Full Moon | September 17, 2024

Full Moon

Pisces Full Moon
Lunar Eclipse
September 17, 2024
10:34:25 PM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our September 17, 2024 Full Moon occupies the sign Pisces, is a Lunar Eclipse and characterizes all things Psychic, including the Psychic Faculties, Psychic Sensitivity and our personal Psychic Abilities and Awareness. Pisces governs all that which is deeply embedded in the self in the realms of the collective unconscious as well as the “collective” unconsciousness which includes the dark, hidden, etheric caverns and realms of the outside world. In this jurisdiction, there exists what is known as “The Underworld,” which is also known as; The Shadow Forces, The Deep State, The Cabal, The Khazarian Mafia. If you are unfamiliar with these Demonic Entities, yes, they are connected with Satan.  Please conduct extensive research regarding all that which those like myself have shared regarding these elements so that you may be Inspired to Know your power and rise above their, We Trust soon to end, “Reign of Terror.”

The Full Moon resides at almost 26 degrees of Pisces and The Sun at almost 26 degrees of Virgo. As always, look to the placement of the Lunation in your personal, Astrological charts and how its energy connects with the points in your planetary diagram to precisely delineate as to how these energies shall unfold for you!

At the moment of the Full Moon, We have the planetary ruler of Pisces and oftentimes Nebulous Neptune within 3 degrees of proximity to the Pisces Full Moon. To that configuration, we have Pluto and Uranus, in Capricorn and Taurus, respectively, forming opportunity, 60-degree sextile formations to the Full Moon. The profound possibilities of this extraordinary alignment are of a much more unprecedented opportunity for a monumental SPIRITUAL catapult towards a higher level of consciousness for the All of Humanity, more than anything else. It is suggested to fully permit yourself to embrace whatever tools and modalities which resonate with you so to permit yourself to launch forward on your Spiritual Journey and employ the dynamic of these alignments to lovingly assist you, with Grace & Ease.

Neptune has been “hovering” in the late, critical degrees of 27- 29 since the start of this year and will remain there until the Spring of 2025 when it will first “dip” into Aries. Neptune will return to Pisces for a final cleanse of any deep seated energetic and Spiritual inharmoniousness from October 22, 2025 until January 27, 2026 when it begins it full passage of Aries and remains here until 2038.

I state this at this writing because of Neptune’s close proximity to the Full Moon. At the lower vibration, this placement brings forth an unprecedented amount of confusion and uncertainty in the outside world which stems from an elevated level of etheric discord. And, that BEing stated, as always, when we understand the HIGHER VIBRATIONAL polarity of any alignment, We bring forth a much more favorable outcome to any configuration which may apparently seem challenging or calamitous.

When there is a strong presence of Neptune in an astrological configuration, because it so connects with and represents the Spirit Realms, as well as incumbering confusion, so to properly work with its energy and to bring forth a favorable result, we must be dedicated towards “quieting” the overwhelming cacophony of the outside world, silence the chatter of the mind, become quiet and peaceful within the self, and “listen” to what Spirit is sharing with you! As Neptune may bring forth great confusion, it shall also bring about abundant CLARITY, when its dynamic is properly employed so that its BEing may BE so!

And, when the Full Moon is factored into the Astrological Chart of The United States, The Moon and Neptune both form an opposition, Full Moon alignment to Neptune in the U.S. chart which further exacerbates the element of “confusion” through the U.S. And, with its natal Neptune being placed in the 9th house sector of the U.S. chart, which is the region of the planetary configuration that represents “higher” forms of communication such as radio and television (TEL-LIE-VISION), the level of confusion in those realms will be staggering, especially regarding an overwhelming presence and propulsion of propaganda.

The Neptune component also represents the elements of various forms of electronics such as Wifi and Cell Phone Towers and in this arena, I include technology such as HAARP–please conduct extensive research on the subject–and various satellites. More so, the low-level frequencies being transmitted from those forms of microchip technology which bombastically interFEAR with our thinking, thoughts and overall physical and Spiritual Wellness.

The Pisces and Neptune elements represent disease which are “obscure,” such as what is told to the masses to be a “pandemic,” and which are “hard to diagnose illness.” A challenge as well as an incorrect, regarding a “proper diagnosis,” of such discord is because the source of the disease originates from the Spiritual and Metaphysical realm and not the physical realms of matter and the instance is often difficult to properly identify. Once the majority of Humanity elevates to a Higher Level of Consciousness and Knowing, We shall completely understand how all disease initiates from a discord of emotions which begins at the Spiritual and Metaphysical Levels.

For many years I have shared my knowing that it is the “Wetiko Virus” which has become staggering and is running amok in The United States and throughout the world. A simple explanation of this “infection” is that it is a “psychosis” which runs rampant throughout the subconsciousness of the masses. The subject of Wetiko is quite extensive, and to those who choose the courage to explore this concept, I suggest reading, as a start, “Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil,” by Paul Levy. At this Lunation, the Wetiko may elevate to epic levels. And as always, remember that when we CHOOSE to employ all the Spiritual Tools, available at our fingertips for those who choose to receive, we are empowered to keep ourselves shielded and protected against any discord and evil. Always, choose to Know your power and all that is available for you to Spiritually fortify yourself!

This Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse coincides with the “Birthday” of The United States Constitution and this date is known as “Constitution Day.” When an Eclipse, be it a Solar or Lunar, coincides with a birthday, the ensuing year for the native may potentially be one of the most prominent in the life of the individual. This happening shall always be indicative of a significant “turning point” in the life of the native. As a Lunar Eclipse is a Full Moon, which brings to a crescendo all that which has been energetically set in motion at the New Moon, a Lunar Eclipse brings to a climax all that which has been energetically in motion for a much longer duration of time than a “regular” 28-day Lunar Cycle. And, the Lunar Eclipse shall always amplify and heighten the natal energies of the birth chart. Please note, this is a rudimentary explanation of the phenomena.

That said, it was in 2007 when I calculated that there would be a “restructuring” of The United States Constitution. I later specified that after greater clarity was shown to me, that there would be a “reestablishing” of this most Sacred, Spiritual Document. And, I could never fathom the profundity of what I was being shown by Spirit!

The United States has been Created and Designed, by the Founding Fathers in conjunction with the Higher Realms, as a “Constitutional Republic.” And, sadly, it has been anything but that. My suggestion, for it is much more than I can properly illustrate in this writing, is to research how The United States has been a “Corporation,” and not a Republic. That knowing is quite glaringly obvious in how so many “corporations” have taken over this country. A grand component of what has been occurring in The United States, is that it is returning to the potential for which it was designed to be; a “Constitutional Republic,” and NOT a “democracy.” I would further inspire all to considerably research this Knowing. As I observe, this is abundantly clear as illustrated in the “Pledge of Allegiance,” when it is stated, “…and to the REPUBLIC (not democracy) for which it stands…”

And, as always.

“You must learn to be sensitive to the Voice within that can tell You what is Truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the Voice of Truth which is within You and You will lead yourselves onto the path of [Creative] Evolution… May you be [continually] Blessed by the Supreme Love and Truth of the Cosmos.”  ~1977

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, September 5, 6 & 10, 2024


Aquarius Full Moon
August 19, 2024
2:26 PM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

The Full Moon of August is in the sign Aquarius and is The One that most embodies great Change which precedes powerful and profound Awakenings. The Water Bearer governs progressive thinking and our personal “Genius,” the ability to think “outside the box” and unconventionally abstract. It is the sign of Astrology and The Astrologer, Friends, Hopes and Wishes as well as broadcasts, freethinking, legislation, paradoxes, social affairs and vision.

The Full Moon resides at 27 degrees of Aquarius and The Sun at 27 degrees of Leo. As repeatedly recommended, review the exact position of the Full Moon and the aspects it forms in your personal, Astrological composition so to greater understand where and how these energetic shifts may unfurl for you.

The One which represents and brings forth great change, as well as the Planetary Ruler of Aquarius, Uranus, forms a most powerful, and sometimes volatile, 90-degree, Creative and Dynamic, square alignment with the Sun and Moon and overall forms a “T-square,” configuration when we factor in all those constituents. The dynamic of a “square” aspect brings forth change, and with the additional elements of Aquarius and Uranus at this Full Moon, the volume of change brought forth by these configurations may be extraordinary. And, so that We, personally and collectively, are not excessively overwhelmed and inundated by these most unprecedented shifts of energy, which are leading towards Higher Levels of Consciousness, We must be diligently dedicated, now more than ever, at maintaining our Spiritual Selfcare!

In the Astrological Chart of The United States–The New JerUSAlem–the Moon, which represents We, The People, is being activated and energized at an unprecedented level. The Full Moon is within 5 seconds of a degree of a conjunction, “New Moon” aspect, to the natal Moon and transiting Uranus, is within 1 second of a degree of an exact square, 90-degree alignment to The U.S. Moon, which is in Aquarius. I have been foreseeing for quite some time now that the probability of another “American Revolution” is in the works. And, with these precise, high-energy alignments from the components which embody revolts and revolutions–Aquarius and Uranus–this, what may be a necessary event, may be at hand.

The 90-degree alignment from Uranus to the Moon in the United States chart will be energized until May 2025 and the first exacting aspect of this cycle is on August 18, 2024, the day before this Full Moon. A final outcome of this cycle of experience, is that our Homeland shall become a place of solace and peace–among other Blessings. This will result provided that We, The People, collectively and individually navigate this Time without adding to the already existing chaos and create additional pandemonium. A “Rebel Without a Cause” mentality is a lower vibration demonstration of this energy. A much more favorable outcome is that We, The People, CHOOSE to “see” with clarity, the most Blessed, elevated potential of this Nation, which was intended by The Founding Fathers, in conjunction with The Higher Realms. As I have arrived at Knowing, from my own exploration of Metaphysical information and research, the Founding Fathers of this Nation collaborated with those such as St. Germain, so to Create a nation which would be a benchmark for other Nations to follow. For those with whom this Knowing resonates, I suggest continuing to explore The Metaphysical Understandings of the potential of The New JerUSAlem, whose “birth,” that is now and has been unfurling, is the “Destiny” of our Nation.

