Lunar Cycle which shall commence at the New Moon. Great personal power comes with great responsibility and not all may feel comfortable recognizing and proclaiming this Power. This great feature of our Human Potential must always be established from that place of personal responsibility and Love. And if you are not fully comfortable at embracing this power, choose this opportunity to release that fear, or any other fear which may interFEAR with you exhibiting that element of self-empowerment and BEing the “Master of your Destiny!”

Lastly, if there is a presence of the condition of lack and or limitations, here is the opportunity to clear away and remove these egregiously restrictive BEliefs.

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self, resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and forever in a place of complete Trust and perfect Love.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, November 4, 2023


Libra New Moon
Solar Eclipse

October 14, 2023
1:55 PM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our New Moon of October, which is also a Solar Eclipse, inhabits the Tropical Zodiac sign of Libra. This Cardinal Air sign oversees affection, balm trees, doves and florists, justice, music, scales, violets and wigs! The Sun and Moon come together at 21 degrees of Libra, so appraise the specific location and the aspects the New Moon Creates in your personal, Astrological charts for a guide as to how to best apply, set into motion and make the most of these planetary potentials on an individual level.

Also, be acutely mindful of all which you energetically cast in motion on the day before, of and after this New Moon / Solar Eclipse. All which is energetically cast forth at an Eclipse remains in motion for a longer duration of time as compared to a “regular” New Moon.

The entirety of Humanity is undergoing an “Ascension Process” which shall advance all to a place of Higher Consciousness and The Universal Knowing of Oneness. Our Human Civilization is also on the cusp of a “Golden Age,” where perfect Health, Prosperity in all forms–not only monetary–Freedom, Liberty and Justice shall Be enJOYed by everyone and not just a the “upper echelon” and a select few.

This New Moon, Solar Eclipse and more profoundly, the April 8, 2024, Total Solar Eclipse are referred to as “Great American Eclipse.” I place a larger emphasis on this potentiality in the April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse. The prior “GAE” occurred on August 21, 2017 and the paths of the 2017 and 2024 Great American Eclipse, Create an “X marks the spot” on The United States. As I have come to Know, these profound events are assisting with bringing to form the greatest potential of The United States and that is its becoming, “The New jer USA lem!”

The almost 7 years between “GAE” indicate a time of change, growth and advance with all which occurred 7 years ago. Of course, how the Eclipse are factored into your personal chart will offer a much greater understanding as to how to welcome the opportunities. Permit yourself to reflect on all which was occurring for you during the Summer 2017 Time, and permit Spirit to guide you as to what may be necessary for you to advance forward with all which began to unfurled during that time.

This New Moon, Solar Eclipse indicates an intensified time of a collective, and personal, “quantum leap” towards Higher Levels of Consciousness as well as a profound understanding of itself and ourselves as a Spiritual BEings.

In the New Moon, Solar Eclipse chart cast for The United States, the Lunation is located and is energizing the 9th house of the composition. This sector represents, among many elements, The Higher Mind. Uranus, who resides at 22 degrees of Taurus forms a transformative “inconjunct,” 150-degree alignment to the New Moon, as does Neptune who is at 25 degrees of Pisces. When Neptune and Uranus are factored together in this chart, they “point” to the New Moon and form what is Known as a “Yod of God,” or “Finger of God” alignment. When this arrangement occurs, be it on a personal or global level, a “Destiny shift” is occurring and all which is unfolding assists the native towards advancing to its “Destiny.” And, as I have referred to The United States as “The New jer USA lem,” here is a most auspicious opportunity for a substantial advance for The United States, as well as its People, towards this most Glorious Destiny! And, so that this vocation may unfurl, necessary adjustments must be welcomed.

The aforesaid “inconjunct” alignment has a connection to the One who is “The Great Transformer,” Pluto. And, We, The People are most emphatically “transforming” and that metamorphosis may be intensified in the coming months, specifically until the March / April 2024 Eclipse Season!

With the Lunation energizing the element and sector of “The Higher Mind,” the collective of We, The People are at an opportunity to receive Loving guidance from the Higher Realms–also a 9th house element. The Eclipse in the sign Libra, which most represents Nature and The Natural World, is a favorable opportunity for We to abundantly become aware of our personal connection with Nature as well as the profound presence of Spirt which exists in the Natural World! The placement in this sector also brings forth a shift of beliefs and belief systems. And, at this time, We are progressing towards a belief system which favors and benefits all and is a much more favorable and fair manner of thinking. Once more, no-one is to be “left out” regarding the Blessings of the Times to come!

Uranus, “The Great Awakener,” ushers dramatic and dynamic shifts towards higher levels of consciousness. With Uranus, the change presents the opportunity to “Awaken and Be Aware” of Humanity as a whole. When the aforementioned Neptune element is factored into the equation, We profoundly welcome the Knowing that We are Spiritual Beings as well as the overwhelming power of Love, more precisely, Spiritual Love. “Spiritual Love” is a Love understanding and experience which Transends the lower realms. Here is the opportunity to Know, receive and demonstrate the Love which surpasses the physical dimension and is demonstrated in the Higher Realms, by the Higher Beings such as The Archangels.

The New Moon / Eclipse forms a harmonic, 120-degree, trine aspect to The Moon, which represents We, The People, in The United States Astrological Chart. The Moon in The U.S Chart is in the sign of Aquarius, which is the sign of “The New Age,” as well as the one who is a “rebel.” I have been “seeing” the potential of an “America Revolution” and this uprising may very well unfurl in the coming 6-months. And, I shall emphasize that this transformation must be conducted from a place of Absolute Love. When this event contains “Love” at its helm, and the majority of We, The People, have in our Hearts that intention of “The Highest Good” to unfold for All–from that place of Love–then the necessary events shall unfurl with Ease and Grace and the potential for any disruptions to be minimal.

This and the Spring Eclipse Season are another critical “turning point” on our Collective Path of Creative Evolution. We are walking a very, very fine line here in The United States. We, The People are having the opportunity to Create a Utopian Society, or shall We permit The Shadow Forces to continue to advance with “Their” Desire for Dystopia. And, what and how it shall all unfold, We, individually as well as collectively, are Creating and Co-creating in every moment of each day.

The April 8, 2024, Total Solar Eclipse also is energizing the 9th house sector of that chart and further emphasizing the recognition of each one of our connections with the Higher Realms as well as the guidance BEing received from those dimensions. And, at this Solar Eclipse, and always for that matter, so that We are clear in the understanding of what is BEing shared with All by Spirit, we must be diligently dedicated towards properly maintaining those lines of communication and clear away any etheric, discordant, low-level interFEARances.

The Balsamic Moon Phase BEgins on October 10, 2023, at 12:17 PM, EDT and is the beneficial prospect to appropriately and energetically prepare for the coming Lunar Cycle which shall commence at the New Moon. Cast the intention and employ this specific Balsamic Moon to “clear” your individual channel of connection with the Higher Realms so you are adequately, energetically prepared to receive guidance from the Higher Realms.

I have shared for a multitude of years the progressive information for Personal as well as Home Clearings which is offered in the book, “Spiritual Clearings,” by Diana Burney. Employ these tools or any other Spiritual Modalities which resonate with you so to clear away the etheric inharmoniousness. There is a copious amount of low-level interFEARances currently in our World, such as the overwhelming presence of WiFi and 5G. That said, We are always at CHOICE as to not permit those menacing forces to interFEAR with our overall well-being and to employ the necessary tools to counteract and offset the negative interFEARances of those elements.

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self, resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and forever in a place of complete Trust and perfect Love. Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, October 5, 2023