Mercury, who is retrograde until August 28, 2024, is just over one degree away from the Sun in Leo and also opposes the Moon and forms a square to Uranus. When Mercury aligns in this manner with its “Higher Octave,” Uranus, We are presented with the opportunity to tap into, as well as receive, astonishing levels of elevated and unconventional thinking. And, so to facilitate the process without BEing overwhelmed and “short circuited” from the extraordinary surge of energy, We must Be diligently grounded with the energy of the Earth. This alignment is also indicative of the possibility of chaotic misinformation running rampant through conventional forms of communication such as various broadcasting platforms. And, with Mercury BEing retrograde, the potential for information distortion is unprecedented. And, with Higher Awareness and the employment of powerful “Spiritual Tools” We are empowered to counteract the negative influences of any seemingly precarious planetary alignment!

At this Time, with the influence of the aforesaid Uranian energy, the shadow forces who seek to disrupt this most Creative and Evolutionary process of The United States shall bring forth even more situations which cause mass chaos and confusion.  Our Free Will Choice to remain quiet within can be used to prevent the intentionally crafted disorder from interFEARING with our peacefulness and allow us to BE shown, by Spirit, the Higher Truths which are continually BEing…REVEALED. 

I have forever stated that, when someone is in a deep sleep, We often need to shake them a bit more to awaken them. This is just in fact what Uranus is now BEing; “a shake us up to wake us up experience.”

Another facet of this most evolutionary experience in The United States is that the collective of We, The People, are discovering the actual Spiritual Nature and potential of this Nation. The element of Spirituality has been intentionally removed from most, if not all, components such as Religion, Science, and Education, not to mention “politics,” just to illustrate a few, so to keep the majority of We, The People, in a most compromised condition of actual understanding of all things. In all U.S. currency, which suggests a vibration, is the axiom, “In God We Trust.” Also illustrated on most currency, is the symbol of the “All seeing Eye,” which is at the top of the pyramid and removed from its base. The symbolism of the All-Seeing Eye is the presence of The Shadow Forces, that have always been “hiding in plain sight” and crafting their most malevolent machinations behind the scenes. And now, in these last of days of lower vibrations, their “masks” are continually BEing removed.

In the Full Moon chart cast for The U.S., there is Sagittarius rising on the horizon in early degrees. The ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter, is in Gemini and conjunct to Mars. Gemini and Sagittarius are elements of communication and higher forms of communication, respectively. That stated, I suggest We permit ourselves to Honour the information coming forth from the Higher Realms which provides greater and alternative insights as to the happenings on our planet. The presence of Higher Beings, such as Extraterrestrials, ruled by Sagittarius, has been a constant. These BEings, which I understand were the “Angels” which we have been taught–or perhaps misinformed–to be present during the times of antiquity and are continually sharing Higher Insights and Information with those who resonate with their frequency.

I have seen the possibility of a “staged, ‘Independence Day’” scenario being crafted by The Underworld as another plot at reverberating debilitating fear throughout Humanity. This Full Moon may be another window of possibility for that development to occur. And there is also the prospect for some genuine form of communication to unfurl from and with the benevolent, Higher Beings.

And, as always.

“You must learn to be sensitive to the Voice within that can tell You what is Truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the Voice of Truth which is within You and You will lead yourselves onto the path of [Creative] Evolution… May you be [continually] Blessed by the Supreme Love and Truth of the Cosmos.”  ~1977

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, August 12 & 13, 2024


Capricorn Full Moon
July 21, 2024
6:17 AM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our Full Moon of July is, as it was in June, in the sign of Capricorn! And, this month, the Full Moon is at the late, critical degree of 29, suggesting there is a significant “turning of events” as well as a noteworthy ending of what no longer serves a greater purpose for ourselves and the All of Humanity!

The One which represents The Underworld, Shadow Realm / Forces, The Evil of the most Sinister as well as The One which brings about the most profound of Transformations and provides the opportunity to connect with and demonstrate great power and the ability to bring to form the most ambitious of Desires, Pluto, is within one degree of proximity to the Full Moon.

I have stated in recent forecasts how a great Light is BEing directed upon the Evil which has lurked in the shadows for epochs. This Full Moon, and the ensuing weeks, may be a Time when the collective Awareness of the existence of these nefarious forces shall be acutely elevated and the presence of those sinister elements further thrown down into the beams of the “Super Trouper.” And, We, collectively, must not be in fear–which shall always interFEAR with the enJOYment of Blessings–of what is continually BEing…Revealed.

At the time of the Full Moon, energetic Mars in Gemini forms a harmonious trine, 120-degree, alignment to powerful Pluto. This, for one, is a most auspicious opportunity to “revitalize” our will power and determination. When Mars aligns in such a benevolent manner with its “Higher Octave,” We may feel a sense of rejuvenation. This is also an opportunity to receive, from the Higher Realms, deep and penetrating, alternative insights into the occurrences of the outer world and the Spiritual significance of the events. Collectively, there may be a mass, “coming together” so to rise above the inflictions of The Shadow Realm.

Uranus, as it is moving into the late degrees of Taurus, forms a harmonic aspect to the Full Moon in late degree of Capricorn. This alignment fortifies an overwhelming shift of energy towards Higher Levels of consciousness for the collective of We, The People. At the combined consciousness level, there very well may be an irrefutable “Awakening” which shall poignantly unfurl. A profound “Ah-ha” moment may be experienced among the masses.

Each year, on July 23, marks the annual opening of The Lion’s Gate Portal. This most auspicious time is an opportunity for all to, for one, remember their individual connection with Divinity as well as the presence of this Sovereignty in everyone–no one omitted. The Sun transits the sign which represents this Holiness, Leo, this time of year and in the chart cast for the Full Moon, Leo is rising. The acute opening of this gateway is at sunrise, locally, on August 7, 8 and 9. It “closes” around August 11.

The Full Moon and Pluto form an opposition to the Leo rising and is yet another opportunity to remember the constituent of Divinity in all. It is also the occasion to fortify our will power, determination and Creative BEing. A Full Moon shall always heighten energy. So, employ these elevated vibrations of Creative, Evolutionary Divinity to further “Awaken” and advance to this Blessed potential within yourself.

Neptune, who is passaging the last stages of Pisces, in the “critical” degree” of 29, forms many auspicious aspects to The Sun, Uranus, Pluto and The Moon. This final passage of the sign which most represents Spirituality is indicative of a period where many false beliefs are now finally being liquidated. Neptune will not fully begin its transit of Aries until January 2026, so this clearing away of detrimental indoctrinations, deceptive philosophies, as well as “False Profits,” is now being intensified.

Propagandas in the realms of Science, History and Religion are very much a part of this “ending” of false beliefs. Higher Truth is unfurling for All, and We must Honour and acknowledge our own Truth. We are here now to discover our personal Truth and We have been inspired to explore these realms of Higher Knowing and to embrace what resonates with us personally while respecting the Higher Truth of another even if that Truth diametrically opposes our own “Truth.” In the lower realms, such as the Third Dimension, which is being eliminated, there is no “absolute” Truth and in the Higher Realms, the only Truth is absolute and perfect Love.

At this Full Moon, permit yourself to Honour and “Awaken” to your personal, Higher Truth. If your beliefs are serving a greater purpose for you and allow you to enJOY all that which you Desire, observe this as an opportunity to “fine tune” those principles. If your philosophies are not allowing you to revel in all the many Blessings you would like to enJOY, the time is now to Honour that experience and welcome the progressive, alternative beliefs and Knowing which may very well assist you in Creating all which you Desire to celebrate.

Mercury in Leo forms a Creative and Dynamic 90-degree, square alignment to its Higher Octave, Uranus. When this energy is “properly” crafted, highly progressive, abstract, alternative and “out-of-the-box” thinking is enJOYed. If We are not grounded, specifically with the Earth element at this time, the surges of anxiety may be staggering and the dynamic of The Mind and our thoughts may “run amok.”

As always, with Higher Understandings, We are empowered to counteract any negative potential of any alignment. It’s the demonstration of working “with” and not against the alignment that shall stabilize the lower, often discordant frequency experiences, such as uncomfortable and elevated angst!

Lastly, a situation which may seem as it originates in “Science Fiction,” is that our Thoughts are being “scrambled,” from the Nefarious forces, with such “weapons formed against Humanity,” such as 5G, Cell-towers, WiFi, HAARP Technology, etc. The EMF (Electric and Magnetic Fields) exposure and interFEARance from these sources may very well be elevated in the coming times so to derail the masses from receiving Higher Knowing and Insights. This situation has been in play for many, many years and is now heightened. And, with higher Awareness of all the “tools” available  to[LA1]  counteract these despicable interFEARances, we empower ourselves to counteract the possible negative effects. The situation of EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) events may also be encountered in the weeks ahead.

And, once more.

“You must learn to be sensitive to the Voice within that can tell You what is Truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the Voice of Truth which is within You and You will lead yourselves onto the path of [Creative] Evolution… May you be [continually] Blessed by the Supreme Love and Truth of the Cosmos.”  ~1977

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, July 8 & 9, 2024


Capricorn Full Moon
June 21, 2024
9:08 PM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Summer Solstice
June 20, 2024
4:51 PM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

The first Full Moon of the Summer Season finds itself in the sign Capricorn. This One governs business in general, colds, credit and farms, government, government officials & representatives. Capricorn represents our goals and highest achievements, pine trees, poppies, pottery and sculptors, snow and trees of old. The Full Moon is at 1 degree of Capricorn and the Sun at 1 degree of Cancer. A Full Moon shall bring to fruition all which has been culminating, energetically, leading to the Lunation. And so, as with all Astrological activity, look to the precise placement of the Full Moon in your personal, Astrological charts so to gain greater insights as to how these Full Moon energies may climax for you on a personal level!

In the chart cast for The United States, aka, The New JerUSAlem, the Full Moon illuminates and energizes the 12th house sector. This is the arena of the Astrological chart which represents, among many elements, all that which dwells in the shadows and operates behind the scenes as well as “secret enemies.”

In my forecast for the 2024, Spring Eclipse, I made reference that in the times after the Eclipse and specifically in June and July, the disclosure of the atrocities which The Shadow Forces have inflicted upon Humanity shall be catapulted. This Full Moon may certainly accelerate the reveal of such horrors, as well as other atrocities which have been fashioned by these most malevolent entities for epochs.

In addition to the Lunation BEing in the sign Capricorn, there is also this One rising in the Full Moon chart cast for The United States. Capricorn represents government and all leaders, specifically “World” leaders and this includes leaders in religion and any other organizations, such as The U.N. and The W.H.O. With the strong presence of Capricorn in the Lunation chart, the disclosure of the brutalities of what the leaders in the above-mentioned realms have perpetrated upon Humanity is energized. The recent trial of Mr. Fauci is one prime example of what is BEing…Revealed.

In what is referred to as a “Mundane chart,” such as an Astrological Chart cast for a Full or New Moon, the Sun element signifies those who are prominent leaders, such as a president, prime minister, aristocrats—all persons in authority and of distinction. In the Full Moon chart, as well as in the chart cast for the Summer Solstice, We have metamorphic Pluto forming a transformative inconjunct (150-degree) aspect to the Sun!

This highly dynamic and energetic aspect may bring about a buildup of pressure to an unstable level and may cause the behaviors of the aforementioned leaders to become neurotic, obsessive, or destructive in their behaviors. Those who are already psychologically unstable may become even more mentally unhinged. Their behaviors may be so erratic that they may endeavor upon some demonstration and display of mass chaos. This occurs because the individuals are aware that there is a loss of control occurring and are no different than a cornered wild animal which lashes out when it is restricted. Intensified, neurotic behavior regarding these individuals may be observed. We, as Humanity, must be acutely aware of the possible unpredictable actions of these so-supposed leaders and employ as many tools of Spiritual protection as possible. To say to Be “In the World and not of It,” in the coming weeks is an understatement.

Pluto is in the first house of the Full Moon chart. In this sector of the chart, this placement of Pluto may suggest that the inhabitants, or We, The People, are very much in power with the possibility of the downfall of the government, more precisely, the “Shadow Government” and its minions. This return to full power to the People may come about, as I have been foreseeing, through the form of another “American Revolution.”

The Summer Solstice occurs on the day before the Full Moon on June 20, 2024 at 4:51 PM, EDT. The combination of energies in the Solstice Chart cast for The United States reinforce the indication of a major transformation unfurling in The United States. Pluto-ruled Scorpio is rising in this chart and is the sign which, because of its Pluto connection, represents a profound metamorphosis. And, as it is rising in the chart, it connects with the land and its people and the dramatic change unfurling.

In the Solstice chart, as well as in the Full Moon chart, Pluto also forms a transformative, inconjunct aspect to the planet of Love, Venus. We so often hear of the miraculous and transformative “Power of Love.” The full potency of this power is the only supremacy that will stop the Evil, which is unraveling, and completely render those forces immobilized. We must not discredit the potency and effectiveness of this most authoritative constituent of our Human BEing, which is the only real part of our Humanness which is of The Divine. Strangely, so that We, collectively, may choose to embrace and then Know the power of Love, there may be an element, situation, condition which may surge the levels of fear in the outer world. Of course, one intentionally and purposefully manufactured by the Shadow Forces. If and when such a factor comes to form, Know, with absolute certainty, here is the full force opportunity to Know the all-encompassing power of Love.

Collectively, We, The People must be intensely aware to simply BE in that place of Love. This perpetual state of a High Vibrational BEing–not DOing–is the most effective tool to employ, so to dissolve the Evil at hand.

Energetically, the months ahead may feel even more unsettling. And, when We understand our power and employ all the Spiritual Tools available for our protection, We are “In the World and not of It,” and the discord, as well as The Evil Ones, has no power over our well-being.

Know your Power. Employ the Spiritual Tools. Remain in The Light and in that place of non-judgement, Peace and Perfect Love.

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, June 6 & 12, 2024


Sagittarius Full Moon
May 23, 2024
9:53 AM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our approaching Full Moon dwells in the Tropical Zodiac sign of Sagittarius and symbolizes abundance, broadcasts and higher education, faith, inspiration, loyalty and ministers. This One governs philanthropy, priests and professors, radio, satire and travel to faraway places! The Full Moon is at almost 3 degrees of Sagittarius and the Sun at almost 3 degrees of Gemini. As with all Lunation and planetary activity, look to the precise placement of this event in your personal, Astrological charts so to gain greater insights as to how these Full Moon energies may potentially unfurl for you!

A grand facet of the Sagittarius element is The Higher Mind, The Higher Self, Higher Truth as well as Higher BEings. I stated in my April 8, 2024, New Moon, Total Solar Eclipse Forecast:

“…in the months after these Eclipse Events, many “Higher Truths” shall continue to BE…REVEALED. The disclosure of that which has been kept hidden from the majority of Humanity is the essence of these most glorious Times of Revelations and The Apocalypse.”

The energies of this Full Moon most certainly may bring forth many “Revelations” and Higher Truths.

The Full Moon forms an opposition, “Full Moon,” alignment to Venus and Jupiter, who are both at the late, critical degree of 29 in Taurus. One of the many revelations which has been rising to the surface is how the majority of We, The People, have been kept–by design and intention from The Shadow Forces–in a compromised state of financial wellness, mainly through the means of unconstitutional taxation.

The passage of Jupiter in the sign which most represents all financial matters, as well as great wealth–Taurus–offers the opportunity to all, not just a select few, to embrace the inalienable birthright of “wealth” in all forms. Everyone, no one left out, has been imbued with the contingency of monetary Blessings, yet so many, especially in these Times, seem to be financially struggling. And, yes, it is the intention of The Shadow Forces for all to be fiscally impotent. And, once We arrive at that place of Knowing of this birthright, as always from that place of Love, We receive monetary Blessings greater than We may imagine. And, We must ALLOW the Blessings to Be freely given, by Prime Creator. Source shall always, generously offer many Benedictions, and it also cannot interFEAR with the Free Will of We, The People. If We are not permitting the prosperity to come to form, We may not enJOY to capacity the abundant Blessings of our due Spiritual Inheritance.

Venus, who is within 13-seconds-of-a-degree to Jupiter, further invigorates the Blessings of Financial Prosperity for All at this Full Moon. At this Lunation, permit yourself to Welcome, with Ease and Grace, the many monetary Blessings of your Birthright. And, Uranus, “The Great Awakener,” is also in close proximity to Venus and Jupiter, adding further profundity to the “Awakening” of the Knowing and understanding of fiscal prosperity at this Full Moon. In the “Mark-Age” publication, “How To Do All Things,” the understanding of how to Create financial, and other Blessings, is eloquently illustrated.

Mars, who is at 17-degrees of Aries, will be “passing over” the April 8, 2024, Eclipse point, which will be exact on May 25, 2024, at precisely 9:08:58 PM, EDT. As Mars connects with the position of the Solar Eclipse, which was 19 degrees of Aries, the potential dynamic contained in the Eclipse is galvanized. And, as mentioned in my Total Solar Eclipse forecast, many Higher Truths are BEing revealed and all our connections with The Higher Realms are BEing stimulated.

Here We all have the opportunity to receive Higher Insights from the Higher Realms. And, so that the process is efficient, We must be acutely dedicated to our personal, Spiritual Wellness and  BE as energetically clear and grounded as possible. If our energy field is riddled with etheric debris, what We “hear” coming through from The Higher Realms is like static on a contaminated phone line. Everyone has the availability of receiving guidance from The Higher Realms, and We must properly fortify the process so to maintain a clear “line of communication” and fully comprehend the information BEing given from and by Higher BEings.

The Moon and Pluto form an “opportunity,” sextile–60-degree alignment–with each other at the Full Moon. With Pluto in out-of-the-box thinking Aquarius and with the Moon in the sign of The Higher Mind, the prospect to tap into evolutionary and progressive thinking and knowing is at hand. This alignment sets the stage for all to “see” the bigger picture of what is and has been unfurling in our world. And, to Be so, We must be removed from what We might perceive the Knowing to Be. When We are “detached” from a preconceived outcome of any situation, and permit Spirit to share its Knowing, without fear, We are Lovingly given all information necessary for our Creative Evolution. With this alignment of Pluto and The Full Moon, intense Insights are at hand to Be received.

In the Full Moon chart cast for The New JerUSAlem, We have Cancer, at the late, “critical degree” of 28 rising on the Horizon. In the chart there is also Venus, Jupiter and Neptune at that critical degree of 29. Often, when there is a collection, or “stellium,” of points at the late degree, there is indication of a prominent turning point of events. And, as We factor the Full Moon chart into the Natal Chart of The United States, the Full Moon energizes and illuminates the 12th house sector! Here is where all that is “hidden” resides as well as “secret enemies.” The activation of this sector of The U.S. chart strongly suggests that the Higher Truth of so much of which is and has been operating “in the shadows,” is further BEing illuminated.

And, because of this elucidation, The Underworld / Shadow Forces / Cabal / Khazarian Mafia / Deep State, shall intentionally create as much chaos, divergence, and disruptions so to cause derailments of the divulgence of Higher Truth. And, “They”–as in the aforementioned entities–only have the power anyone offers to them. We must Know We are not powerless and “They” only contain the “power” given to them.

Lastly, In the days before, of and after the Full Moon, permit yourself to, as much as possible, look to the skies. There has been an increase in the activity of UFO sightings–Sagittarius represents Higher BEings which We Know to be Extraterrestrials–since the start of this unprecedented year, and the energies of this Full Moon may certainly increase the awareness of this activity, which has always been present.

I share this message from the Higher Realms which was shared with Humanity in 1977;

“Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides at present operating on your world. They will suck your energy from you – the energy you call money and will put it to evil ends and give you worthless dross in return. Your inner divine self will protect you from this. You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within that can tell you what is Truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to The Voice of Truth which is within you and you will lead yourselves onto the path of [Creative] Evolution.”

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, May 15, 2024


Scorpio Full Moon
April 23, 2024
7:49 PM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our forthcoming Full Moon happens in the Tropical Zodiac sign of Scorpio and is the sign which represents apothecaries and bathrooms, cemeteries and drug stores as well as hay fever, malachite, pallbearers and satire. The Moon is just over 4 degrees of Scorpio and the Sun just over 4 degrees of Taurus. As always, review the precise placement of the Lunation in your personal, Astrological charts to further understand how these Full Moon energies shall unfurl for you!

In the Full Moon chart cast for The United States, aka, The New JerUSAlem, in addition to the Full Moon in Scorpio, we have Scorpio rising. And, with the Moon and ascendant, and to the Sun powerful Pluto forms a powerful T-square alignment. This orientation is often quite volatile, especially in the “fixed” signs and may suggest that in the weeks after the Full Moon, unrest may unfurl with a heightened presence of Military Activity. The Scorpio element does represent the deepest of dark energy and evil. And, with a heightened sense of awareness and the experience of BEing in a place of Perfect Love, no matter how malevolent a force, it has no power over us.

With regard to “personal power,” with The Moon, which in a “mundane chart”–such as a chart cast for a Lunation as in a Full Moon–represents We, The People. And, in the sign Scorpio, this accentuates the “Power of We, The People.” Over a multitude of years and consulting with countless clients, I have always observed that when One is BEing offered the opportunity to “Know their Power,” inevitably, something will come along and attempt to cause a disruption of the opportunity and endeavour to, in some manner, “control or suppress,” the One BEing Inspired to Know Their Power! The choice is always ours if We are to give away that power to another, or to empower ourselves and always Be so from that place of Love.

Once more We must permit ourselves to Be abundantly aware of any disruptions, and intentionally crafted situations so to cause chaos, Created by The Shadow forces, such as which took place on September 11, 2001 and during The kor ona - vy rus (intentionally misspelled) situation, where the masses “gave away” their power. In 2001, the “giving away” of power was done in the name of “national security,” and in 2020, in the name of “public health.” Most have arrived at a place of awareness of the actual intentions, as well as Creators, of the aforementioned situations. At this Full Moon, We must emphatically, BE once more, abundantly aware of the possibilities of such atrocities BEing inflicted upon The People.

On April 20, 2024, at 10:27 PM, EDT, Jupiter and Uranus will form an exact conjunction–New Moon alignment–in Tropical Taurus. The last time Jupiter and Uranus united was in 2010 and 2011, once in Aries and twice in Pisces. Whenever 2 elements amalgamate, as in a conjunction such as a New Moon, there begins a new cycle of experience. As Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, unites with Uranus, the planet of great change, evolution and revolution, as well as “Great Awakenings,” these elements and more are being accentuated upon, especially with the heightened energies at the time of the Full Moon.

Another of the many constituents of this incorporation is the complete Knowing that EVERYONE, no-one left out, is to enJOY the Blessings of Financial Prosperity and Abundance. It seems as though, especially in The United States, that there is such an extreme dichotomy between those who enJOY great financial Blessings and those who do not. Once this Nation fully becomes “The New JerUSAlem,” no one shall be in lack–fiscally and otherwise.

If it resonates with you, at the exact moment of the conjunction, which occurs only once in this cycle, conduct a meditation, ceremony, candle lighting, whatever reverberates with you, so to fully awaken to the Blessings of Financial Abundance. This constituent is ALREADY within you. We simply need to “awaken” to this Beatitude. In the brilliant book, “How To Do All Things,” this understanding of the Financial Abundance, which is the birthright of everyone and not just a few, is eloquently articulated.

Mars and Neptune are in close proximity of one another in late degree Pisces, and form an exact conjunction on April 29, 2024 at 12:31 AM, EDT at almost 29 degrees. This conjunction fortifies the element of Faith and in the late, “critical degree” of 29 suggests an intensified release of all Beliefs which do not permit one to be in that complete place of perfect Trust as well as Perfect Love. Pisces is the element which represents “Spiritual Love,” and is a “Love experience,” which Begins with Self-Love and transcends the limitations and density of the lower realms.

Pluto-ruled Scorpio is the element of great Transformation. The dramatic nature of this alteration is best illustrated in the transformative process of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. The collective of We, The People, have been metamorphosing for many, many years. At this time, this transformation of “Becoming,” may very well be intensified because of the monumental “Turning point” of accelerated Spiritual Ascension emphasized at the April 8, 2024, Great American, Total Solar Eclipse.

A Full Moon in Scorpio, especially at an early degree, gleams a great spotlight–“Super Trouper” as I have said–to where the darkness dwells. We must not be afraid of what We, The People, are BEing shown regarding where this darkness resides and who truly are the “Spiritual Wickedness in High Places.” These are the “Puppet Masters” who pull the strings and orchestrate the most horrific atrocities which have been and are inflicted upon the All of Humanity as well as We, The People of The New JerUSAlem.

As always, choose to BE a great, perennial beacon of Light and Love wherever you are and whatever you are BEing. Do not discredit your ability and potential to shine and radiate this Light to the All of Humanity. You Light is very much needed now, more than ever.

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, April 12, 2024


Libra Full Moon
March 25, 2024
Lunar Eclipse
3:00 AM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our Full Moon this month, which is also a Lunar Eclipse, resides in the Tropical Zodiac sign of Libra. This One governs balance, beauty and bedrooms, diamonds, harmony, and marbles. Libra oversees opals, pacificism and quarts, red crimson, trees, and wigs! The Full Moon is at 5 degrees of Libra and the Sun at 5 degrees of Aries. As with all Lunation and planetary activity, look to the precise placement of the Full Moon in your personal, Astrological charts so to gain greater insights as to how these Full Moon possibilities may potentially unfurl for you!

As a “regular” Full Moon begins to bring to a crescendo what we cast in motion at the time of the New Moon, a Lunar Eclipse, which is a “super-powered,” if you will, Full Moon, shall culminate all which has been energetically in motion for a longer period of time. Reflect on all which was energized at the previous Lunar Eclipse, which occurred on October 28, 2023, and observe this as a “turning point” and move forward with all which came to form at that time.

One of the many constituents of Libra are the Blessings of Peace, Harmony, Joy, Love and Balance, and not to mention, Beauty. This Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse is bringing forth those many Beatitudes to All. And, so that those Benedictions may be enJOYed by All, and not just a select few as in the “elite,” there must be established a Balance where there may be inequity. And, We, The People, must not fear, which shall always interFEAR with our personal Peace and Joy, what must unfurl in order to enJOY the Sanctifications. And, We must also not be in fear of the chaos which The Underworld may intentionally orchestrate so to cause many to “miss” the opportunity at hand.

At this Lunation, and on the days before of and after the event, as often as possible, permit yourself to Be in a place of quiet Meditation / Prayer, and actually feel the presence of Peace, Harmony, Love, Joy and Balance ALREADY with you. These many Blessings are already present and within everyone, We just need to remember that the many Blessings are now present and available for All to enJOY!!!

To further emphasize the supremacy of this Lunation, We have The One which most embodies great “power,” Pluto, forming a harmonious, trine (120-degree) aspect to the Full Moon.  When the trine aspect is configured by the Heavenly elements, it forms a triangle which permits energy to flow with effortless ease and grace. And, that stated, because of the effortlessness at hand, We must be mindful to not “miss” the opportunity. This comes with simply, Lovingly BEING in a place of the Knowing of the Blessings. Once We “Know” and “Allow” all to unfurl with Diving Presence and Perfection, The Universe reflects back that state of BEing and a multitude of Blessings unfurl and are brought to form–naturally and effortlessly!!! There has been an egregious imbalance in the arena where The Elite hold much of the “power” in the world. This horrific inequality has been and is now BEing radically corrected.

In a “Mundane” chart such as a Full Moon, the Moon element represents “We, The People.” And, when transformative Pluto forms this benevolent arrangement with The Moon, the power of its BEing is BEing directed to the All of We, The People. This is a constituent of our Human Potential which must not be misused. The misuse of this power is demonstrated in One who disempowers and attempts to control another. The Knowing of the constituent is so the majority of the collective finally arrives at the place of Knowing that We are “The Master of our Destiny,” and We have the ability to “control,” if you will, our own lives and Purpose. And, We are not here to demonstrate dominion over someone or interFEAR in and with the path and free will of another.

Here is the opportunity to fully recognize how We are very much “Creative Beings” and are in control of our Destiny. Our will and determination are demonstrated with tremendous vigor and power. Great passion–or strong emotions regarding a matter–which is a remarkable Desire of something, is what fortifies the Creative process in bringing forth those aspirations. The great potential of the power of Pluto is massively awakening this potential in the All of We the People, so very much so at this Eclipse.

A monumental, collective, emotional regeneration is also taking place. For quite some time now, I have observed the potential of another “American Revolution” to unfurl. This Lunation may very well exacerbate the collective feeling of “enough is enough,” regarding the atrocities which have been inflicted upon Humanity, and the experience of The All collectively bringing forth a Benevolent change.

When calculated into the Astrological Chart of “The New jerUSAlem,” the Eclipse is at the highest point of the chart. This further suggests, more so because this Lunation is a Lunar Eclipse, that We, The People, are at a “rise of power.” As I have also stated for millennia, whenever one is presented with the “opportunity” to “Know their power,” inevitably, something or someone will also come along at striving towards disempowering The One being empowered. Here is when We must remain “one step ahead” of it all and not yield to the controlling ways and tactics of the oppressor!

A great and powerful shift is unfurling which is catapulting the collective towards a much higher vibrational, Human enJOYment experience. And, just as when a climber scales a great mountain, the process of ascending towards the summit may be debilitatingly exhausting. And, once the pinnacle is reached and the process has been completed, the views are breathtaking and the satisfaction of the process, Joyful.

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, March 21, 2024


Virgo Full Moon
February 24, 2024
7:30 AM, EST
Washington, D.C.

Our Full Moon of February occupies the Tropical Zodiac sign of Virgo and is the One which most embodies barley, bees and bookcases, diners, farms and groceries, hay, maids and nursing. Among other elements, Virgo represents health, healing, and healers as well as service and one’s capacity for service. The Full Moon is at almost 6 degrees of Virgo and the Sun at almost 6 degrees of Pisces. As with all Lunation and planetary activity, look to the precise placement of the Full Moon in your personal, Astrological charts so to gain greater insights as to how these Full Moon possibilities may potentially unfurl for you!

In the Full Moon chart cast for The United States, aka, The New jer USA lem, the Virgo Full Moon illuminates the 6th house, which is the “Natural House” of Virgo. In this sector, all health-related matters are elevated, more specifically pertaining to “Public Health.” This Full Moon is also an opportunity for many to continually welcome the knowing of how to be “in service” to Humanity. There really is no “right or wrong” as to what that might Be for you personally or what form that may embody. What is important is the “intention” of that constituent. If We have a true, selfless desire to be in service to all, this objective fortifies and strengthens[LA1]  the opportunities to be offered by Spirit and for you to Be so for All.

Often, when a Lunation is located in the Virgo / Pisces polarity, the Fear / Faith axis is energized and quite often fears are brought to the surface, primarily so that We may clear and release the discord and embrace unwavering faith. On March 8, 2023, Saturn began its passage of Pisces and will continue in this location until February 14, 2026 when it fully begins its transit of Aries.

Wherever Saturn passages, it offers an opportunity to become disciplined, determined[LA2]  and it strengthens[LA3]  the qualities–albeit negative or positive based on how, through our Free Will, We employ the opportunity–of the sign which it transits. One of the many Blessings of Saturn through the sign that most represents Faith, is that we[LA4]  individually and the All of Humanity are[LA5]  offered the opportunity to establish this most exalted constituent within ourselves[LA6] . There may be even more unnerving occurrences throughout the world and here is a most auspicious opportunity to fully and completely BE in that place of unwavering faith. When We fully place our Trust in something greater, BE it God, Source, The Universe, Prime Creator, and “surrender” to that Deity, we are relieved of any burden and concern, and We are in that place of steadfast Knowing that “All is Well.” This is a time of Faith.

The Sun, Mercury as well as Saturn, are all in close proximity to one another in Pisces and the Moon is in opposite to each, so this Full Moon is an auspicious opportunity to strengthen Faith and Trust. It is also a prospect to accelerate in your personal Knowing of your connection with Spirit and The Higher Realms. These connections exist in each Human BEing[LA7]  so that We may recognize how Spirit is available to everyone, and not just a select few, and that The Higher Realms are Lovingly and Graciously accessible for Inspiration, Love and Guidance.

Another dynamic of Saturn, the planet most associated with “Karma[LA8] ,” as it transits a “Karmic” sign of Pisces, We, The People, communally and individually are offered the opportunity to accelerate in the “clearing” of any Karmic imprints, conditioning, and patterns, from this lifetime and perhaps the embodiment before. Once this dispersing has been completed–and it is understood that when approximately 51% of the Karma which has been slated to be “cleared” in this embodiment has been corrected, We are then even more “free” to continue on this journey, fully dedicated to a “Greater Purpose.” Observe this Full Moon as a most fortunate prospect to fast-track in the liquidation of any Karmic debris!

In 2001, after the unfathomable events of 11 September, the collective of We, The People, here in The United States BEgan “giving away our power,” in the name of “National Security.” In 2020, where the “Eclipse Cycles” were similar to those in 2001, We, The People, BEgan relinquishing our power in the name of “Public Health.” In those most unprecedented years, We permitted the “powers that be” to dictate and define “what is best,” without question or challenge.

These situations, which have been crafted by the most wicked of All Entities, has been designed so that the collective is stripped of its innate power of its BEing. These tactics, conducted in very subtle and hypnotic ways, inadvertently cause One to “give away” their power. The Shadow Forces understand that they must operate within Universal Laws, specifically in this illustration, the Law of “Free Will.” No matter how “powerful” something may appear, it has no “power” over another unless the other yields to that influence. Once one has surrendered their Free Will–and in most  instances unknowingly relinquished it[LA9]  –those forces have power over another because We have conceded to the giving away of our power.

In these coming months, emphatically after the Eclipse Season of March and April 2024, We must BE profusely cautious to not once more forfeit our Free Will in the name of “public health.” The World Health Organization–W.H.O., and yes, “who” really are they–have been lobbying for World domination of “public health.” We unequivocally must not permit this most reprehensible scheme to unfurl. With the Moon in the sign which most represents Health as well as “Public Health,” and forming a transformative inconjunct aspect to Pluto, whom most represents “The Underworld,” this possibility of We, The People, submitting our power to another, is at hand. And, this relinquishing of our power ONLY happens if We ALLOW it to develop!

The signs Gemini and Virgo represent low-vibrational thought, mental energies which best can be described as “Psychosis.” The Shamans understand that there exists this discordance in the external world, and it is Known as the “Wetiko Virus.” This matter is a vast subject so to those who would have the courage and desire to explore a greater understanding of the material, it is suggested to read the highly progressive information presented in the book “Dispelling Wetiko,” by Paul Levy. I have touched upon this subject in other forecasts, and I bring attention to this matter at this Full Moon primarily because this low-level inharmoniousness will be acutely elevated once the Lunar Cycle culminates at the Full Moon.

That said, with awareness, and the courage to Be so, We have the wherewith of the Knowing to effectively shield and protect ourselves from the discord when We employ the adequate Knowing of the most effective tools at guarding ourselves against such dissonance. When I share these most unconventional Insights, it is emphatically not intended to Create and generate fear, which shall always interFEAR with our Joy. The Underworld has already cornered the market with the tactic of imparting debilitating fear. I am presenting the information here so to properly inform and advise others of the Knowing so to safeguard and protect against any and all negative forces.

And, again;

“You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within that can tell you what is Truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the voice of Truth which is within you and you will lead yourselves onto the path of [Creative] Evolution.”

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, February 14 & 15, 2024


Leo Full Moon
January 25, 2024
12:54 PM, EST
Washington, D.C.

Our First Full Moon of this year abides in the Tropical Zodiac sign of Leo and is the One which presides over almonds, amber, chamomile and dance halls, feline animals, fireplaces, jewelry, and jungles. Leo rules palaces and picnics, royalty and rubies, stadiums and stage, sunflowers, and vines! Our Full Moon is at 5 degrees of Leo and the Sun at 5 degrees of Aquarius. As always, review the precise position of this Lunation in your personal, Astrological Charts and determine its aspects to the points in your chart so to better evaluate, on a personal level, as to how these potentialities may unfold for you!

One of the greatest potentials of the Leo element is for its ability to BE and demonstrate Creativity and to generate Love, especially the ability to radiate that constituent to the All of Humanity. I’ve stated many times over the years that “Creativity” is not specific to Art or Music and that All people have a Creative potential. Creativity is, for one, recognizing the energetic stimulation of The Mind and The Imagination and bringing to form those ideas. We all have a personal, unique Creative BEing and All, for many years now, have been Inspired (IN-SPIRIT) to recognize, Honour and demonstrate that component of our Human Potential. Leo is, in part, that Creative force which brought to form all things “under Heaven and Earth.”

At this Full Moon, Pluto forms an opposition, “Full Moon” aspect to the Moon as well as BEing located within 5 degrees of the Sun. There is a powerful connection between Leo and Pluto. When Pluto is located in Leo, it is said to be “Exalted.” And, when a planet is in a place of Exaltation, it is known to contain the potential to bring forth its greatest, most advanced potentialities and have an “exalted” awareness of its greatest abilities.

What I Inspire for All to BE aware at this Full Moon is for a complete Awakening and Awareness of The Creative Potential in Everyone as well as the profound power of Love. And when it is demonstrated from that place of peace, nonjudgment and purity, it[LA1]  contains the ability to “move mountains” and bring to form ambitious Desires and execute extraordinary healing for the self and the All of Humanity!

This Full Moon is also yet another opportunity to awaken to our personal “power” which is the element of our Human Potential that permits everyone to BE “The Master of Our Destiny!!!”  Often when One is presented with the opportunity to “Know Their Power,” a situation presents itself which attempts to disempower and derail the One BEING Inspired to awaken to the Blessing[LA2] !

On January 20, 2024, at 7:50:48 PM, EST, Pluto will return to Aquarius. It will move back to Capricorn on September 1, 2024 and completely BEgin its passage of Aquarius on November 19, 2024. Pluto’s last transit of Aquarius, in the years 1777 – 1799, brought forth The American Revolution, The Constitution and The Bill of Rights. This current[LA3]  transit of the most Evolutionary Element may very well bring to form the RE-ESTABLISHMENT of The Constitution–which has been feeble for epochs–as it was Created and Intended by The Founding Fathers, in conjunction WITH the HIGHER REALMS as well as the potentiality of another American Revolution, which I have been forecasting for eons.

With The Full Moon in opposition to Pluto, We must be acutely aware of The Underworld–Cabal, Shadow Government, Khazarian Mafia–all ruled by Pluto, attempting its[LA4]  continuation of “strongarming” We, The People. I have also stated for millennia that nothing[LA5] , even something as Evil and Dark as a Demon, has POWER over anything or anyone unless our individual power is surrendered and We succumb to the Dark Force. For centuries, these most Evil of Entities have strived to “break down” the will and constitution (no pun intended) of We, The People, so We may surrender to Their most sinister power and oppression. Since 2013, the ALL of We, have been inspired to Know this power and always from that place of Love and not greed, EGO or entitlement. And, in this most crucial year of the Evolution of The New jer USA lem, We, The People, must demonstrate this authority. If not, the “Orwellian 1984” scenario may very well be a reality.

In the chart cast for The Full Moon, the Moon and Pluto occupy the 3rd and 9th houses, respectively. The “polarity” of the 3rd and 9th house represent “The Lower Mind,” which is the 3rd house and “The Higher Mind,” which is the 9th. With Pluto in the sector of the Higher Mind, false beliefs are being disintegrated so that “Higher Truth,” may be shown. And, We must not be afraid to “unlearn” so that We may learn anew. So many false ideologies have been crumbling for many, many years and the collapse of the spellbinding indoctrinations may be accelerated, especially as we advance toward our next Eclipse Season in March and April.

In The Full Moon chart, Jupiter forms a Creative and Dynamic, square, 90-degree alignment with The Sun and Pluto as well as with the Moon, Creating a sometimes combustive, “T-square” arrangement. The energetic potential of this configuration is quite powerful and it may very well “invigorate” the collective of We, The People, to bring forth what may very well be a “necessary,” Revolution. We must be cautious to not misuse this power. If so, the aforesaid Revolution will be one of an unproductive “rebellion.”

In May of last year, Jupiter, known as “The Greater Benefic,” began its passage of “money oriented” Taurus. Pluto, the one who may potentially bring forth great wealth, energizes the Jupiter in Taurus placement. So, it is suggested to permit yourself to move past any false beliefs which do not authorize you to enJOY monetary blessings. Allow the potential of this Full Moon to fully awaken the Knowing of Abundance, and in this instance, fiscal abundance, into your realities. Everyone, not just a select few such as “Celebrities”–which many have established “Deals with The Devil” in manners far more disturbing than most shall permit themselves to recognize–has by birthright, the inalienable right of wealth in many, many forms.

The Full Moon establishes a direct connection with the “North Node” of The Moon in the natal chart of The United States. When this point, which is not a physical object, is energized, One is Inspired (IN-Spirit) to advance towards what may be considered a “Destiny.” In simple terms, what the collective of We, The People, endeavour upon in the coming weeks, if brought forth from that place of Perfect Love, shall assist in the unfurling of the greatest potential of The United States and that is its BEcoming, “The New Jer USA lem.”

Pluto’s passage of Aquarius represents a “Monumental Awakening of The Masses,” which as stated fully begins on November 19, 2024, and may very well catapult “The Great Awakening”–which has been unfolding for years and The Shadow Forces have been endeavouring to derail–into the stratosphere.

In the “Pledge of Allegiance,” it is clearly and profoundly quantified, “and to the REPUBLIC (NOT Democracy) for which it stands,” and unabashedly illustrates how The United States is to be a “Constitutional Republic,” and it has been anything but. In a Republic, the ULTIMATE POWER Belongs to We, The People and not those in office. This great constituent of our BEing comes with great responsibility, and We have been offered, specifically since 2013, the opportunity to properly Know and now express that Power, as always from that place of Perfect Love. This passage of Pluto in Aquarius brings forththe ultimate understanding of Humanitarianism, Brotherhood and Oneness and shall bring forth and accelerate the coming of the “Age of Aquarius.”

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, January 17, 2024


Cancer Full Moon
December 26, 2023
7:33 PM, EST
Washington, D.C.

Our final Full Moon of this calendar year dwells in the Tropical Zodiac sign of Cancer and this One versees bathrooms, domestic life and gardens, homemaking, laundries and marshes. Cancer manages nurses, places near water and real estate, sailing, turnips and wells. Our Full Moon is at almost 5 degrees of Cancer and the Sun at almost 5 degrees of Capricorn. And, as with every Lunation and planetary activity, look to the precise placement of the Full Moon in your personal, Astrological charts to gain greater insights as to how these Full Moon possibilities shall unfurl for you!

The Winter Time period is an auspicious opportunity to “go within and reflect and review.” This Time is also the prospect to direct part of your attention towards your Home. In the outside world, as Nature is “sleeping,” We bring the many Blessings of The Natural World into our Home Sanctuary. These most majestic elements assist in elevating the vibration of our Home as well as maintaining a higher frequency, domestic dwelling. Being this Full Moon in the sign which most represents all things household, this Lunation is a prominent opportunity to release any discordant energy which may be dwelling in your Home.

Saturn, who is at almost 3 degrees of Pisces at the time of the Full Moon, forms a harmonious, 120-degree trine alignment to the Full Moon and a, 60-degree, opportunity alignment to the Sun. The Water signs, such as Cancer and Pisces bring for an elevated “Psychic Sensitivity.” The Full Moon in empathic Cancer may very well bring about experiences of heightened emotions as well as a more acute sensitivity to all sensations, as well as discordant emotions of others. We may also very well be more perceptive to overall energy in all places and experiences. That BEing stated, BE mindful to employ the many “tools” available to fortify energetic grounding and Spiritual Protection!

The Winter Solstice, which was exact on December 21, 2023 at 10:27 PM, EST, is a most promising opportunity to set in motion the intentions of Prosperity in All forms, including Perfect Health, for the coming year. Benevolent Jupiter is at almost 5-and-a-half degrees of Taurus and forms a very nice sextile, opportunity aspect, to the Full Moon in Cancer. Jupiter expands wherever it travels, and in monetary Taurus, The Greater Benefic, if properly employed, may bring about many financial blessings.

As the Full Moon is factored into the Astrological Chart of The United States, aka, “The New jer USA lem,” the Moon is just over 1-degree of a conjunction–New Moon aspect–to Jupiter in the chart and this One is the “Planetary Ruler” of The U.S. chart.

At this Full Moon, it is suggested to, in whatever form may resonate with you, send forth many “Blessings and Healing Energy,” for The United States. A most glorious Benediction of our Birthright is that All–not just a select few such as “Celebrities and Sports Figures”–are to enJOY Abundance which is apparent everywhere and in all things such as the drops of water, blades of grass, stars in The Universe, leaves on the Trees, et cetera. Sadly, We are not properly informed as to this most benevolent facet of our Human Journey. In the progressive information elaborated upon in the book, “How To Do All Things,” this Knowing of the Abundance intended for All, by Prime Creator, is most eloquently elaborated upon. Please embrace this material if it resonates with you.

Of the many Blessings which are to come forth for We, The People, of The United States, during these most unprecedented of Times, is the dissolve of all financial burden. Those like myself have shared the progressive information for a multitude of years that all “debts” are to be forgiven and that the most criminal “IRS” is to be abolished, among many other elements which keep the majority of We in a compromised state of financial wellness. What I shall suggest at this Full Moon, is to set forth the intention for the unfolding of the “Destiny” of our country–which is that it Becomes “The New jer USA lem”–and that the process unfurls with “Ease and Grace and for The Highest Good of All.”

The very first Sunrise in The United States occurs on January 1, 2024 at 7:05 AM, EST, in Lubec, Maine. Metaphysically, We understand that a new “day” begins at the exact moment of Sunrise and not at “midnight.” That stated, I send All who have welcomed me, more importantly Spirit, on your Spiritual Journey, a most Joyous start for a New Year filled with Abundance in many Blessed forms and Perfect Health!!!

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, December 19, 2023


Gemini Full Moon
November 27, 2023

4:16 AM, EST
Washington, D.C.

Our forthcoming Full Moon resides[LA1]  in the Tropical Zodiac sign of Gemini and this One governs communication of all forms, dexterity, linguist and lungs, novelists, railroads, and schools. Gemini oversees teachers, teaching and traffic, versatility, windpipes, and writs. The Full Moon is located at almost 5-degrees of Gemini and the Sun at almost 5 degrees of Sagittarius. As always, observe where the Lunation precisely resides in your personal, Astrological configuration to personally assess[LA2]  how these energies shall unfurl for you.
   Saturn, who at the Full Moon resides at almost 1-degree of Pisces, forms a Creative and Dynamic, square, 90-degree alignment to both the Sun and Moon, which combined Creates an even more vigorous, T-square alignment. Saturn, who is “The Great
Teacher[LA3] ,” provides opportunities for us to become “disciplined and determined” and shall always deliver the means so that We Create a strong and stable foundation within ourselves, especially before We are about to “build” and bring to form many Desires and achievements.
   A square alignment from Saturn, specifically to The Moon, may bring about a feeling of BEing emotionally challenged, burdened and even oppressed at times. And, as I have forever Inspired (IN-SPIRIT) All to embrace, that, when We fully comprehend how to properly employ the energy of any alignment, We have the power and ability to bring to form the outcome of the potentialities towards something beneficial. That said, it is not implied that there
is[LA4]  to be no difficulty in this Life, which, at the Creative level, the challenging situation is truly an opportunity to become aware of a great, sometimes latent potential within the self.
   Honorably, at this Full Moon, there may be an overall feeling of emotional overwhelm reverberating throughout Humanity. And, rightly so. There are many situations which are unnervingly coming to pass which appear as
though[LA5]  The Shadow Forces are stopping at nothing and continuing their suppression and are, by diabolical design, creating disconcerting chaos in our World. That said, more than ever, permit yourself to be Mindful and Grateful for the many Blessings which ALREADY surround you so to magnify the existing benedictions and to bring forth many more.
   This Full Moon is the OPPORTUNITY to “go within” and reflect where there may be a “compromise” of your “emotional integrity.” When there is emotional discord, We are Spiritually weak. And, when We are unafraid to observe where within the self this strife is
present[LA6] , We are offered the opportunity to correct the imbalance and then rise above. This Full Moon is that opportunity to Be Aware of where there may be emotional vulnerability.
As when a builder must establish a strong, stable and secure foundation to build upon a towering skyscraper, We, within the self, must secure a solid and firm emotional foundation. This encounter may often coincide with an experience where suppressed memories of past trauma rise to the surface. These past traumatic experiences “vibrate” in our subconscious and their existence is similar to the presence of Malware on a computer. The computer operator is not aware of the existence of this element. It operates behind the scenes and disrupts the optimum performance of the computer. Once the Malware is cleared and removed, the computer returns to its full operating capacity. These inharmonious, subconscious memories do just that and interFEAR with the experience of Joy.
At this Lunation, permit yourself the courage to observe where there may be present this discordance and employ the bravery to observe, release and rise above the difficulty!
In the Full Moon chart cast for The United States, aka, “The New jer USA lem,” the Moon is located in the 8th house and is the natural location of Scorpio, which is rising at the time of the Full Moon. The degree of the Scorpio rising is less than 1 and at this “early stage” of Scorpion[LA7] , for the entirety of We, The People, represented by the “rising sign,” is yet another, much more poignant opportunity to the “collective” of our country to, Know the power of our BEing. And, with The Moon in the 8th house, We are presented with the experience of a personal and collective “Emotional Transformation.”
   This opportunity to transform and transmute most, if not all emotion discord, permits us to become emotionally and Spiritually strengthened. And, when this most BEnevolent encounter occurs, We Become energetically fortified in ways which We, especially collectively, may not be aware. And, We must always BE mindful of what is required on our part so to bring to form these many Blessings. This collective “Alchemy of Emotions,” is what shall strengthen the “Emotional Wellness” of our country and provide the strength needed to further the liquidation process of most, if not all, which is Evil. And, the Scorpio rising at this Lunation may also indicate the “rising” of that which is “Dark and Evil.” This is not to present fear and this situation is so that We, collectively, may continually Become
aware[LA8]  of the malevolent Entity.
   I have observed through countless client consultations, that when One is BEing offered the opportunity to “Know their Power,” something shall present itself which may attempt at disempowering the individual so to cause the One to “miss” the opportunity. This is a rudimentary explanation of how malevolence, which often runs rampant at the time of a self-empowerment opportunity, operates so to disempower another. For those who would choose to embrace a greater, much more articulate explanation of these functions, it is emphatically suggested to welcome the information presented in the most progressive book, “
Outwitting The Devil.”
When factored into the Astrological Chart of The United States, the Full Moon is within 4 degrees of an alignment to Uranus in the natal chart of this country. Uranus is “The Great Awakener,” as well as the “Rebel” of the Zodiac. The collective of We, The People, may very well feel at this time, an overwhelming need and desire to “break away” from the Tyrannical Regime which has been in operation since the dawn of Time. In Gemini, We are also continually BEing shown how the conventional media—which is governed by The Underworld—intentionally misinforms We, The People, to keep the All in a compromised condition of the Knowing of its true Nature and power. The conjunction with The Full Moon and Uranus occurs in the 6th house of The U.S. Chart, which is the sector that represents, among other things, “Health and Wellness.” It is emphatically suggested to employ the courage to “see” and BE aware of any suppressive maneuver which the Totalitarian Forces may strive to bring about so to maintain their diminishing control over We, The People.
An example of this suppression is how the “World Health Organization” is striving to inflict its control over the entirety of Humanity. I do not feel this staggering suppression from this most Evil Entity would come to pass, and We must not take for granted our Freedom, which most emphatically “They” are attempting to fully and completely remove.
The collective of We, The People, are at a most critical time, regarding what trajectory We shall choose to Journey, as We progress towards the next “Eclipse Season,” in March and April of 2024, more exactly the next “Great American, Total Solar Eclipse,” which occurs on April 8, 2024. When We “Know our Power,” as always from that place of Love and Humanity and not from a “lower vibrational” place of EGO, greed and entitlement, nothing, NO THING has “Power over us,” and We become “The Master of Our Destiny.” What is and has been occurring throughout Humanity has nothing to do with “Politics or Religion,” and is very much a Creative, Evolutionary experience which is catapulting The United States towards its Destiny of Becoming, “The New jer USA lem.” This occurrence may very well be the ultimate and final battle of Good vs Evil. That Evil is not without intentionally Creating staggering chaos and disruption so to thwart this evolution. And, remember that nothing, NO THING, even that which contains the Evil of a Demon, has “power” over anyone of anything. Those entities Know they must operate within the confines of Universal Law and have no authority over the Free Will of another—unless the other surrenders its power. This situation is no different than with The Shadow Forces of this realm which are BEing eliminated.

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.
   Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.
Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, November 20, 2023


Taurus Full Moon

Lunar Eclipse
October 28, 2023

4:24 PM, EDT

Washington, D.C.

Our approaching Full Moon, which is also a Lunar Eclipse, occupies the Tropical Zodiac sign of Taurus and is The One which oversees architecture, banks and banking, earnings, finances and loans. Taurus manages money, money lenders and music, sculpture, the throat and yellow!

The Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse is at 5 degrees of Taurus and the Sun at 5 degrees of Scorpio. Always be mindful to review the exact position of the Full Moon and the aspects it forms to the points in your personal charts to acquire further understanding as to how these planetary energies will manifest on an individual, personal level. This “Eclipse Season,” which includes the Solar Eclipse of October 14, 2023 and this current Eclipse are powerful opportunities to arise to higher levels of consciousness which include the profound Knowing as to how We are all One and that We are never really separate from One Another as well as The Source which Created All.

Globally, an Eclipse on the Taurus / Scorpio axis will always have an impact on all financial matters. That said, the result of the influence can be either adverse or favorable depending on the “temperature” of the overall energy in the world. And, with that at the forefront, at this Lunar Eclipse permit yourself to be mindful of your own personal, “financial wellness” or the lack thereof! If you are not enJOYing the financial blessings you desire, observe this Lunation as an opportunity to release any Belief of lack and welcome fiscal prosperity! During this Human Experience, no one is intended, by Prime Creator, for economic struggle. Everyone, and not just a select few, has been imbued with the inalienable birthright of prosperity in all forms. Quite often, if not always, it is our Beliefs regarding money matters which shall Create, or MIS Create, what We enJOY or do not encounter monetarily. This Eclipse is such a powerful opportunity to review and honor all your Beliefs regarding financial matters. And, if those attitudes are not permitting you to enJOY what you desire on a monetary basis, release at the Full Moon the discord and welcome the prosperity! And, by BEing so, observe the financial growth in the coming months!

At the moment of the Full Moon, both Mercury and Mars are less than one-degree from one another in the sign Scorpio. In a “Mundane Chart,” such as a Full Moon, Mercury represents, among many elements, Children. On July 4, 2023, the somewhat controversial film, “The Sound of Freedom,” was released and scratches the surface of the atrocities of Child sex-trafficking. The gravity of the repulsion of these brutalities is becoming more and more prevalent in society as well as who is orchestrating these terrors. The conjunction of Mercury (Children) and Mars along with Scorpio (Sex) at the time of the Full Moon may be an indication that there is to be more disclosure of the revulsions surrounding our Children as well as who has been conducting the outrage. Let us not be in fear of what is BEing revealed pertaining to these repulsions and other atrocities which have been prevalent, and hiding in the shadows until now, throughout Humanity.

There is an Astrological significance when a planet “returns” to the exact position that it occupies in our birth chart. Most have heard of the “Saturn Return,” which occurs between the ages of 28 and 30 and is indicative for an individual of a “Coming of Age,” and crossing the threshold into adulthood. Most will experience a return up to Uranus, which is near age 84. Unless they are retrograde in the birth chart, Neptune and Pluto will not “return.” Their return significance is present in charts of nations, such as The United States.

The U.S. experienced the exactness of its “Pluto Return” in 2022 and even though this planetary cycle is primarily completed, at this Full Moon, by transit, Pluto is within 25-seconds-of-a-degree of exactness to Pluto in The U.S. chart. Simply stated, this extraordinary cycle of experience for We, The People, represents the dissolve of power–Pluto is the one which represents great power–of those who have suppressed We, The People, and for millennia have enJOYed a “reign of terror.” A grand facet of their control is the fiscal suppression which has been inflicted upon We, The People. Most are kept financially imprisoned by banks, the unconstitutional, most Evil Entities of the IRS and Federal Reserve, large corporate conglomerates and the likes.

The actual, oppressive power over We, The People, from these institutions has been dissolving, and because they are losing dominion and control over the masses, “They”–The Shadow Forces which operate as cowards hiding in the shadows and in plain sight–have endeavored upon their “last ditch efforts” at purposefully Creating as much chaos as possible, not to mention the surge of the exorbitant cost of living! And, at this “11th hour,” We must not yield to what they may inflict throughout society. Specifically, the instill of FEAR regarding poor “financial wellness” as well as the possibility of some form of control, such as “Digital Currency,” over our personal, financial resources. I DO NOT feel “They” would prosper in their efforts, and We must not accept for granted any possible outcome.

In my previous forecast, I have mentioned the “Great American Eclipse” events and the profundity of the 7 years between the two occurrences. Our next “Eclipse Season” will be in the Spring with the March 25 Lunar Eclipse and the April 8, 2024, Total / Great American Eclipse. By the planetary progressions of The United States Astrological Chart, the Spring 2024 time is indicative of a major, monumental “New Beginning.” It cannot be emphasized enough the importance to Know that We, individually as well as collectively, are Creating and Co-creating in every moment of each day as to what shall ultimately come to pass. During this past summertime, if you have read the words I here share, I have stated that the alignments of the summer months were offering All the opportunity to effusively “Know the Power of Love.” And, now We are in the Times which that Knowing must be applied and infused into all facets of our lives and throughout Humanity.

Between July 2023 and March of 2024, Jupiter, known as “The Greater Benefic,” forms an opportunity, 60-degree, sextile aspect to the Natal Sun of The United States. This alignment to and with the Sun Creates what is known as a “Yod / Finger of God” aspect, which represents a “Destiny Calling,” pointing to the ascendant of The U.S. Astrological Chart. Many extraordinary, planetary alignments in the last few years to The U.S. chart are providing the opportunities, as does a “sextile” aspect, for this country to bring forth its Destiny of BEcoming “The New jer USA lem.” So much has occurred to foil this effort, and in these next few months, those forces which have no desire for this country to BEcome its greatness shall continue their efforts at thwarting this arrival. And, as We understand, this destiny cannot be overturned–although it may appear as if it is being derailed when we observe the situation from a lower dimension.

That stated, once more I emphatically suggest to all who read these words, in every moment of each day, as challenging as it may seem, permit yourself to, as much as possible, BE in a place of Love. When the majority of We, The People, here in The United States, are at that place of perfect Love and Perfect Trust, even momentarily to BEgin, We bring forth extraordinary, benevolent changes in our Country and World. BEing in that place of Love, shall fortify the aforesaid Jupiter alignment, in part to bring forth the Blessings of “The New jer USA lem” as we advance through to the Spring 2024 time.

More than before, these next 6-months are a Time when All which no longer serves a Higher, Greater Purpose for the Highest Good of All and Ourselves, must be dissolved. Allow yourself the courage to reflect and observe, without fear, what no longer serves you, particularly concerning your “Beliefs.” If you are generating beliefs which are not permitting you to enJOY all which you Desire to experience while in this Human Form, choose to release the creed and welcome anew.

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, October 18, 2023


Aries Full Moon

September 29, 2023

5:57 AM, EDT

Washington, D.C.

Our upcoming Full Moon resides in the Tropical Zodiac sign of Aries and is the One who governs brick kilns, eyes and heat, lambs, ochre, radishes and zeal! The Full Moon is at 6 degrees of Aries and the Sun at 6 degrees of Libra. Always, look to the precise placement of the Lunation in your personal, Astrological charts and how its energy connects with the points in your Astrological diagram to precisely delineate how these potentialities shall unfold for you!

A Full Moon shall always culminate and accentuate all which is occurring, specifically at the energetic level. Also, all Astrological arrangements which are happening at the time of the Full Moon are much more elevated and accentuated!

At the moment of the Full Moon, Virgo is rising at the Horizon as well as Mercury in Virgo. To these points, there is an opposition–Full Moon alignment–from Neptune in Pisces. The signs Gemini and Virgo both contain the potential to demonstrate a “Psychosis,” when there are challenging influences to those elements. Let me clearly state that there must be precise stimuli which cause the “lower” vibration potential of those signs to be demonstrated and not all Gemini and Virgo shall exhibit that potentiality! So please, those who are Gemini and Virgo, do not become unnecessarily concerned.

The aforementioned opposition to the Virgo points from Neptune in Pisces does agitate the lower Virgo dynamic of the demonstration of many forms of “psychosis” in the outside world. Especially because Mercury in Virgo is located in the 12th house arena–home of Neptune–of the chart. The Shaman’s refer to the Psychosis which exists in the outside world as The “Wetiko” Virus. I have stated for a multitude of years that it is Wetiko, which is the real “virus” which needs to be addressed and is running rampant in our world. This subject is vast and not for the “faint of heart.” And, for those who have an interest in the subject, I suggest reading the books, “Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking The Curse of Evil” and “Wetiko: Healing The Mind Virus That Plagues Our World,” both highly progressive works by author and Shaman, Paul Levy.

Whenever I speak of anything which may seem unsettling, unnerving, uncomfortable or even fearful to some, I shall always emphatically emphasize that anyone has the power to be “protected” against any negative influence and receive the “service” and aid of those BEings which exist in the Higher Realms, such as the Archangels, which assist in protecting everyone from negative influences of and from any source! That said, We must be acutely aware of the potential surge of the most negative influences of the psychosis which has been widespread in the outside world.

I have also stated in many forecasts that the Virgo / Pisces polarity emphasizes and energizes the Fear vs Faith dynamic. Certainly, this Full Moon is an opportunity to move past any fears, especially deep-seated fears, which may be surging at this time so to be fully and completely released and healed. We must also be acutely aware of how The Shadow forces shall once more cast in motion “fear based” elements so to plant the seeds of fear and to aggravate any already existing fears in each one, individually, as well any fear which is running murderously in the outside world.

In an individual, this polarity may also bring to the surface an extreme energetic imbalance which is often exhibited as an “illness,” or a very difficult to “diagnose” symptomatic encounter. Spiritually and Metaphysically, an “illness” occurrence is an extreme demonstration of an acute energetic imbalance. Disease is nothing more than a condition of DIS-EASE.

As was the situation in March of 2020 when the “virus” debacle allegedly escalated throughout Humanity. I wrote in those Times that the condition was nothing more than a “Biological Attack” on Humanity so to instill extreme fear and to keep Humanity in a compromised condition of wellness so that The Shadow forces may regenerate their weakening control. I once more emphatically suggest that We employ the courage to explore the alternative insights which those like myself have been sharing, and recognize how we have been condemned for deviating from the hypoxic influences of the mainstream narrative. There is a plethora of alternative and CREDIBLE information which elaborates on these unconventional, Higher Insights of All which is happening throughout Humanity.

With the Eclipse series which took place in 2020, which were similar to those of 2001, Humanity was to embark upon a “Golden Age.” And the main constituent of that most Glorious Era, is that Humanity would no longer endure the suppression from The Shadow Forces. And We are all too aware of what occurred in 2001 so to derail the unfoldment of that Blessed Time. And, We are also aware of the happenings of 2020, which again derailed the commencing of that most benevolent era. All hope is not lost. We continue BEing hopeful of All which must be disclosed so that the entirety of Humanity, not just a select few, shall enJOY the inalienable Blessings of our Birthright. The actual “authors” of the 2001 and 2020 events are continually BEing disclosed. Discern which is Higher Knowing and false information all from that place of Love. In 2001, We chose to give away our power in the name of “National Security” and in 2020, the majority CHOSE to give away our power in the name of “Public Health.” We must no longer CHOOSE to give away our power.

This Aries Full Moon shall also awaken the courage for many to rise above the suppression from where Evil dwells. This Full Moon is the prospect to now complete what must be done so to continue liquidating the Evil which has inhabited our world for eons. And the most effectual instrument that shall dissolve this Evil is the element of Love.

“They Fear Love because It Creates a World They can’t control,” is a quote from George Orwell’s, “1984,” which this full Knowing of this essential is something We have been urgently inspired to employ in these last few months. The alleged fictional dystopian society which is illustrated in Orwell’s “1984” is very much a real foreshadowing of what may disturbingly arrive. The stirrings of this dystopia have already been active, and We must be acutely conscious of what We, individually, can cast in motion so to thwart the efforts of The Shadow forces from “following through” with “Their” most disturbing, Evil intentions of bringing to form a “Soylent Green” civilization. Their “goal” is to have this dystopian civilization in place by 2029. We must not wait one minute longer to foil their Evil proposals!

Remember, whatever shall next unfurl, We, individually and collectively, are Creating and Co-creating in every moment of every day. Consciously CHOOSE to Create with and from that place of perfect Love and perfect Trust.

As We factor the Full Moon chart into the Astrological chart of The United States, aka, The New JerUSAlem, the Full Moon is in the 4th house sector and at the lowest position in the chart. In this subdivision of the chart is where the “Foundations” of our Human encounter are established. This groundwork is founded with emotional wellness or the lack thereof. What may become more prevalent in The United States is the “Spiritual Foundation” from which this Nation was Created. Through the conventional teachings of History–which We understand is egregiously inaccurate and incorrect–there is no reference to any Spiritual influences which were very much a part of establishing the foundation for The New JerUSAlem.

The conventional, deceptive indoctrinations suggest the presence of “Angels”–which We also understand as Metaphysicians were Extraterrestrial–throughout antiquity. The conventional History books make no reference to such BEings, in part, I understand, as the erroneous influence of the notion of the “separation of church and state.”  That concept is also another sinister tactic to keep We, The People, in a compromised state of the Knowing of our power and potential. There is a plethora of information elaborating on the presence of BEings such as St. Germain at the Time of the Creation and signing of “The Declaration of Independence.” I do suggest, for all those whom which this Knowing resonates, to explore the great probability of these influences during the Times when The United States was Created and established. Here is one suggestion as to where to BEgin your exploration of this Knowing.

The Full Moon forms a “Creative & Dynamic” square (90-degree) alignment to the element of “The Higher Mind and Higher Knowing,” which is Jupiter, in the chart of The U.S.A. The importance of Jupiter in the chart of The New JerUSAlem is that Jupiter is what is referred to as the “planetary ruler” of the chart because it is the sovereign of its Sagittarius rising. The Sagittarius ascendant of the U.S. chart strongly infers the Spiritual Nature of this country and to its potential of BEcoming The New JerUSAlem! Again, these alternative insights have been kept secret since the inception of The U.S.A. And, as all “secrets” are now BEing divulged, there shall continue the disclose and discovery of these most glorious facets of our country which have been kept hidden by the Evil most High.

These and many additional Higher Insights are what is and has been REVEALED during these most unprecedented Times of Revelation and The Apocalypse. And, what shall follow, is The Rapture.

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Syrian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

If what I share with you–which I acknowledge comes through my Higher Self–resonates with you, that is wonderful. And, if it does not reverberate with you, that is also magnificent.

Discern this and all information. Remain in the Light and always in a place of Love. Blessed Be and Be Blessed.

Raymond J. Sette, September 20, 2023